Last Night

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Warning: Smut (❣️)

It was a patronus message, it came from Kingsley. "The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming..." It said then disappeared. Chaos broke out as multiple deatheaters came and started attacking. "Harry, (Y/N)! Go, GO!" Remus commanded.

I grabbed my enchanted bag and we went to Ron and Hermione. We all apparated to the middle of the street then quickly moved out of the way to dodge a bus. "Where are we?" Ron questioned. "Shaftesbury Avenue. I used to come here to the theater with my mum and dad. Just popped into my head. I don't know why." Hermione answered.

We all started walking down the side walk. "I need to get Draco." I said. "But the trace." Hermione said pulling us into a alley way. "The trace is broken when they turn seventeen." Ron said. "We didn't get to celebrate your birthday." Hermione whined.

"Where will you guys be?" I asked. "Headquarters." Harry replied. "Be careful, princess." "I'll try." I said. He kissed my forehead then I apparated into Draco's room. He was just sitting on his bed. "What are you doing here?" He asked getting up.

"I'm here to take you with me." I responded. Draco closed his door and locked it then rushed to me giving me a tight hug. "I've missed you." He said. "I missed you too." I said. "My father thinks that I'm staying at Goyle's right now." Draco said pulling away.

"Then let's go." I said. We locked arms then apparated to headquarters. "The trio should be here soon." I said. Draco nodded then embraced me in his arms again. "Are you okay?" I asked softly and he shook his head. "He's killed so many people in front of me." He cried.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore." "Draco, look at me." I said and he did as I told. "You are so much stronger than you think you are." I said. "When this is over we'll have our life together." "Always?" "Always." I said. I wiped the tears off his face then kissed him passionately.

He held me tightly and pulled me closer. We pulled away slowly and rested our foreheads against each other's. "I've really missed you, my always." Draco smiled. "I've really missed you too, my always." I returned. "You look beautiful as always." He charmed and I giggled.

Just then the trio came in. "Are we interrupting something?" Hermione asked. "No." We both said then pulled away. "Nice to see you again, Draco." Harry said. "Nice to see you too, mate." Draco replied then they shared a hug. "When did you two get on hugging terms?" Ron questioned.

"Since we tried to find a twenty foot long snake in a chamber that was hidden in the girls' bathroom." Draco joked and we all laughed. They pulled away then Ron and Draco hugged as well. They pulled away then Draco grabbed my hand. "When will you need to go back?" I asked. "Late morning." Draco replied.

"Then you're staying with me." I said. Draco smiled then nodded. "Keep snogging at a minimum." Harry smirked and we all laughed. Draco and I went upstairs to our room. I closed the door then locked it. Draco wrapped his arms from behind me and rest his head on my shoulder.

I smiled then leaned back to him and rest my head on his. "We should get ready for bed." I said. Draco let go slowly and I took my heels off. "How long do you think it'll be until we have a night like this?" Draco asked. "I mean, this could be our last night together for a while." I thought about this for a moment. He could be right. Who knows when we'll be together like this again.

I walked up to him then kissed him passionately. "Then let's make the most of it." I said then kissed him passionately and began to unbuttoned his shirt. "But your brother said to keep snogging at a minimum." Draco smirked. "We'll be doing more than snogging." I smirked back. "Kiss me like you miss me, Draco." I said then jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist.


We both connected our lips with fiery passion. Draco place me on the bed not breaking the kiss. I ripped off his shirt then Draco stopped. He looked at his dark mark then frowned. I leaned forward and kissed it softly. I looked back at him. "I love it when you do that." Draco smiled and connected our lips together with more fiery passion than before.

Draco ripped off my dress and pulled it down to reveal my blush color laced bra and panties set. I rolled over so I was on top not breaking the kiss. I unbuckled his belt and undid his pants then pulled them down. Draco unclasped my bra and threw it somewhere across the room. He rolled over so he was on top again then started kissing my neck.

I tugged on his hair and wrapped my legs around his waist then started grinding against his member. We both started moaning and Draco's hands slowly started roaming my body feeling every curve. He started massaging my breasts and I moaned again. He pulled down my panties and kissed down my stomach. He started licking at a swift pace and I became a moaning mess.

He inserted a finger inside me then another and started pumping fast. "Oh my god." I moaned. He started pumping faster and started sucking. I felt a warm knot begin to grow in my stomach. "Baby, I'm close." I moaned. Draco stopped then kissed back up to my lips. Then without warning Draco thrusted inside of me hard moving at a swift pace.

We both moaned loudly and pulled eachother closer. "Fuck, Ah!" I moaned and arched my back. Draco started going faster and harder then started rubbing circles in my clit. "Fuck, baby girl." Draco groaned holding me in place. I started running my hands up and down his body feeling his muscles.

Then I flipped him over and started riding him. "Just like that, baby. Oh yeah." Draco moaned. He gripped my ass and I let out a loud moan. I started bouncing on him at a swift pace. I grabbed his hands and moved them up my body and placed them on my breasts looking at him in the eyes.

Draco sat up and started massaging my left breasted while he work the right one with his mouth. I tugged on his hair and threw my head back in pleasure as he did the same to the other one. "Bounce faster on cock, (Y/N)!" He groaned. I pushed him back on the bed and did as he told. He lifted me up a little then started thrusting at an inhuman rate. "Say my name, baby. I love it when you do." Draco moaned.

"Ah, Draco! Holy shi-Ah! Draco! Ah, Draco!" I moaned loudly. I felt a familiar knot in my stomach. "I'm gonna come, Draco." I moaned. Before Draco could reply I already did with one last long moan. He started to pull out but I pinned him down and kept riding him. "Bloody hell!" He groaned filling me up with ropes of his come followed by a few last moans and grunts. He pulled out of me and I plopped down next to him.


Draco pulled me in his arm and I rest my head on his chest. "I love you, (Y/N)." Draco said breathless. "I love you too, Draco." I returned. "Always?" "Always." I said. Draco pulled me closer then kissed my head then we both drifted off to bed.

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