The Order

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Harry was on the swings in the playground while I was leaning on one of the post. "You know if you sit there you actually have to swing, prongs." I said. "I know." Harry said. I walked behind him. "What are you doing?" Harry questioned.

I pushed the swing so he could start swinging. "Come on, have some fun." I said. He started laughing while I kept pushing him. Then Dudley and his gang appeared. Harry stopped and I stood behind him.

"Hey Big D, beat up another ten years old?" Harry questioned. "This one deserved it." He responded. "Five against one, very brave." I said. "Your ones to talk. Moaning in your sleep every night don't kill Cedric.'" He teased.

"Shut up." Harry and I said. "He's gonna kill me mum. Where's your mum, Potter? Is she dead? Is she dead?" He teased. I was clenching Harry's shirt then he got up and pointed his wand at Dudley. His friends laughed unaware.

"Harry, we can't." I whispered in his ear. His friends still laughing. I flipped open my knife and pointed it at them. "Scram all of you!" I snapped and they ran away terrified. I flipped it closed and put it away. "Harry, look at me." I said trying to calm him down. He didn't move.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me. "Calm down, prongs." I said then he lowered his wand. Then the sky turned dark. "What are you doing?" Dudley questioned. "We're not doing anything." Harry said. We all ran to and underground abandoned highway.

Then everything started to freeze. "Harry?" I questioned getting started. "Stay close, princess." He said. Then a Dementor came from the other side. "Dudley run!" Harry said. He did as he told but he slipped on ice. The Dementor went to him and he start to perform the kiss.

Another one came and went to Harry but I pushed him out of the way. It lifted me up off the ground and pinned me to the wall by my throat. "Harry!" I yelled. "(Y/N)!" He yelled back. "Expecto Patronum." He said and a ball of light came from his wand and sent it away.

I fell to the ground and got up. Then Harry sent the other Dementor away. We shared a hug for reassurance. "Are you okay?" Harry asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." We pulled away and Harry grabbed Dudley. We started to leave but Ms. Figg stopped us.

"Mrs. Figg." Harry said and hid his wands. "Don't put your wand away, dear they might come back." She said. Harry and I shared a look then followed her home. We were nearing the house.

"Dumbledore told me to keep an eye on you two." Mrs. Figg said. "You know Dumbledore?" I questioned. "Yes of course, now get inside and stay safe." She said. We nodded and entered the house. "Vernon come quick." Aunt petunia said. "You finally done it. You finally drove him loopy." Vernon said.

"If it weren't for Harry he would be able to know your names." I defended. The an owl flew in and dropped of a letter. It came to life and spoke, "Dear Mr. Potter, the ministry has received intelligence that at 6:23 this evening you produced: the Patronus charm in the presence of a muggle. As of clear violation of the degree of the reasonable restriction on under age sorcery, you are here by expelled from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

I looked at Harry in disbelief. "Justice." Vernon said. I grabbed Harry's hand to make sure he didn't go off then we went up to our room. Harry punched the wall in frustration making our owls jump. "Harry, look at me." I said. I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me then his expression softened.

"It'll be okay. They can't expel you for defending yourself, prongs." I reasoned. "Let's just go to bed, princess." He said. We got into bed and fell asleep.


Mum and Dad were reading a letter while Harry and I were in the floor in front of them. "The next meeting for the order of the phoenix is tomorrow at 12:00 pm." Dad said. Harry and I started cooing. "What is it, my lovies?" Mum smiled. I started cooing, I wanted to say something. "Ha...r...ry." I said. Mum and Dad beamed then got on the floor with us.

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