We're Home

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"Harry, (Y/N)!" We heard someone yell. We all turned to see Neville running to us. "What is it, Neville?" Harry asked. "You have to see this." He panted then ran to the castle. We all shared a look then quickly followed. He led us to the great hall and saw something extraordinary.

Everyone who died in the battle were back, as in back to life. "Fred!" Ron beamed then ran to his brother. I smiled brightly then ran to him as well embracing him in a tight hug. "How?" I questioned. "I felt something touch my chest in the after life, then in a flash I was back." Fred said. "(Y/N), you did this." Hermione said.

"How?" I asked. "The ball of lights that came from your hand. When you killed Voldemort everyone who were killed came back to life." She explained. "You really are the brightest witch of your age." Remus said. "Uncle Moony!" I beamed then gave him and Tonks a hug.

"You guys, that's not all." Neville said. He stepped out of the way and saw two figures, a woman and a man. "Harry...?" I said then he grabbed my hand. The figures turned around and there they were. Our parents. They smiled but we stood still in shock. "It-It can't be." I said.

"We're home, princess." Dad said. "A million dreams..." "For the world we're gonna make." Mum sang. Harry and I rushed to them and we all shared a hug as we started crying while slowly sinking to the floor still holding each other. "We've missed you." "We've missed you so much." Harry and I cried.

"We missed you two as well." Dad said. "We're so proud of you both." Mum said. We all pulled away and smiled. "We can make new memories now." Dad smiled. "You're not going to welcome back your god father." We heard. We all looked to see Sirius smiling. "Sirius!" Harry and I beamed and gave Sirius a hug.

"Ms. Lovegood was right." Dumbledore said entering the great hall. "The things we love do have a way of coming back to us, just not always in the you would expect." "Professor Dumbledore!" Harry and I beamed and everyone cheered. People jumped up and down amd hugged their loved ones. "Everyone's back!" I smiled.

"Thanks to you." Remus said. "Lily..." We heard. We all looked to see Severus standing there. Mum looked at him for a moment before she and dad gave him a hug. "Thank you, Severus, for protecting them."  Mum said. "I have to say, Snape, you've really out done yourself." Dad said then they both pulled away. "Let's start over, please." Dad said.

He stuck out his hand and Severus looked at it skeptically. "We need a fourth in our pack, Severus. So, why not a snake?" Dad smiled. Severus looked at his hand for another moment then shook it. "I'll be your fourth, James." He smiled. I beamed then gave Severus a hug.

I pulled away then saw Draco talking to his parents. I walked up and grabbed Draco's hand. He looked at me and smiled then looked back at his parents. "(Y/N), we wanted to say that we're sorry, for everything. I'm happy that you're with my son." Lucius said. "You did what you had to in order to protect your family, Lucius." I assured.

"Just like Draco did to protect me." I smiled. "She's right, Draco. You showed in this war that you're so strong. You showed that everyone has a choice. I'm glad you choose good." Lucius said. "I'm proud of you, Draco." I smiled and looked at Draco who was holding back tears of joy. They shared a hug then smiled.

I heard laughter coming from the others. "I almost forgot." I beamed. I grabbed Draco's hand then led him to my parents. "I want to properly introduce you." I smiled. "Mum, Dad this is my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy." "It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Potter." Draco said politely. "Please, call me Lily." Mum smiled then gave him a hug.

"And call me James." Dad added then gave him a hug as well. "Thank you for protecting our princess." He said. "Always." Draco smiled. "Can I talk to you for a moment, James?" Dad nodded then they stepped aside. Draco looked nervous as he spoke then dad smiled and nodded which made Draco look relieved.

They came back then Draco took something out of his pocket and look at me in the eyes. He looked nervous then I gave him a reassuring smile. He took a deep breath then spoke, "(Y/N), I'm done waiting." Draco got down on one knee and took out a velvet box and everyone gasped except Harry and dad.

My heart felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest. "From the moment I saw you I never doubted for a second on how I feel about you. You are my always and I'm asking you this here because it's the place we first met. (Y/N) Lily Potter, will you marry me?" Draco asked then presented the ring.

 (Y/N) Lily Potter, will you marry me?" Draco asked then presented the ring

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"Yes!" I beamed. "Yes, I will marry you, Draco Malfoy!" Draco beamed then slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately. Everyone in the great hall clapped for us and my love stone was beaming brightly. Narcissa, Hermione and my mum squealed with joy. "We have to start planning." Narcissa beamed.

"I agree, we need to get flowers, the dress, everything." Mum smiled. "Hermione, will you be my maid of honor?" I asked. "Is that even a question, yes!" She beamed. "Who's gonna be your best man, Draco?" Narcissa asked. "Harry?" Draco asked. "Is that even a question, yes!" Harry mocked Hermione and we all laughed.

"What's engraved on it?" Remus asked. I took off the ring then looked inside. I smiled then looked at Draco who smirked. "Always." I read. Everyone awed as I slipped the ring back in my finger and I kissed Draco passionately. The dark times were gone.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now