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"Scorpius, Remus hurry we need to leave!" I called after our twins Scorpius Severus Malfoy and Remus Rubeus Malfoy. "Coming, mum!" They called back. Draco came downstairs and walked up to me placing a loving kiss on my lips. "Ew!" Our daughter Minerva Narcissa Malfoy gagged.

Draco and I laughed then Remus came down looking for something. "Mum, I can't find my lucky bow tie." He said with his back towards me. "I put it on top of your dresser, darling." I replied. "It's not there. I can't start Hogwarts without it." Remus said then turned to me. "You're wearing it already, Remus." Draco chuckled.

"Oh, thanks, dad." Remus smiled then Scorpius came down stairs. "Ready?" Draco asked. "Ready." They chorused. Draco packed the car up then we drove to king's cross station. We loaded the twins trunks on the trolleys then walked to platform nine and ten. "Mum, Dad where's platform 9 ¾?" Remus asked.

"It's right there, Remus." Draco smirked. I grabbed Minerva's hand and ran into the wall entering platform 9 ¾. A moment later the twins came in with Draco. We walked down the platform and met up with Ron and Hermione. "Here they come." Ron said. We all looked to see Harry come with his three children.

I said my hello's to Ginny then gave James Sirius Potter and Lily Luna Potter a hug. I looked at Harry then saw Albus Severus Potter stop and went down to tie his shoe. Harry looked at me then put up a finger asking for a moment then I nodded. "You got everything set?" I asked the twins.

"Mum, Dad we were wondering." "What if we get sorted into Gryffindor?" The twins asked. "Remus Rubeus Malfoy, you were named after a Hogwarts professor and your great uncle. They were Gryffindors as well and they are some of the greatest people we know." Draco said.

"And Scorpius you were named after a Hogwarts professor that was a Slytherin, but he had the courage of a Gryffindor and we will be proud of both of you no matter what house you're in." I assured. "And the sorting hat takes your opinion in its judgment if you're that worried." "Really?" Scorpius asked and I nodded.

"Remus, promise we'll stay close if we get sorted into separate house." Scorpius said. "Always." Remus smiled. Draco and I smiled then gave them both a hug. "Bye, Minni." They said then hugged their sister. "Promise you both will write to me?" She asked. "Every week." Remus replied.

The whistle blew then they gave us one last hug. "I love you both." I said. "We loved you too, mum." They said. "I love you both as well." Draco said. "We love you too, dad." They chorused. "Me too." Minni said. "We love you too, Minni." They smiled. They got on the train and shared a compartment with their cousins.

Draco wrapped his arm around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'd do anything to go back to our first day." Harry said. "Me too." I said. "I love you, my always." Draco smiled. "I love you too, my always." I smiled back. "Me too, mum?" Minni asked. "You too, Minni." I giggled. I kissed her head then kissed Draco softly. I pulled away then watched our children wave goodbye to us as the train left for Hogwarts.

Mine and Harry's scar hasn't pained us in nineteen years. All was well.

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