Going back to Hogwarts

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We were at kings cross station heading to Platform 9 ¾, I still wasn't talking to Harry. "Come on princess, you can't still be mad at me." Harry said and I glared at him. "Okay I know what I did was bad, but I meant good by it. Fred, George help me out here." Harry begged.

"Come on (Y/N)," "Harry really is sorry." They said. I raised an eyebrow at them. "Come on, just talk to us," "and we'll tell Harry." "Ok, tell Harry to leave me the bloody hell alone until he comes to his senses." I spat. "Harry-" "I heard guys." Harry said.

We approached platforms 9 and 10. The others went first then it was just Harry, Ron, and I. "Let's go." Harry said. Harry and Ron ran to the wall and I followed. Suddenly Harry crashed into the wall as well as Ron. I stopped just in time so I didn't crash.

I smirked, talk about karma. "Oi, what you two think your doing." said the train master. "Sorry. L-Lost control of the trolley." Harry improvised. He shook his head and walked away. "Why can't we get through?" I questioned. "I dunno. The gateway's sealed itself for some reason." Ron replied.

"The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock." "We've missed it." Harry and I said. Ron put his ear against the wall. "I can't hear a thing. You guys! If we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad can't get back." Ron said worried.

"We should wait by the car." I suggested. "The car!" Ron beamed. We knew what he was thinking we didn't hesitate. We all rushed towards the car and loaded our thing then got in. Harry sat in the back with me, I still wasn't talking to him.

"This is mad. We can't drive to Hogwarts." I said. "Who says we were driving." Ron smirked. "You don't mean...Ron, no." Harry said. "Look, who knows when Mum and Dad will get back. And we've got to get to school, haven't we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it's an absolute emergency. Least that's what Fred and George say." Ron said.

"Do you really believe what they say?" I questioned like if that was the stupidest thing he could say. "Something tells me we're going to regret this." Harry said. Ron tapped has wand on the dashboard and the car started.

"No offense, Ron, but do you know how to fly this." I said unsure. "No problem." He said confidently. With a jolt the car flew off into the sky. "There. See. Now I reckon all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express and follow it. Simple." Ron said.

We flew past the city and I'm pretty sure some muggles saw us. "Uh, Ron. We should tell you." "Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." Harry and I said. "Right." He said and pressed a button on the dash broad and the car turned invisible from the outside.

We kept flying, the invisibility booster went away, must be faulty. "Do you two see the train?" Ron questioned. "There!" "Up ahead!" Harry and I beamed pointing at a bridge with train tracks on it that we knew lead to Hogwarts. "Brilliant." Ron said.

We flew a bit above of the tracks. "It must be somewhere around here." Ron said. We all heard a train whistle. "Do you hear that?" Harry questioned. "We must be getting close." Ron beamed. "Hang on." I said. We all exchanged scared looks then turned around and saw the coming out from behind.

We all screamed and Ron drove out if the way. The cars jolted from side to side. Then the car tilted to the side and the door flew open. I feel out but Harry grabbed my hand. I was hanging out of the car. "Harry, help me!" I bellowed. "Don't worry princess, I got you." He said.

Harry's pov:

I had the tightest grip on my sister's hand. "Harry!" She yelled. All of the adrenaline in me rushed up and I pulled her up with all my might. She got back in and I closed the car door. I gave her a tight hug. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine."

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