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We were in hogsmeade walking around. Harry still wouldn't let me go with Draco. "So Dumbledore wants us to be 'collected' by Slughorn?" I asked. "Yes, and he just went to the three broom stick. So, who wants a butter beer?" Harry said. We went into the three broom sticks and sat a a table.

I sat next to Harry while Ron and Hermione sit next to each other. I ship them so much. "What will you have?" The waiter asked. "Four Butterbeers. Splash of ginger in mine, please." Hermione said. The waiter nodded then left. I saw Draco and he smiled at me, I smiled at him back.

Harry and him exchanged glares then Draco left. "Why can't I sit with him?" I said. "Because he's no good." Harry replied. "You've been saying that for the last six years, and he's proven himself not to be." I said. "What if he sits with us?" "If you could get him to sit with us then yes. I highly doubt that you can though." Harry said.

"Oh really." I scoffed. The waiter gave us our drink then Draco came up to us. "Can I sit with you?" He asked. "Of course, babe." I said and he sat next to me. I smirked at Harry as Draco put his arm around me. "Harry (Y/N), the power twins." Professor Slughorn beamed. "Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you." Harry and I said getting up and shaking his hand.

We started a basic conversation for a moment. "Listen. In the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper and invite a select student or two. Would you two be game?" Slughorn asked. "We'd consider it an honor, sir." Harry and I said simultaneously. "You'd be welcome too, Granger. You too, Malfoy." "I'd be delighted, sir." Draco said.

"Me too." Hermione said. "Brilliant. Look for my owl." Slughorn finished and left. "What're you two playing at?" Ron asked. "Dumbledore asked us to get to know him." Harry said. "Get to know him?" Draco questioned. "Dunno. But it must be important. Otherwise Dumbledore wouldn't ask." I said. "So, what did you do over the summer, Malfoy?" Harry asked.

Draco forced a smile then replied, "Nothing much." I put my hand on his thigh and smiled at him. Draco smiled for real and grabbed my hand then I put my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my butter beer and drank it. "Hey, that's mine." I said.

"Well we're sharing now." Draco smirked and took another sip. He put it down and had some foam on his lip. "Malfoy, you have something on your face." Harry said. I giggled. "Here let me get it." I said. I whipped it off with my thumb then licked it off. "That was cliché." Hermione said and we all laughed. After an hour we left the three broom sticks.

"Katie. You don't know what it could be!" We heard as we approached a girl near a briefcase with a necklace. "What is it?" I asked. "I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!" The girl panicked. She went six feet up in the air with her mouth wide open.

I ran up to her. "Protego!" I casted with my wand. A blue ray came from wand at her, sparks flew everywhere. I felt tired and a bit weak. She feel to the ground, I felt really tired. "(Y/N), are you okay?" Draco asked.

Draco's pov:

"I feel a bit light headed." (Y/N) said drowsily. She fainted but I caught her before she hit the ground. "Please be okay, love." I begged. This is my fault. I picked her up and rushed her to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey checked on her.

"She'll be fine, she just used most of her energy. She'll need a lot of rest so take care of her until she feels better." Madam Pomfrey said. I sat on (Y/N)'s bed and grabbed her hand. This is all my fault. I didn't notice the tear that slip from my eye.

Your pov:

I woke up in the hospital wing, Draco was sitting on my bed holding my hand. "What happened?" I asked. Draco got up and gave me a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're alright." He said. He pulled away, his eyes were red from tears. "Draco, you've been crying." I said.

"It's my fault. I gave Katie Belle that cursed necklace." Draco whispered as tears came from his eyes. "It has to do with the task I have to do." "What is it?" I asked. Draco looked at me with more tears coming from his eyes. "You know what, you don't have go tell me." I said.

"There is something I can tell you." Draco said. "Not here let's go to our house." I said. He nodded, I threw my legs off the bed but I still felt tired. "Here." Draco said and picked me up bridal style. "Okay, Romeo." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "Romeo?" Draco said as went started our way to our house.

"A character from a muggle book, but I'd choose you over him any day." I smirked and kissed his cheek. He blushed then continued to go to the common room. Once we entered Draco sat me down on the couch. I took off my jacket and stuff then Draco got me a blanket.

"I fainted I didn't get frost bite." I giggled. "Yeah but it's still cold." Draco said. "So?" I questioned. "I need to fix a cabinet, a vanishing cabinet to be exact." Draco explained. "Is that all?" I asked. "For now that's all I can say without putting you in danger." Draco said.

"Okay, I understand." I said. "Really?" Draco questioned. "Yes, this is all pretty risky stuff. I can't imagine what you're going through." I said. "Are you sure you're alright? Do you need anything?" Draco asked. "I do need something." I said. "Anything." "I need you to cuddle with me." I smiled.

"That I can do." Draco smirked. He pulled me in his arms. I put the blanket over both of us then wrapped my arms around his torso and rest my head on his shoulder. "I feel better already." I smiled. "So this cabinet, where is it?" "The room of requirements." Draco said.

"Let me help you." I said looking at him. "What? No." Draco said. "Come on, at least let me be there with you." "As much as I want you to because it would make it better, I go either early in the morning or late at night." "Then I'll sleep there or wake up early, and I usually stay up late reading anyway." I said.

"Is that what you've been doing while I've been sleeping?" Draco questioned. "Sometimes." I said. He raised his eyebrow at me. "Okay, most of the time." I admitted. "So?" I asked. Draco thought about it for a moment. "Okay." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Take a nap so you can get your energy back up."

I cuddled up next to him and he ran his fingers through my hair. "Sweet dreams, my love." "I'll try." I replied. He tried to kiss my forehead but I moved my head so he kissed my lips. I smirked then nuzzled in the crook of his neck. "You sly Slytherin." Draco said.

"You know you love me." I smiled. "I do love you." Draco smiled. "I love you too." I responded and kissed his neck then drifted off to sleep.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now