Aunt Marge and the Night Bus

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I was in my room by myself, Harry was downstairs helping aunt petunia with something because our aunt Marge is coming over. I was practicing my ice power right now. So far I was only able to do fire and heal. Harry and I have been treated properly, getting proper meals.

Though we stayed in shape, reason being because we can and every time I practice it's like working out which I do for about four to five hours a day. Also because we go on adventures every year and you never know what we have to do in those situations. "(Y/N), come down!" Harry yelled. I got up and went down the stairs where Harry was waiting.

The door bell rang and we jerked our heads towards it. "Well open it!" Aunt petunia bellowed. Harry opened it and aunt Marge was there with her spoiled dog, it liked me though. Uncle Vernon came and greeted her. "Uncle Vernon, can you sign these?" Harry questioned as we both simultaneously tried handing him our hogsmeade permission slip. "What is it?"

"School stuff." I replied. "Later if you behave." He said. "We will if she does." Harry and I said together. Aunt Marge turned to us. "You two still here?" She questioned, well more like spat. "Yes." Harry and I said. "(Y/N), how are you? are they treating you well?" She questioned nicely, I was her favorite. I nodded and she smiled and greeted Dudley.

"How does every adult likes you?" Harry questioned. "I'm a lovable person." I replied. They finished dinner while Harry and I picked up after them. We were behind the counter sharing some bread. The dog was licking the glass that aunt Marge was drinking out of.

Harry saw this and started smirking. "What are you smirking at! Where is it that you send him, Vernon?" Aunt Marge spoke. "St. Brutus's. It's a first-rate institution for hopeless cases." He answered. Harry isn't a hopeless case! I look at Harry and he frowned then looked down.

I grabbed his hand and he looked at me then smiled. "I see. And do they use the cane at St. Brutus's, boy?" She asked. "Oh, yes. I've been beaten loads of times." Harry said sarcastically. I smirked and shook my head then we turned our backs to them and listened to their conversation. "Mustn't blame yourself for how this one's turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out. What is it their father did, Petunia?"

"Harry doesn't have bad blood in him, nor did anyone else in our family." I snapped. She glared at me and Harry pulled me back. I turned my back to them again. "He did nothing, their father. That is... he didn't work. He was unemployed." Aunt petunia said. "Of course. And a drunk, I expect-" "That's a lie!" Harry interjected as we both turned to them. "What did you say?"

"Our dad wasn't a drunk." I said and the glass in her hand burst. "I think you two should got to bed." Uncle Vernon said nervously. "Quiet Vernon, boy pick it up." She said snapping her fingers. Harry picked it up. "It doesn't matter about the father. In the end it comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup."

"Shut up! SHUT UP!" Harry and I yelled. The lights started flickering and the table started shaking. "Now you listen here-" she was cut off by her finger blowing up like a small balloon. Soon her entire body blew up like a balloon. Harry and I kept glaring at her angrily. She was about to fly away but uncle Vernon got her. Though he was starting to fly away too. He let her go and she floated away.

Harry and I shared a look and stomped up stairs. Once we got in our room I punched the wall. "We're leaving." Harry said. "Agreed." I said and started packing. I got the bag that Hermione gave me that has a never ending enchantment on it. I grabbed my music box and the picture of my parents and put them inside along with some other things.

Harry and I went down stairs dragging our trunks down with a loud thud with every step our trunks fell on. We were at the book of the stairs when uncle Vernon stopped us. "You bring her back!" He yelled. "No, she deserved what she got." Harry and I spat.

He tried to grab Harry but he pointed his wand at him. He backed away. "You aren't allowed to use magic outside of school." He said. "Oh yeah, try us." "Harry he's right." I said. I flipped open my knife and pointed it at Vernon. He coward back. "They won't have you now. You've got nowhere to go." He said.

"Anywhere's better than here." And with that Harry and I left with a slamming of the door. As we walked to a playground and sat down on the curve. I put my head on Harry's shoulder to try and calm myself down. He put his arm around me.

"It's okay princess, well find something." He assured. I felt uneven, like if someone was watching us. I turned around and see nothing. Then I looked ahead and saw a black dog, it started growling at us and Harry and I got up.

He out his arm in front of me to act like shield. The dog barked and it knocked us down as if it pushed us. Then we heard a car horn and a purple triple decker bus came around the corner and stopped in front of us. A man with greasy black hair and a bell hop uniform stepped out of the bus and read of a piece of paper. "Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening."

He looked up from the paper then looked down at us. "What you doing down there?" He questioned. "Fell over." I said. "Well what you fell over for?" He questioned. "We didn't do it on purpose." Harry snapped. "Well come on then, don't wait for the grass to grow." He said.

Harry and I looked behind the bus to see if the dog was still there. "What you lookin' at?" Shunpike questioned. "Nothing." Harry and I responded. "Well come on then." He said. We reached for our trunks but Stan said he'd get them. I kept my bag with me though since it has two of my most valuable thing I have in it.

We all got on the bus, Harry and I sat down on a bed. "Take it away Erin." Shunpike said. A shrunken head spoke, "Yeah take it away Erin, it's gonna be a bumpy ride." Then the bus zoomed off with incredible speed.

Harry and I were still on the bed that was being slid around. "What you two say your name was?" Shunpike questioned. "We didn't." Harry and I said. "Where you two heading?" "The Leakey Cauldron," "that's in London." Harry and I said. We were being jerked around the bus then Harry and I looked at the daily prophet that Stan was reading.

The man on the the front, something about him felt familiar. "Who is that?" I questioned. "That man." Harry said pointing at the picture. "Who is that? Who is-...that be Sirius Black, that is. Don't tell me you never heard of Sirius Black?" Harry and I shook our heads. "He's a murder, got himself locked up in Azkaban for it."

"How did he escape?" Harry questioned. "That's the question, isn't it? He's the first one that's done it. He was a a big supporter of you-know-who, reckon you've heard of him." "Yeah, him we've heard of." Harry and I said. Then the bus was about to crash into to double decker buses. The driver pulled a lever then everything slowed down. Then he pulled another lever and everything thinned out.

Once we got through them everything went back to normal. After a rough drive we arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. A hunch back came in and spoke, "The Potters, we've been expecting you." It said.

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