Dragons and Ferret

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I was walking with Hermione, Ron and Ginny to tell Harry and I something. Ron was mad at Harry and I while Hermione was in the middle of it. "I still think you're being stupid, Ronald." I said. He whispered something to Hermione. "He says he's tired of being the stupid friend." Hermione said. "If you want to talk to me, Ronald, talk to me yourself." I said.

We arrived at the tree near the lake where Harry was at. "Prongs!" I called. He turned around and smiled but it quickly dropped when he saw Ron. "Hey, princess. What's up?" "I don't know, ask Ron." I said. Hermione and Ron whispered things to each other then Hermione stepped forward.

"Ronald would like me to tell you two that
Seamus told him that Dean was told by
Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you two." Hermione said unsure. "Is that right?" Harry questioned bitterly. "Well.... what?" I questioned. She walked back to Ron then came back.

"Dean was told by Parvati that... Please don't ask me say it again. Hagrid's looking for you two." Hermione said. Harry started to speak, "Well you can tell Ronald-" "I'm not an owl!" Hermione snapped and walked away with the others. "That's the first time I ever heard you call him 'Ronald'." I said.


We were in the forest to meet Hagrid. "Did you bring your father's cloak like I asked you?" He questioned. "Yeah I brought the cloak." Harry responded. "Hagrid where are we going?" I questioned. "You'll see soon enough. Pay attention this is important."

"What's with the flower?" "Hagrid have you combed your hair?" Harry and I questioned. "As a matter of fact I have. You might like to try the same thing now and again." "Hagrid?" We heard a woman say. "Oh, the cloak. Put the cloak on."

Harry put the cloak over both of us. "Oh Hagrid. I thought you weren't coming, I thought perhaps... you had... forgotten me." It was Madam Maxime. "Couldn't forget you Olympe." They talked for a while then he moved the bush out of the way to show a loud of dragons.

"Dragons? That's the first task? You're
joking." Harry said in disbelief. "Wicked." I beamed. There was one with a blue back and a green body. Something about that dragon seemed... familiar.


The next day I was walking with Ruby, Micaela, and Celeste. "This whole tournament thing is mental, people have died in these." Ruby said. "So I've heard." I replied. "Excuse me!?" We heard from behind. We turned around and saw a boy that looked about our age. His hair was black and curly and he wore a white hat.

"Can you help me with my schedule?" He questioned. He had a weird accent, he obviously wasn't from Britain. "Yeah." Celeste said. She looked at his schedule and spoke, "Right now you have a free period then you have transfiguration." "Thanks." He replied. "I'm Chris, by the way, Chris Yipez."

"Where you from?" Micaela questioned. "America, I'm what you call muggle-born. I transferred here from a school there." Chris said. "Well hello. This is Micaela Nanni and Ruby Camtero, Slytherin. This is Celeste Gracia, Hufflepuff. I'm-" "(Y/N) Potter, Slytherin, I read all about you in the daily prophet." Chris said.

"Of course you have." I responded sarcastically. "I don't believe anything that Rita Skeeter writes though. I hope I can be friends with all of you, I'm Slytherin and gay." Chris said extending his hand and I gladly shook it. "We're okay with that and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that would be nice, Chris." I said.

We all started walking and talked about the tournament. "Why so tense, Potter?" I heard Parkinson tease. "Who's that?" Chris asked. "Pansy Parkinson. She's been (Y/N)'s rival since first year." Celeste answered. "Who might you be?" Parkinson asked. "Wait, you're the new kid that's a Mudblood."

"Hey!" Draco snapped walking up to us. "Don't use such foul language around my girlfriend!" "You heard that, Potter." Parkinson smirked. "He was talking to you, Parkinson." I spat. Draco came up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Is she bothering you, babe?" He asked.

"Not yet." I replied. "Who are you?" Cris asked. "I should ask you the same thing." Draco replied. "Chris Yipez." He introduced. "Draco Malfoy, (Y/N)'s boyfriend." Draco said proudly. "No need to be protective, I'm gay." Chris said. "Mudblood and gay, well you're just begging for it." Pansy said and her friends laughed.

"Back off, Parkinson, you deal with him you deal with all of us." I said. "You think because you entered in the tournament you can beat me." Parkinson spat. "I didn't enter and I've been beating you, pug face." I shot back. "Please, my parents and I have a bet you see. I don't think you'll last ten minutes in this tournament." She teased.

"They disagree, they think you won't last five." She teased and her friends laughed. "I don't give a damn what your parents think, Parkinson!" I snapped and shoved her. "They're vial and cruel." I spat. "And you're just the same pathetic pug faced bitch since first year." Pansy's face started turning red with anger.

She wiped out her wand and shot a spell at me. Draco stepped in front of me then turned into a ferret. "Dracie!" She squeaked. She tried to grab him then he ran away. "Draco, come here." I said and he did as I told. As I was about to grab him Parkinson scooped him up.

"Stay away from my Dracie. He'll make a great pet." She smirked. "I don't think so! Give him here, he's not yours! He's mine!" I snapped. I tried to take him but she moved away. Draco bit Parkinson's hand causing her to squeal then drop him. He scurried away and we followed him. "Dracie poo, come here!" Parkinson whined.

"Draco, baby, come to me." I said. Draco scurried towards me and stopped at my feet. I pulled out my wand and turned him back. Draco looked up at me and embrace me in his arms. "Thank you, babe." He said and kissed my head. "This isn't over, Potter!" Parkinson spat and walked off with her friends.

"She's mental." I huffed. "I know, she tried to make me her pet." Draco responded. "Come on, we need to male a a strategy for the dragons." He said and took my hand. "I hate this bloody tournament." Draco huffed and led me to his room. "It all work out in the end, right?" I asked. "I'll make sure it will." Draco said.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now