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We were in DADA waiting for the professor. Draco and I were sitting next to each other, holding hands under the table. A paper bird flew around the class, people tried to stop it or block it's way. Then it blew up in flames. "Good morning, children." It was Umbridge. She wore all pink with an overly happy face and attitude.

She pointed her wand at the board and started writing. "Ordinary Wizardry Level examinations. O.W.L.s or more commonly known as 'owls'." She said. "Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be, severe." She passed out some books to everyone.

"Your previous instructions on this subject has been disturbingly uneven." I didn't listen after that as I started to skim the book. Hermione raised her hand. "Yes, Miss Granger?" "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells?" She said. "Using spells. Ha ha. I can't imagine why you would need use spell in my classroom." Umbridge said.

"We're not gonna be using magic?" I questioned. "You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk free way." "What use is that? If we were attacked it wouldn't be risk free." Harry said. "Students will raise their hands before speak in my class." Umbridge snapped. Her mood changed back quickly to happy again.

"It is the veiw of the ministry that a theological knowledge will be efficient to get you through your examinations, which after all is what school is all about." "And how is theory suppose to prepare us for what's out there?" I said. "There is nothing out there, dear. Who'd you imagine want to attack children like yourselves."

"I don't know maybe, Lord Voldemort." Harry suggested. Everyone looked up at the scene. I squeezed Draco's hand and he squeezed back for assurance. "Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This. Is. A. Lie." "It's not a lie. I saw him I fought him." "Detention, Mr. Potter."

"So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accord." "Cedric Diggory death was a tragic accident. No one else was there when it happened to prove you right." "My sister was there." Harry said. Everyone looked at me. "She has been quiet this entire time. Tell us, Miss Potter, how did it happen?" I looked up at her then at Harry.

"Just know that whatever you say might have... consequences." Umbridge said. I was about to speak but Harry interrupted. "Wait. If it's gonna get her in trouble, then I don't want her involved." Harry said. "Very kind of you, Mr. Potter." Umbridge said and walked back to the front.

"We're not lying." I said. "What was that, Miss Potter?" "I said we aren't lying." I repeated. "And this scar wasn't from Quidditch." I finished showing her the scar on my hand from that day. She looked at me then back at Harry. "I'll see you after class, Mr. Potter."


I walked Harry to detention. "You should have let me help." I said. "No, it's my job to protect you and I couldn't let you get in trouble, princess." Harry said. We stopped outside of the classroom. "I'll wait out here for you, prongs." I said and kissed his cheek. He nodded and went inside. I sat down and started doing my homework.

I finished quickly then Harry came out of the class then he walked away quickly. "Prongs." I called after him. He walked faster and I quickly followed. "Harry." I said, he ignored me. "Harry James Potter, you stop right now!" I snapped and he did as I told. He turned to me and hid his hand. "What's wrong with your hand?" I questioned.

"Nothing see." He said showing me the opposite one. "The other one, smart arse." I said. I grabbed it and he winced then I turned it to see the back. The words 'I must tell lies' were carved in it. I put my wand away then thought hard about healing Harry.

Then a warm light came from my hand. The blood slowly made it's way back into his hand and started to heal itself. "This lady, I swear, she's completely mental. You need to tell McGonagall." I said. "No, that's gonna make things worse. I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction."

"Well, at least write to Sirius and tell him what happened." "Okay. Go to your house before Draco throws a fit." Harry said. I laughed and hugged him. "Bye, prongs." "Bye, princess." Harry said and I left.


Draco and I were at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione. Ron was stuffing his face as always when Harry came up to us. "Harry..." Hermione said. "Can I sit with you all?" He asked. I smiled at him and nodded. Then we heard commotion coming from outside. We all shared a look before going to it.

It was professor McGonagall and Umbridge. "It sounds like you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." Umbridge said stepping up. "Not at all, Delores, simply your mid evil methods." McGonagall said stepping up.

"I'm sorry, but to question my ability is to question the ministry, and by extension, the minister himself." Umbridge said. "I am a tolerant woman, but one thing I will not tolerate is disloyalty." "Disloyalty?" McGonagall said standing down. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared." Umbridge announced.

"The minister will want to take immediate action." Draco and I exchanged worried looks, this is gonna be bad.

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