Christmas Party

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Draco and I were invited to Slughorn's Christmas party along with Harry and Hermione. Draco wanted to work on the cabinet a little, I wanted to be there with him but he insisted on me going and he'll meet up with me then. Harry and I had just taken a picture when we saw Hermione scurry behind the curtains.

Harry and I shared a look then followed her. "What're you doing?" We asked in unison. "I've just escaped, I mean, left Cormac, under the mistletoe." Hermione replied. "Cormac!" "That's who you invited!" We said. "I thought it would annoy Ron most." She said.

"That's still not a good reason." I said. "Dragon tartar?" The waiter asked as he entered behind the curtains. "No thanks." We all said. "Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath." "On second thought." Hermione said then grabbed the tray and the waiter left.

She started stuffing her face rapidly. "Maybe it'll keep Cormac at bay. Oh no, here he comes!" Hermione said handing Harry the tray and sneaky off. "I think she just went to go powder her nose." Harry said. "Slippery little minx, your friend." McLaggen said then looked at me and smirked.

"Though I don't mind this." I furrowed my eyebrows and backed away then Harry handed him the tray to stop him from stepping closer to me. "My boyfriend should be here soon." I said. He shrugged then started eating from the tray. "What's this I'm eating?" He asked.

"Dragon balls." Harry and I chorused. Just then Severus came in and McLaggen threw up on his shoes. "You've just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen." He said. Harry and I walked away. "Not so fast, potters." Severus said. Then Harry and I stopped.

"I've come to convey a message." He said. "A message?" We questioned. "From Professor Dumbledore. He asked that I give you his best and that he hopes you enjoy your holiday. You see, he's traveling and won't return until term resumes." "Traveling?" "Where?" Harry and I questioned.

"Happy Christmas, (Y/N)." He smiled then left. "Alright then." I said. "I'm gonna go find Hermione." Harry said. I nodded then he went off. "Take your hands off me, you
filthy squib!" I heard from Draco as he was dragged in by Mr. Filch. "Professor Slughorn, sir! I've just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party."

"I'm sorry to burst your little bubble, Mr. Filch, but Draco was invited both to the party and as my date." I said. Draco saw me then gaped at my appearance. I grabbed Draco from Filch and sent him off. "Hello gorgeous." Draco smirked. "Hello to you too handsome." I smiled.

"Thanks for that by the way." "What was I supposed to just stand by and watch it happen, I don't think so." I said. He smiled at me then I cupped his face with one hand. "That cabinet's really draining you." I said. "Don't worry about me, love. I'm fine, really." Draco assured then kissed my nose.

"Where are you going for Christmas?" He asked. "The Weasleys invited Harry and I for Christmas." I replied. "What about you?" "I have to stay and work on the cabinet." Draco said the last word quietly. "I can stay too, if you want." "No, go enjoy your Christmas with your brother. Just know I'll be here waiting for your return."

Draco grabbed my hand then kissed it making me smile. "(Y/N)." I heard Rudy walking up to us with Micaela and Celeste. "It's ready." Celeste beamed. "This is all too familiar." Draco said. "Follow me." I said. We locked arms and we went to the common room then stopped outside of my room.

"Close your eyes." I said and he did as I told. I grabbed both of his hands then lead him inside. "Can I open them?" Draco asked. "Yes." I replied. He opened his eyes and saw a heart made out of rose pedals on the floor with a few candles and a radio. "It's your present." I said.

"I wanted to serenade you for Christmas." Draco smiled then we both sat down on the floor. "This is for you, Draco." I smiled then turned on the radio.

(Play song now!)

When the rain is blowing in your face,
And the whole world is on your case,
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love.

When the evening shadows and the stars appear,
And there is no one there to dry your tears,
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love.

I know you haven't made your mind up yet,
But I would never do you wrong.
I've known it from the moment that we met,
No doubt in my mind where you belong.

I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue,
I'd go crawling down the avenue.
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love.

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret.
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free,
You ain't seen nothing like me yet.

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.
Nothing that I wouldn't do.
Go to the ends of the Earth for you,
To make you feel my love

To make you feel my love

I finished the song and a single tear went down Draco's cheek. "Was my singing that bad?" I joked. "No, the complete opposite. I'm loved it so much." Draco smiled. I wiped the tear off his face and smiled back. "I think you one upped me this time." He joked and I giggled. "What is it?" I asked.

"Turn around and close your eyes." Draco said and I did as he told. I felt something go around my neck then saw a purple light through my closed eyes. "Can I open them?" I asked. "Yes." He replied. I turned to him then opened my eyes and saw a locket necklace with a dragon engraved on it and a purple stone that was glowing.

 I turned to him then opened my eyes and saw a locket necklace with a dragon engraved on it and a purple stone that was glowing

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"Open it." He smiled. I did as he told and saw the picture we retook of our parents old photo. "This is part two." I said and Draco nodded. "The stone is a love stone. As long as we love each other it will glow." Draco explained. I smiled and a single tear went down my cheek.

"Thank you." I said. He leaned in and kissed me passionately while wiping the tear off my face. "I love you, (Y/N)." Draco said softly. "I love you too, Draco." I replied. "Always?" "Always." I said. He reconnected our lips and the love stone was glowing brightly.

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