Screams/ He Was Their Friend

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"Come on, Draco." I said. We were at the Quidditch game, Gryffindor was playing Hufflepuff. It was raining an awful lot. "Hold on, wait." Draco said. He took off his jacket and put it over me. "There. Let's go." He said and we went to the Slytherin stands.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked Draco. He shook his head but I knew he was. I wrapped my arms around his torso rubbed his back trying to warm him up. "Are you warmer now?" I questioned. Draco wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Yep." He smiled.

I watched Harry go up in the clouds after the snitch. "Please be okay." I said to myself. After a few moments, I saw the Hufflepuff seeker fall from the sky. He got back on his broom and landed roughly. "Where are you Harry?" I questioned getting worried.

Then I saw a red spec fall from the sky. "Harry!" I yelled and ran down to the field. "Babe, wait." Draco said following me. Dumbledore saved Harry before he hit the ground. I ran onto the field and kneeled down beside Harry. "Please be okay." I said. I then heard a woman scream and passed out.

"Moony! So nice of you to visit." Dad beamed. "How is it being a father, Prongs?" Moony said. They were in the other room, I could only hear their voices. "Asked me again when Lily isn't home." Dad joked. "I heard that!" Mum called from the other room.

"Just joking, sweetie!" Dad replied. "Still scared of her aren't you, prongs?" Another man asked. "Padfoot, what are you doing here?" Dad asked. "You didn't expect me not to see my brother, did you?" Padfoot said. "Nobody thought you'd come with two large presents for the twins." Another man said.

"Wormtail, so nice to see you." Dad beamed. "The whole group is here." Moony said. "Until the very end." Dad said. "The Marauders!" They all chanted.

Then I woke up

I woke up with a gasp and I got up quickly. "Careful, love." Draco said. I was in a bed at the hospital wing. "What happened?" I questioned. "We knocked out, princess." Harry said. He was in the bed next to me. Our friends were gathered around us and Draco was sitting on my bed holding my hand. "We?" I questioned.

Harry nodded. "How did that happen?" "The Dementors, they aren't meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you, he sent them straight off." Hermione explained. "There's something else you should know, Harry. Your Nimbus, when it blew away, it sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well..." Ron trailed off and revealed Harry's broken broom.

"It's okay, Harry. You can have my old Nimbus 2000." I said. "Did you have a memory dream?" Harry questioned. "How did you know?" I asked. "You started saying something." Draco said. "Like what?" "'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs' and 'the Marauders.'" Draco said.

"I heard dad talking to a few men. Dad was Prongs and the rest were his friends. Padfoot is the one dad considered as a brother though they were just best mates. They called their group 'The Marauders.'" I explained. "Prongs?" Harry questioned and I nodded. "I'm gonna call you that from now on." I smiled. "Brilliant." Harry beamed and his bracelet turned red.


We were in Hogsmeade again, I was walking to the Shrieking Shack with Draco. "You know, it's rumor that this is the most haunted building in all of Britain." I said. "Yeah, are you scared?" Draco asked. "I'm not scared of anything, Malfoy." I said.

"If you say so." Draco said. I got an idea and made a snowball when Draco wasn't looking. "Hey Draco, catch." I said. He turned to me and I threw the snow ball at him. "I'll get you for that, Potter." He smirked. "You have to catch me first." I said and ran to the shack.

Draco ran after me and pick me up from behind. "Come here." He laughed and I squealed. He threw me over his shoulders like a bag of cat food. "Put me down." I giggled. "Not until you apologize." He said. "Make me." He then started spinning me around and I squealed with laughter.

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