Diagon Alley

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"All students must be equipped with...one standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad." Harry read of the letter. "Can we find all this in London?" I questioned. "Well if you know where to look." Hagrid said.

We entered a place called 'The Leakey Cauldron' nobody seemed to notice it except for us. When we walked in the man behind the counter greeted "Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" "No thanks, I'm on official Hogwarts business. These two be needing their school supplies." Hagrid said pointing to me and Harry.

The man looked at us in awe "Bless my soul. It's the Potter twins" he beamed. The whole pub went silent, then chatter of excitement filled the room. A man came up to us "Welcome back, Potters, welcome back" he beamed "Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter and Ms. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last." Another one beamed as well. More people came up to shake our hands. "(Y/N) and Harry P-Potter. C-can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you two." Stuttered a man, he had a purple turban on his head.

"Hello, Professor. I didn't see you there. Kids, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts." Hagrid said. "Nice to meet you" we both said at the same time. Hagrid spoke "well we best be going, lots to buy." and with that we left out the back door. "See kids, you're famous" Hagrid beamed. "Yes, but why are we famous Hagrid?" Harry asked. "Not sure if I'm the wizard to tell you that, Harry." he replied.

We stopped at a brick wall, Hagrid took out his umbrella and tapped a few bricks in a pattern. It revealed a block with shops filled with all kinds of things like animals to strange candies. There was many wizards and witches of all ages. "Welcome Potters, to Diagon alley." Hagrid said and we started to walk around. "But Hagrid how are we going to get all this stuff, we have no money." I said. "Well there's your money (Y/N), Gringotts." I looked to where he was pointing.

There stood a white building with tall pillars. As we walked inside I saw two rows of desk lined up on the opposite side of each other with only one at the end of the walk way. Sitting on each desk were a bunch of funny looking short men. "Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are those things?" Harry ask. Hagrid replied, "They're goblins, Harry. Clever as they come goblins but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me." With that we stuck by his side.

When we approached the front desk Hagrid cleared his throat to get there attention to speak. "The Potters wish to make a withdrawal." the goblin looked at us. "And do the Potters have their key?" He asked. "Oh. Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere, Hah. Here's the little devil." Hagrid said pulling out a small golden key out of his pocket and placing it on the desk. "Follow me." said another goblin. We followed him to a cart once we got inside he said. "Hold on to your stuff, and your lunch." Then he pulled a lever and started zooming thought a cavern.

It felt like a really bad roller coaster then we stopped. "Vault 687. Key, please." Hagrid traded him the key for the lamp, he opened it "Lamp please." Hagrid handed back the lamp. The goblin opened the door to a room filled with gold coins. "You don't think your parents left you with nothing didja." Hagrid spoke. "Whoa." Harry and I beamed. "Grab some stacks both of you, you might not be in the same houses after all. Though I highly doubt that will happen." Harry and I grabbed a couple stacks. "Houses?" Harry questioned. "At Hogwarts." Hagrid replied.

We got back in the cart and started zooming again and stopped. The goblin spoke "vault 713." We all stepped out of the cart. He opened it with a movement of his finger. I expect to see something big, but all that was there was a small raggedy white cloth tied with an string. Hagrid went in and pocketed the object "Now kids, Best not mention this to anyone." Hagrid said. Harry and I nodded and went back to the cart. "Now that we have money, I might just enjoy shopping." Harry joked which made I laugh.

Please get this to 10 votes and I'll upload two chapters at a time 😁

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