The Twins Who Lived

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Harry and I walked hand in hand outside of Dumbledore's office. We saw Hermione and Ron talking while holding hands on the stairs. They heard us coming then got up. "Where have you been?" Hermione asked. "We thought you two were going in the forest." Ron added. "We're going there now." We said.

"Are you two mad? No." Ron said. "You can't give yourselves up to him." Harry and I stopped walking. "What is it guys? What is it you know?" Hermione questioned. "There's a reason we can hear them. The horcruxes." "I think we've known for a while, and I think you have too." Harry and I said.

Hermione frowned then gave us a hug. "I'll go with you." She said. "No. Kill the snake." "That's all that's left." We replied. "Do me a favor, Mione?" I asked and she nodded. "Give this to Draco." I said then took off my locket and handed it to her. She nodded then gave me another hug. "You're my first and best friend." I said. "And you're mine." She replied.

I pulled away then Harry and I locked hands and continued walking in the forest not letting go of each other's hands. We stopped then Harry took out his snitch. "We're ready to die." He said then held it up to his mouth. It opened then the stone of resurrection came out of it. "Take it." Harry said and I did as he told.

He put his hand over mine then we closed out eyes. When we opened them again we saw Remus, Sirius, Fred, our parents, and Severus. My mum reached out her hand then Harry and I went for it, but our hands went straight through hers. "You've been so brave, sweethearts." She said.

"Why are you here?" "All of you." Harry and I said. "We never left." Mum said. We turned to Sirius then spoke, "Does it hurt, dying?" "Quicker than falling asleep." He responded. "You're nearly there, children." Dad said. "We're sorry." "We never meant for any of you to die for us." We said. "And, Uncle Remus, your son."

"Others will tell him what his mother and father died for, one day he'll understand." Remus said. "You're like a sister to me, (Y/N)." Fred said. "Take care of George for me." "Of course." I said. "Severus..." I said turning to him. "I know what you're going to asked." He smiled. "And the answer is yes. I helped Draco because I saw the way he looked at you and it reminded me of the past."

I smiled then looked at all of them. "You'll stay with us?" Harry and I asked. "Until the very end." Dad said. "And he won't see you?" We asked. "No." Sirius said. "Stay close to us." We asked. "Always." Severus and mum said simultaneously. Harry and I dropped the stone then continued walking.

"Harry, (Y/N)! What are you doing here!?" Hagrid said, he was tied up. "The twins  who lived, come to die." Voldemort said. Harry and I shared a look then held each other. "Avada Kedavra!" We were shot back then everything went black and I woke up in the other side.

Narcissa's pov:

"Are they dead?" My sister asked. "Check, Cissy." I walked up to Harry and (Y/N) then placed my hand on their chest. I felt their heart beats and let out a small sigh of relief. "Draco, is he alive?" I asked quietly. (Y/N) slowly nodded her head and I let out another sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're alive, (Y/N)." I whispered before getting up. "Dead." I told the dark lord.

Draco's pov:

I finished healing the last person and went to look for (Y/N). I looked everywhere and couldn't find her and I started to worry. As I went around the corner I saw Ron and Hermione. "Ron, Hermione have you guys seen (Y/N)?" I asked. They shared a look and frowned.

"Where is she?" I asked again. "She wanted me to give this to you." Hermione said then handed me her locket. Right when I grabbed it everyone started to walk outside. I followed them and saw my dad and Hagrid holding two figures. My dad looked sad and disappointed and he had grief and guilt on his face.

"Mum, who is Hagrid and Mr. Malfoy holding?" Ginny asked. "The Potters are dead." Voldemort announced. At that moment my heart shattered and my limbs wanted to give out. My love, my always, she can't be gone. Not now, not without me. I looked at the locket and opened it. Inside was a strip of paper with (Y/N)'s writing on it.

I took it out and it said, 'In this life and the next, you will forever be my always, Draco Malfoy -Love you always, (Y/N) Potter.' A few tears went down my cheeks. "Draco..." My father said getting my attention. He motioned me to go to him. "Draco, come." Mum said. I looked at the picture in (Y/N)'s locket then closed it.

I walked straight to her and stopped. "Take her." My father whispered to me. I took her from his arms then sank slowly to the floor sobbing while holding her tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I cried over her. "So weak." Voldemort said but I didn't care. All I could think about and look at is my love.

Longbottom stepped forward then spoke, "It doesn't matter that Harry and (Y/N) are gone. People die every day. Friends. Family. Yes, we lost Harry and (Y/N) tonight. But they're still with us, here. And so is Fred and Remus and Tonks and... all of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will. Because you're wrong. Harry and (Y/N)'s hearts did beat for us. All of us... It's not over!"

Neville took out a sword then something completely unexpected happened.

Your pov:

Harry and I opened our eyes then got up causing everyone to gasp. "Draco, run!" I ordered then shot a spell at the snake. "Harry!" I shouted then tossed him my wand. We both ran in the opposite direction while dodging spells and met at the end. "I'll distract him. Stay here and help the others." Harry said and I nodded.

He pecked my head then ran. I saw a group of first years being attacked then put my shield in front of them just in time. The deatheater turned to me. I blasted him with fire sending him flying back. I saw Harry land roughly on the ground. "(Y/N)!" Hermione shouted and gave me her wand. "Thanks, sis." I smiled.

I ran to Harry then we both shot a spell at Voldemort. The light from our wands fought him off and out of the corner of my eye I saw Neville kill the snake. We all lost the connection for a moment then reconnected it. Harry and I disarmed him and caught the elder wand. We looked at Voldemort as he turned into dust.

That's it, the dark lord is done. Harry and I looked at eachother and beamed then he picked me up in a tight hug and spun me around. He set me down then kissed my head. "You did it, princess." Harry said. "We did it, prongs." I replied. "(Y/N)!" I heard then turned to see Draco. We both stood still for a moment then I smiled.

"Kiss me like you miss me, Draco." I said then we ran to eachother and Draco picked me up in a long passionate kiss while holding me tightly. "You scared the life out of me." He said after he set me down. I cupped his face and smiled, "Draco, it's all over." He smiled back then kissed me passionately again.

"This belongs to you." He said then gave me back my locket. I smiled then turned around and he put it on me. Right when he clipped it the love stone glowed brightly.


We were all on the bridge when Hermione spoke, "Why didn't it work for him? The
Elder wand." "The wand never belonged to him." I said holding the wand in my hands. "That night in the astronomy tower Snape killed Dumbledore, after Draco disarmed him which means that he overpowered him first." I explained. "So that means..." Harry trailed off.

"It's yours, love." I said and handed Draco the wand. "What should we do with it?" Ron questioned. "We!?" Hermione snapped. "I'm just saying, it's the elder wand. That's the most powerful wand in the world. With that you're invincible." Draco looked at it for a moment then snapped it in half and threw it off the bridge.

"Too much power can go to your head." Draco said. "Besides, I have everything I need right here." Draco smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me softly. I smiled as he pulled away. "You have my permission, Draco." Harry smiled. Draco smiled back then turned to me.

He reached in his pocket and took something out. As he was about to speak we heard someone yell our names.

Did you really think it was over? 😏

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