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(Two chapters in one.)

"Make it a powerful memory." "The happiest you can remember." Harry and I said. We were teaching everyone how to do the patronus charm. I saw Draco struggling and went to him. "I can't do this." Draco said. "Yes you can. What memory did you choose?" I asked.

"When I made our house Quidditch team." "That's not strong enough." I said. "What did you choose?" Draco asked. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "The Christmas when we went ice-skating and you sang to me." I answered. He smiled at me and kissed my nose.

"I have another." Draco said. "Is it powerful?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "Then use it." I said. "Expecto Patronum." Draco said and a silver snake came from his wand. We both beamed then it turned back into a ball of light. "What is it doing?" Draco asked. "It's changing." I said.

As it was about to take it's new form the room shook causing Draco to loose concentration and making his patronus disappear. The room shook again. "Princess, put the cloak on." Harry said in my ear. Draco grabbed the cloak and put it over me.

Then Harry stepped quickly back and the wall blasted opened. I quickly cast my shield in front everyone in the room. I put it down quickly. "What are you waiting for? Get them." Umbridge snapped. I grabbed Draco and pulled him under the invisibility cloak with me.

"What are you doing, love." He questioned but I shushed him. "Be quite and you'll be rewarded." I whispered. We walked out of the room unseen with ease and went to the Slytherin common room. I took the cloak off and sat on the couch.

"Why did you do that?" Draco questioned sitting next to me. "Because I didn't want you to get in trouble. I didn't want you to have words carved in your hand. You protect me so much, it was time I protect you." I said and kissed his cheek. "You missed." Draco smirked.

"And where would you want it to be?" "I don't know maybe, right here." Draco said and pointed to his lips. I smirked and connected our lips together. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. "Hopefully Harry's okay." I said. "He'll be fine."

"What memory did you choose for your patronus, by the way?" I asked. Draco smiled then wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on mine. "When you became mine."


I saw the DA come out of the classroom holding their hands. "Everyone, I'm so sorry." I announced. They all responded saying 'it's alright' or 'it's not your fault'. "I can help you all." I said. I concentrated then a bright light came from my hands and all of them healed. They all beamed in awe as all their hands healed. They all thanked me and walked off.


The trio, Draco and I were all walking on the bridge a few days after we got caught by Umbridge. "I feel like I disappointed everyone." I said. "You didn't, love." Draco said. "The thing is, when that little girl was talking to me it felt like she was my own daughter saying those things." I said.

Draco grabbed my hand. "I felt like I let her down." I said. "You didn't, (Y/N). You help by healing every member of our team after they are done with Umbridge's torture." Hermione said. "Psst." We heard. We all turned to see Hagrid. "I need to show you all something." He whispered.

He lead all of us through the forest. "Do you have any idea where he's taking us?" Draco asked. "Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry and I questioned. Hagrid stopped then a herd of centaurs ran by. "Never seen the centaurs so riled. And they're dangerous at the best of times." Hagrid said.

"The ministry restricts their territory much more. They're gonna hav' a full uprising on their hands." "Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione questioned. "Sorry to be so mysteries, you five. I wouldn't be bothering you at all wit' it, but with Dumbledore gone... I'm likely to be getting a sack any time soon." Hagrid said.

We all exchanged worried looks. "And I couldn't leave without telling someone about 'im." We all looked and saw a giant with his back turned to us. Hagrid called to it as it tried to catch a bird. Draco pulled me behind him a little. Grawp started running towards us and we quickly backed away then it was stopped by the rope he was attached to.

"I couldn't just leave him because... because he's my brother." Hagrid said. "Blimey." Draco said. "Well, half-brother really. But he's completely harmless just like I said. Just a little high spirited is all." He grabbed me and lifted me up.

"Hagrid, do something!" Draco exclaimed worried. He got a stick and tried to hit him but it broke then he kick him back. "Grawp, put me down." I commanded. "Now." He did as I told and back away to get something. "Are you alright?" Draco asked pulling me close to him.

"I'm fine, just needs a firm hand is all." I replied. "Think you've got an admirer." Harry. "You just stay away from her, alright!?" Draco said. "Be nicer, Draco." I said. Grawp grabbed a bike handle and ringed the bell. He handed it to me then I ringed it back then gave it back to him.

"He gets his own food an' all. It's company is want he be needin'. You will look after him, won't you? I'm the only family he's got." Hagrid said. We looked at him then nodded. I thought of him being the only family he has left. Harry and I looked at each other then locked hands.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now