Rogue Bludger

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It was Quidditch today, we were in the tent listening to Flint give the game plan. "Alright men." Flint said. "And women." He added. I was the only girl one the team. "First things first, beaters, I need you to knock those Gryffindors off their brooms with those bludgers."

"If you can get Wood because with him down that means the goals are open, got that?" Flint said and the beaters nodded. "Malfoy, I don't care what it takes for you to catch the snitch as long as you catch it." Draco nodded. "Now, our keeper just needs to defended and get the quaffle to our chaser." Our keeper nodded then Flint kept going.

"Chasers no matter what it takes we need to get the quaffle to Potter, we can all agree she's our best chaser, get the quaffle to her. So, Potter, just work your magic, no pressure." The chasers nodded and I took a deep breath. "Let's go beat those Gryffindors." Flint said. We cheered then walked out of the tent.

"Are you nervous?" Draco asked as we walked on the field. "A little, but who isn't before a game." I said. "I'm not." Draco smirked confidently. As we were about to enter the pitch Draco froze and his smirked dropped. I furrowed my eyebrows then followed his gaze. His father was in the teachers' tower.

"Are you nervous?" I asked and grabbed his hand. "Remember last year when I told you about my father?" Draco asked. "So, you are nervous." I said. "He's a hard man to impress." Draco looked down. I grabbed his face then lifted his head to look at me.

I look him in the eye and spoke, "Draco Malfoy. You are the most impressive, amazing, most wonderful player I've ever seen. If your father isn't proud of you even if you do catch the snitch, I'll be. I will be proud of you whether you catch the snitch or not." I leaned forward and kissed his lips.

I pulled away then rested my forehead on his. "How did I get so lucky to call you mine?" Draco smirked. "Because you're you, and you are amazing." I responded. "Now lets go out there and play some Quidditch." We mounted our brooms and flew onto the field.

The game started and I immediately caught the Quaffle and went for the goal. I dodged two chasers making a clear way for the goal. I threw the quaffle and scored. "10 points to Slytherin made by their star chaser, (Y/N) Potter!" The announcer said.

"YES! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Draco cheered and I giggled. As we played the game I was scoring left and right then a bludger nearly hit my face. "Watch yourself, (Y/N)!" Flint called. Then the bludger cane back and hit his broom sending him crashing to the ground.

It looked like the bludger had something personal between Harry and I as it chased Harry around the field. I kept playing the game none the less but I can see the bludger chase Harry out of the corner of my eye. As I played I saw Draco and Harry going after the snitch. "COME ON, LOVE!" I cheered as they passed by me.

Draco smirked at me then disappeared under the stands. I continued playing until I saw Draco fly out from under the stands. I flew as fast as my broom could go and caught him then caught his broom. "Falling for me, are we?" I smirked.

"Well, you are quite the catch." He smirked back and I shook my head sarcastically then handed his broom back. Then the golden snitch flew around us and zoomed off. "Gotta go, love." Draco said then kissed my cheek, got back on his broom and zoomed off.

Draco's pov:

I zoomed off after the snitch neck and neck with Potter. We both reached out for it then a bludger hit both of our arms. Then we speed up going closer to the snitch. I extended my arm then Potter lost control of his broom and we both went crashing down into the sand of the goals.

Your pov:

"Draco!" I exclaimed worried as he crashed down next to Harry. I flew down to him and kneeled down beside him. "Are you two okay?" I asked. Harry still is my brother, no matter how mad I am at him. Draco raised the golden snitch in the air.

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