Into the Chamber

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A/N: I'm gonna upload three chapters today so then I can start third year on Wednesday. That's it so enjoy. 😁

Draco's pov:

We walked to the hospital wing and once we entered and I sat on my loves bed. "(Y/N)'s probably gonna be mad when she gets up." I said. "Why?" Harry asked. "Because we got to see an acromantula. It's number nine on her top ten list of magical creatures to see. I bet Newt Scamander was the one who brought Aragog to Hagrid since he was a traveler, (Y/N) would have thought so." I explained.

"Wait, you actually listen to what she says?" Ron asked. "Of course. She's really cute when she talks about how much she read about. She's a great listener too. I mean she understands my problems and all but she actually understands me, you know?" "No." They said together and I shrugged.

"I wish they were both here." Harry said. "We really need you, love. Now more than ever." I said and held her hand. I felt something in it and took it out. It was two pieces of parchment, one was a ripped piece from a library book and the other was a note. "Guys." I said and showed it to them.

We rushed out and I unfolded the library page and read aloud, "Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spiders flee before it and only the crowing of the rooster can kill it."

"This is it! The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. That's why (Y/N) and I can hear it speak. It's a snake." Harry said. "But it kills by looking people in the eye. Why is it no one's dead?" Ron questioned. "Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly at least." Harry said.

"Colin saw it through his camera. Justin must've seen the Basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick! Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost, he couldn't die again." "(Y/N) saw it in the reflection of her knife blade to look around corners." I said. "And Granger had the mirror! I bet to do the same."

"And Mrs. Norris? I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera, a mirror or some shiny blade, guys." Ronald said. "The water, there was water on the floor that night. She only saw the Basilisk's reflection." Harry answered. I looked back down at the page. "The crowing of the rooster is fatal to it! That's why Hagrid's roosters were killed! Spiders flee before it! It all fits!" I said.

"What's the others paper you have, Draco?" Harry asked. "It's a note that was in (Y/N)'s hand too. It seems that there's one side for both of us." I said and handed him the paper. "Read your side first."

Harry's pov:

I took the piece of parchment from Draco and read it.


I wanted to say that I forgive you for everything that happened. I'm sorry that I've haven't been talking to you and believe me I didn't like it either. You're my brother no matter what and I hope you find the page I ripped out and help save the school. You're the best brother I could ever ask for. That was cheesy I'm sorry but it's true.

Waiting to come back,

I smiled and handed the paper back to Draco so he could read his side.

Draco's pov:


I know you're probably blaming yourself that I got petrified. It's really not your fault, babe. Though I hope you use it as motivation to find the chamber and help save the school. Knowing you, I'm guessing that you found the page I ripped out by holding my hand along with this note. Be the hero you are to me and help save the school. Also, I want you to kiss me like you miss me when I return. I love you, Draco.

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