Never Give Up

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We went back to Hogwarts, Harry and I walked hand in hand back to our houses. Once we were about to part we shared a long hug. "We still will always have each other." Harry said. We pulled away then went to our houses. Once I entered the common room Draco was there waiting for me.

He was the only one there. "(Y/N), what happened? Are you hurt?" He questioned sitting me down on the couch. "Sirius... he's... he's dead..." I said and started crying. Draco pulled me into his arms. "Your father knows you lied about me breaking up with you." I said.

"I'll deal with him myself, let's just worry about you." Draco replied. I thought about Lucius said. I pulled away and looked at him sadly. "Draco, you have to leave me." I said. "I rather you leave and be safe then stay and get hurt or worse."

"I'm not leaving you. I'll never leave you, so you can get that out of your head." He said. "Draco please, it's for the better." I said. I took off the ring and tried handing it to him but he put it back on my finger. "Don't give up on us." Draco begged. "I can't lose you."

"It's just me you're losing." I said. "Are you kidding me? I can't lose you." Draco said grabbing my face looking into my eyes. I can see tears starting to build up in his. "Because if I ever did I'd lose my best friend... my smile... my laugh... my soul mate... my everything." Draco said as tears stream down his face.

"I'm more than in love with you, (Y/N). 'In love' doesn't even begin to show how much affection I have for you. You're more than the love of my life. You're my... my-my... you're my always." Draco finished as more tears ran down his cheeks. I didn't know what to say. I was trying to take in everything he just said.

"Ple-Please, say something." Draco responded. "You're my always too, Draco." I said. He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. "Believe me when I say I will never hurt you." Draco said. "I believe you." I replied and pulled him closer.


On the train home Draco held me in his arms the entire ride. We had our own compartment and he let me cry in his arms about Sirius the entire time. When it was time to leave I said my goodbyes to Ron and Hermione. Then I turned to Draco and he wrapped his arms around my waist as mine rested on his shoulders.

"Promise me something." Draco said. "Anything." I replied. "Never give up." He said looking me in the eyes. "I promise." "Always?" "Always." We shared a long, passionate kiss before I went to Harry. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready." I said. We locked hands and went off.

A/N: Hi, I know this chapter is short but it was so special I didn't want to add another to it. This is probably my favorite chapter, I loved writing it. Keep reading because we start Sixth year on Saturday and we all know what happens their sixth year. Bye, my lovies -Skippy

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now