First Day

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"Look she's already wanting to do magic." dad beamed. I was waving around his wand. "How'd she get your wand?" mother asked. "The same way your son got yours." Harry was waving around mum's wand. "Sneaky little Slytherin." I flick the wand and dad's glasses flew off.

"Strong enough to use it like a Gryffindor." dad laughed putting his glasses back on. Our parents looked at us both. "Though, no matter what house you're in we will love you either way." dad said picking me up. "We promise, princess."

Then I woke up

I opened my eyes and smiled. I got up and put on my uniform and Slytherin accessories. Once I got my tie on I woke up the rest of my friends "Guys wake up it's almost time for breakfast." They groaned and got up and got ready then we all went to the great hall.

    I saw Draco once you've entered, he was saving me a seat. "(Y/N), over here!" he called motioning me to come over to him. I walked to him and sat down. "Did you have a nice night?" he asked. "More than nice, I had the most wonderful dream." I beamed. "Well not dream more like a flashback of a memory." "What was it about?" Draco asked. "Well my parents-" "Dracy!" squealed a girl. It was Parkinson. "Hello Parkinson." Draco said sounding annoyed.

    She then looked at me and glared. "You." She spat. "Me." I said sarcastically. "So anyways, back to what you were saying." Draco said to me. "Why are you talking to her Dracy, she may be famous but she's a filthy half-blood." Parkinson snapped.

"Don't call her that Parkinson, and don't call me that stupid name we're not even friends, it's Malfoy to you." Draco snapped. "Why are you defending her. You come from a powerful pure-blood family. You don't need to hang around a low life like her." Parkinson said. I glared at her.

     "Stop calling her names. She is perfect the way she is and she is far from a low life." Draco defended. I smiled at the fact that he was defending me. Draco really is a nice person. Parkinson glared at me and got up. "Don't think this is over, Potter." she spat. "Sod off pug face." I spat back. She scoffed and left the hall.

"Don't listen to her (Y/N), she doesn't know what she's talking about." Draco said. I turned to him and hugged him. He hugged back. "Thank you, for everything that you said." I thanked. "I meant every word of it." Draco replied. I pulled back a little to face him. I looked at him in the eyes for a moment.

Draco's pov:

I realized how close we were and blushed. Wait I blushed? What was this girl doing to me? I'm a Malfoy. She's a half blood, but she's more than that. What am I thinking? Why is it that when I'm around her butterflies fill my stomach and I get this weird sensation in my heart?

She's so beautiful though, I'm not gonna lie. Her (h/c) hair flows so perfectly, the way her (e/c) orbs shine in the light, and her smile is so bright seeing it makes my whole day. And don't think I didn't notice Weasley staring at her last night. I don't know why, but seeing that made my chest knot with anger. What was this feeling? "(Y/N)!" We heard and we both jerked our heads to it.

Your pov:

    I heard my name and turned to see Harry walking towards me with Ron and Hermione. He came up to me and pulled me away from Draco. He stood me up and pulled me next to him. "Harry, what the hell!?" I snapped. "I told you to stay away from Malfoy." he replied.

"You don't get to decide that Harry, I do.". Harry turned and glared at Draco which he returned it. "Stay away from my sister, Malfoy." Harry spat. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I turned back at Draco with a disappointed look. Why couldn't I have sit next to him. He's nice to me, but Harry's too blinded by hatred to see that.

Draco's pov:

I watch as (Y/N) was being taken from me. She looked back at me one last time before she continued being dragged by her brother. I then noticed Weasley was still here. "What do you want, Weaslebee?" I spat. "Stay away from her, Malfoy, she's mine. Don't try to take her from me." He spat.

That's when I realized what the feeling I had for her was. It was love and he's trying to take that away from me. I won't let him. (Y/N) is mine and mine alone. "No she's mine, Weasley. Don't you think you stand a chance." I snapped. What would my father think about me falling for the (Y/N) Potter? He left after that and went to the Gryffindor table and sat across from her and Potter.

Your pov:

    I grabbed an apple and bit in to it. Then Ron came and sat across from me. "Where have you been?" Hermione asked. "Setting smellfoy straight." He said proudly. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Honestly you guy didn't even give him a chance. You have no right to hate him." I defended. "Why are you defending him?" Harry questioned. "Because there's more to him then you think there is." I snapped at them. "Come on Hermione, lets get to class." I grabbed my bag and left to class.

    Once I got there I sat next to Hermione. "Do you like Malfoy?" Hermione whispered. "Why do you ask?" I whispered back. "Come on (N/N), answer the question." "No. We're just friends and it's only the first day." I thought about it for a moment then started doing the assignment on the board.

    Half way through class Harry and Ron came bursting through the door. "Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron said and Harry nodded. Then the cat on the front desk hopped off and turned into McGonagall before landing.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron beamed. She spoke, "Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, maybe one of you would be on time." "We got lost." Harry spoke up. "Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." She finished.

    Ron sat on the other side of me and Harry sat next to him. "What did you say to Draco this morning?" I whispered to Ron. "I-It's was nothing. Don't w-worry about i-it." he stuttered. I looked at him confused, but I shook my head and let it go.

I had a feeling someone was staring at me. I look up and looked behind me, no one was watching. Then I slowly turned my head to the left and meet eyes with Draco. He quickly looked away and I did as well. I smiled to myself a bit, it didn't bother me. But there is something has been bothering me...what does half blood mean?

After class as I was walking out Parkinson pushed pass me causing my books to fall on the floor. She gave me and evil look before walking off with her friends. I huffed then got down and started gathering my books. As I was about to grabbed the last one a pale hand touched mine. I look up to see Draco, this is very cliché. I realized our hands were still touching and I think he noticed too.

We both looked at each other and blushed. I quickly got up and he did the same. "U-Uh... Y-You dropped this." Draco stuttered handing me my book. "T-Thanks." I stuttered back taking the book. "Would you like to walk to class together?" He asked. "I would love to-" "(Y/N)!" I heard.

Harry came up to me with Ron and Hermione. "Come on, we're gonna be late for our next class." He said. "Yes I know that, I was going to go with Dra-" "No you're not." Harry hissed. "Come on lets go." Once again Harry grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I look back at Draco. 'I'm sorry.' I mouth to him. 'It's okay.' He assured. I gave him one last smile before I went around the corner out of his sight.

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