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I was in charms class sitting between Micaela and Ruby. Professor Flitwick spoke, "One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers? Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone. The swish and flick." Everyone did the movement with there wands. "Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviōsa. Off you go then." He finished.

I was doing the movements and over heard Micaela. "Wingardium Leviosā." she said. "Try Leviōsa." I suggested. "Like this. Wingardium Leviōsa." I said doing the swish and flick movement. The feather started levitating in the air. A moment later, Hermione's feather joined my in the air. I looked at her and smiled which she returned. "Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Ms. Granger and Miss Potter's done it! Oh, splendid!" The professor beamed.

After class I was walking with Hermione behind Ron and Harry, but they didn't notice us. "It's Leviōsa, not Leviosar." Ron said mocking Hermione. "Honestly, she's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends! I bet (Y/N) is just being nice to her cause she feels sorry." Ron said. Hermione looked at me teary eyed then pushed pass Ron and walked off silently crying to herself.

"I think she heard you." Harry spoke. "Well of course she did! I can't believe you said that about her Ron!" I snapped at them. "Well I didn't think she was behind me." he tried to defend "So if she wasn't it was okay!?" Ron was at a loss of words.

"I can't believe you Weasley, and for your information, becoming her friend was my choice. Not because I felt sorry for her." I spat. Ron tried to speak, "(Y/N) I-" "Save it. Grow a heart Ronald Weasley!" I finished and stormed off to find Hermione.


After awhile of searching I found Hermione in the girls bathroom. She's was crying I could hear her. "Hermione? Are you okay?" I asked. "Oh (Y/N), yeah I'm fine. Just go to dinner." She sniffed. "Mione we both know that you're not." I walked up to the door and place my hand on it. "Are you just my friend because you feel sorry for me?" She asked.

"Of course not Mione. You are the most amazing person I've ever meet. Anyone would be lucky enough to be your friend." I responded. "I know I am." I stepped back as she opened the stall door and stepped out. "Thanks (N/N)." "What are friends for?" I smiled and we shared a hug. "Come on, lets go." Hermione insisted.

Then I heard a loud noise from the exit. We backed away and saw a giant troll. We quickly went back in the stall and duck as the troll swung and smashed some of them. Harry and Ron came in Harry yelled, "Hermione (Y/N), move!" Hermione and I crawled out of the stall and went under the stink. The troll smashed the one next to Hermione and we both screamed.

"Help, Help!" Hermione and I screamed. The boys started throwing pieces of wood at it.  "Hey, pea brain!" Ron called. Harry ran up to it and grabbed his club. It lifted him up and landed on his neck. It grabbed Harry's wand and stuck it up his nose.

We all grimaced at the sight. The troll then got Harry by his feet, hanging him upside down. It swung at him but he ducked it. "Do something!" Harry called ducking another hit. "What!?" Ron questioned. "Anything!" Harry said ducking another hit. "You're a wizard, Ronald!" I shouted. "Swish and flick!" Hermione motioned.

Ron pointed his wand at the trolls club. "Wingardium Leviōsa." he said. The trolls club went up in the air before it could swing at Harry again. It looked up at the club confused. The club dropped on his head making it fall to the floor dropping Harry. Hermione and I got up from under the sink.

Once Harry got up we both rushed to eachother and shared a hug. He pulled away and quickly spoke, "Are you okay, princess? Are you hurt? Did anything happen to you? Do you need to be taken to the hospital wing?" "Harry slow down, I'm fine." I said reassuring him. He hugged me one more time for reassurance.

I pulled away and examined the troll. "Is it dead?" Hermione asked. "No, just knocked out." I answered. Harry got his wand from it's nose and we all grimaced "Ew, troll bogie's" Ron said disgusted. The teachers then came in bathroom. They all looked shocked at the sight, then McGonagall spoke, "Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves." We all started to speak, "Well, what it was-" "It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." Hermione spoke up.

We all gaped at her response. "Ms. Granger?" McGonagall questioned. "I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry, Ron, and (Y/N) hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead." Hermione finished taking the blame. I smiled at her for it.

"Be that as it may...it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Ms. Granger. 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment." McGonagall said and then turned to us. "As for you three, I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 5 points...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck." We all smiled at eachother.

We left the bathroom and started making out way back to our houses. "You didn't have to do that Mione." I said. "Yeah, it was Ron's fault you were there in the first place." Harry finished. "But he did save me." Hermione said. "Well what are friend for?" Ron spoke. Hermione smiled at him and so did I. "Looks like you finally grew a heart Ron." I joked and they all giggled.

I entered the common room and saw Draco on the couch. Once he saw me enter he ran to me and embraced me in a tight hug. "Where have you been? I didn't see you at dinner, then a troll was in the castle and you were no where to be seen. I was worried about you." He said not letting go.

"You were worried about me?" I questioned. No one other than Harry gets worried about me. "Of course I was." He said still not letting go. "Lets sleep here tonight, where I know you'll be safe with me." He suggested. "Okay." I agreed.

Draco finally let go and I already missed his embrace. I went up to the couch and laid down on it. Draco went up to go sit on the chair next to it. "Are you going to sleep there?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" He responded. "It's gonna be uncomfortable. You can come on the couch with me, if you'd like." I suggested. "No, it's fine."

"Draco I insist, and besides we can help each other fall asleep." He looked at me and smiled. He laid on the couch next to me. I curled up next to him placing my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Good night, Drac." "Good night, love." Then I feel asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now