The Voice

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Harry and I were in detention, we were spending it with Lockhart. "Can you two possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fan mail?" He questioned. "Not really." Harry and I said. "Fame's a fickle friend, children. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that." He said cheerfully.

Harry and I nodded. "Come... come to me..." Hissed a voice. "What?" Harry and I questioned. "I was saying, six solid months at the top of the bestseller list! Broke all records!" Lockhart beamed. "No, not you," "that, voice." Harry and I said.

"Voice?" He questioned. "That voice." "Didn't you hear it?" Harry and I said. "What are you talking about, children? I think we're getting a bit drowsy. Merlin's bread, and no wonder, look at the time!We've been here nearly four hours! Dinner's nearly done! If you hurry you might make pudding. Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun!" He beamed.

"Spooky." Harry and I said and went out of the class. We were walking in the halls when it spoke again, "Blood... I smell blood..." Harry and I stopped and looked at each other. We looked around to find out where it was coming from. "Let me rip you... let me kill your..." It was coming from the walls.

Harry and I followed it then we ran into Hermione, Ron, and Draco. "There you two are." Hermione said. "Did you here it?" I questioned. "Hear what?" Ron questioned. "That voice." Harry answered. "Voice? What voice?" Draco questioned. I answered him, "We heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again, just-" "Kill... Time to kill..."

"It's moving." "We think it's going to kill." Harry and I said and started running towards the voice. "Babe, wait up." Draco said and ran after us followed by Hermione and Ron. Harry and I stopped when we saw water on the floor. The others had just joined us.

There was writing on the wall. "'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened... Enemies of the heir beware.'" Hermione read. "Muggle-borns." I heard Draco whisper to himself. I didn't think anything of it though, he might be right. "And it's written in blood." I said.

"What's that? Hanging underneath?" Ron asked. "It's Filches cat, Mrs. Norris." Draco said. I saw a trail of spiders crawling out side of the window in a line... Strange. "Look at that. Have you ever seen spiders act like that?" I questioned. Ron squeaked and backed up a bit. "I... don't... like... spiders." He whimpered.

"Oh yeah, Fred and George told me what happened." I smirked, remembering the story. I looked at Mr. Norris. "Is she dead?" I questioned. "Hard to tell." Draco answered. The students were coming back from dinner and they stopped once they saw the scene.

It didn't look good. "'Enemies of the heir beware?'" Parkinson said. She glared at Hermione. "You'll be next mudblood." She spat. I was about to go after her but Draco held me back. "Calm down, love. She's not worth it." He said softly and kissed my head which did calm me down.

"Watch out, Potter, they might smell your mother's awful muggle scent on you." Parkinson added. Draco was about to pull out his wand but I stopped him. "Look at me. Calm down." I said looking him in the eyes. "She's not worth it, remember." I kissed his nose and Draco calmed down.

He intertwined our fingers and he stood close to me. "What's going on here? Go on now! Make way..." Filch called and his face turned shocked when he saw his cat. "Mrs. Norris!" He said. Harry was next to her it didn't look good on his behalf. Filch turned to him. "You! You murdered my cat! I'll kill you!" He bellowed and grabbed Harry.

"Stop!" I yelled. The teachers had showed up just then. "Argus!" Dumbledore called. He looked at the wall then spoke, "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." He turned to us. "Except for you five." He said.

The rest of the houses went to their dormitories while we stayed. "It was definitely a curse that killed her, probably the Transmogrifian Torture. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobiography." Professor Lockhart said. I rolled my eyes. "She's not dead, Argus. She's been Petrified." Dumbledore said

"Precisely! So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the very countercurse that could have spared her." "Sure you did." I said to myself sarcastically. "And I can fly without a broom." Draco heard me and he stifled a laugh. "But how she's been Petrified... I cannot say." Dumbledore said.

"Ask him! It's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall! Besides, he knows I'm- I'm a Squib." Filch said pointing to Harry. "It wasn't Harry!" I snapped. "I swear! I never touched Mrs. Norris, and I don't even know what a Squib is." Harry defended. "Rubbish!" Filch said.

"If I might, Headmaster..." Severus spoke up. "Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." The trio looked shocked that he was defending us. "However, the circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner." "I don't recall seeing Miss Potter either." McGonagall said.

"I'm afraid that's my doing, professor. You see, Harry and (Y/N) were helping me answer my fan mail." Lockhart explained. "That's why Ron and I went looking for them." Hermione explained. "And I went looking for (Y/N) with them to see if she was okay." Draco said. "We'd just found them when they said..." Hermione trailed off.

"When we said we weren't hungry." Harry and I said simultaneously. "We were heading back to our common rooms," "then we found Mrs. Norris." Harry finished. "Innocent until Proven guilty." Dumbledore said. I let out a sigh of relief.

"My cat has been petrified. I want some punishment!" Filch said. "We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When they have matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris. In the meantime, I advise caution. To all."

We nodded and made our way to our houses. "A Squib's someone who's born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any powers of their own. That's why Filch hates students so much. He's bitter." Draco explained, he never let go of my hand.

"This voice. You two said you heard it first in Lockhart's office?" Hermione questioned. "Yes." Harry and I said. "And did he hear it?" "He said he didn't." "Maybe he's lying." Ron suggested. "I hardly think someone with Gilderoy Lockhart's credentials would lie to one of his students, Ronald. Besides, if you recall, we didn't hear anything either." Hermione responded.

"You do believe us, don't you?" Harry and I questioned. "'Course we do, love. It's just it's a bit weird, isn't it? You hear this voice and then Mrs. Norris turns up Petrified." Draco said. "I can't explain it," "it was...scary." Harry and I said. Draco tighten the grip on my hand. "Do you think we should have told the teacher?" Harry questioned.

"Are you mad!" Ron exclaimed. "No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign." Hermione said. "There has to be a reason why Harry and I can only hear it." I said. "We better get to bed. You'll stay with me tonight, okay?" Draco asked me. "Okay." I smiled. I hugged my friends and Harry good night.

"Good night, princess." Harry said. "Good night." I said. We went back to the Slytherin house. I got ready for bed then Draco took me to his room and we crawled into his bed. He closed the curtains and held me in his arms tightly.

"That was mental, all of it." Draco whispered. "Yeah, but let's not think about it." I whispered back. I put my leg on him and pulled him closer. "Is that how you sleep?" He laughed lightly. "Yeah, get used to it." I smiled. "Oh I'll definitely get used to it." He smirked. "Good Night, darling." "Good Night, love." I said and we both drifted off to sleep.

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