From now on

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We walked out of the shrieking shack. Draco was helping Sirius carry Ron back and I was walking with them. "Sorry about your leg there, Ron. I reckon that stings a bit." Sirius apologized. "A bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off." Ron whined. "I was going for your rat." "It's just a scratch, Ronald." Draco said.

"And you are?" Sirius asked. "Malfoy, sir. Draco Malfoy." Draco said. "And I'm guessing you have feelings for (Y/N), don't you?" Sirius mentioned. "Why do you say that?" I asked. "Someone wouldn't sacrifice themselves for just anyone." Draco and I smiled at eachother. "Sirius this is my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy." I said.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Draco. I trust you're treating her well." Sirius smiled. "He's treating me wonderfully." I said and kissed Draco's cheek. He blushed then he cleared his throat and tried to hide the fact that he was. "We all know you're blushing boy, don't try and hide it." Sirius joked and we all laughed.

We got out from the tree and set Ron down. Harry and I saw Sirius looking at the castle and we walked up to him. "Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again. Freely." Sirius said smiling and the castle then turned to Harry. "That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it."

"I don't reckon our father'd want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew." Harry said "Besides: Dead, the truth dies with him. Alive... you're free." I said. "I don't know if you two know, but when you were born, James and Lily made me your guardian..." "We know." Harry and I said. "And, well, I'll understand if you two choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but, so you know, you could-"

"Come live with you? When!" "Soon as my names cleared." Sirius smiled. I smiled back and gave him a hug. He was shocked at first then hugged me back. "Remus told me about how you acted so much like your mother, and he was right." Sirius said. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Harry, (Y/N)!" Hermione called. We turned to her and she pointed to the sky. The moon was full and professor Lupin started to change. We ran and joined the others. "Remus, old friend... did you take your potion tonight?" Sirius said trying to help him. "Run. All of you. Now." Sirius said.

None of us did, our eyes were glued to the scene. "You know the man you truly are,
Remus. This flesh is only flesh." Sirius said then pointed to his heart. "This heart is where you truly live. This heart! Here!" Lupin dropped his wand and Pettigrew took it.

I stepped to the side and took out my wand. "Expelliarmus." I said and disarmed him. He waved to us then turned into a rat and ran away. Lupin fully transformed and threw Sirius aside. "Professor...?" Hermione questioned. "Professor Lupin?" He howled and we all jumped. "There you are, Potter." Snape said coming out of the womping willow.

Lupin growled and Snape shielded them. I was out of the group. Lupin tried to scratch then but a blue force blocked them. I was doing it, it was another one of my powers. "Moony." I said. He turned to me and growled. I kept my shield on the others. I started to back away.

"Moony, it's me, (Y/N). Come on, you know who I am. Think." I said trying to get to him. He then swung at me. "No!" Draco yelled stepping out from behind the shield in front of me taking the blow. "Draco!" I said dropping to my knees besides him. His had three slash makes on his chest but they weren't deep enough to be fatal. I  tried to stop the bleeding with my jacket.

"It'll be okay, you hear me? It'll be alright, just stay with me." I said. Sirius came and started attacking Lupin. We heard him let out a cry of pain. "Sirius." Harry said. "Go prongs, I need to stay here." I said. Harry nodded and went after him. "Draco, keep your eyes open, please." I begged as he started to close them.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now