The Will

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Harry's pov:

I woke up from another vision. I got up and packed quickly then started to leave. "Going somewhere?" I heard as I was about to go through the field. I turned around and saw (Y/N) looking at me with her arms crossed. "No one else is going to die. Not for us." I said. "For us? You think Madeye died for us? You think George took that curse for us? You think Draco risked being seen helping just for us?" She said.

"We may be the Chosen Ones, Prongs, but this is a whole lot bigger than that." "Come with me. Now." I insisted. "And leave Ron and Hermione. We wouldn't last without them." (Y/N) responded. "Besides, we've still got the Trace on us. And there's the wedding." "I don't care about a wedding, no matter whose it is. I have to start searching for the Horcruxes." I said.

"It's the only chance we have to beat him. And the longer we wait the stronger he gets." "Harry, he can't get any stronger than he already is. If you go alone right now, you'll be doing him a favor." She said. My sister might be right. If I leave then I wouldn't be able to make sure she's safe. She offered her hand and I took it then we walked back.

"He was doing it for you." I said. "Who?" (Y/N) asked. "Draco. He wasn't doing it for us, he was doing it for you." I smirked. "And future baby Scorpius." She smiled then we walked back inside.

Your pov:

In the morning I got dressed for the wedding and walked down stairs

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In the morning I got dressed for the wedding and walked down stairs. I saw Ginny and Harry talking. A moment later George joined me then we walked quietly to get some coffee. Harry and Ginny were kissing and we just watched. They slowly pulled away then turned to us. "Morning." George said. They exchanged looks then Ginny went upstairs.

"Your bracelet's pink again." I smirked then Harry pulled his sleeve down and covered his bracelet. We all walked outside to help with the tent. "Bloody hell, what's the Minister of Magic doing here?" George said. "Dunno. But something tells me he didn't come to give away the bride." Ron said. The new minister walked up to us. "To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?" Harry said. "I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter." He said.

The trio and I walked inside and sat down in the couch. He pull out Dumbledore's will and read it aloud. Ron got a deluminator, Hermione got a book and Harry got the snitch he caught in his first game. "To (Y/N) Lily Potter, I leave my phoenix, Fawks." He said and took out a cage and released the phoenix and it flew then rest on my shoulder.

"That's it then?" I asked. "Not quite. Dumbledore left Harry a second bequest: The Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the Sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact, it belongs..." "To Harry! It belongs to Harry. It chose him. It came to him in the Chamber of Secrets when he most needed it." Hermione said.

"The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger. That does not make it that wizard's property. And in any event the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown." "Excuse me?" Harry questioned. "The sword is missing. I won't pretend to be your friend, Mr. Potter. But I assure you I'm not your enemy." Scrimgeour said.

"You'll forgive me, Minister. But it's a little hard to tell the difference these days." Harry replied. "Dumbledore said something very similar the last time we spoke." "Where is your guard, sir?" I asked. "I came alone. I don't really need them anymore..." He said then left.


We were at Bill and Fleur's wedding later that day. It was lovely, the way they looked at each other said it all. I noticed Tonks put her hand on her belly and whisper something in Mrs. Weasley's ear and she beamed. "We want you to be the godmother." Remus said. I turned to him. "You mean. But that's brilliant, I don't know what to say." I smiled. "Say yes." Remus said.

"Yes." I beamed then we shared a hug. "We also asked Harry to be the godfather." "That's wonderful." I smiled. He smiled back then left. "Princess, dance with me." Harry smiled. I smiled back then we went to the dance floor and started dancing. "I found out something. This women named Bathilda Bagshot is writing a book. Apparently she knew Dumbledore better than anyone. She knows things, things we don't even know, I can feel it." Harry said.

"Then why don't we find her?" I suggested. "That's the problem, I know where she is." "Where is she?" Harry hesitated for a second then spoke, "She lives in Godric's Hollow. Dumbledore used to live there as well, it's where they met." I thought about going to Godric's Hollow again. Last time we were there was when we were a year old.

"Don't think about it too hard, princess." Harry said then gave me a small smile. "We are going to be godparents soon." He said and I smiled. Then suddenly a blue ball of light came from the roof of the tent.

A/N: WE MADE IT TO THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, BITCHES! Thank you all for 60k reads, and 2k votes. I'm so grateful for all of you who have read my story and I love you all so much! Let's get those followers up now, please follow me so you can find out when the book version is being released! Thank you again, I love you all! Bye, my always!

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