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Harry and I were in a café, I was reading a book while Harry was reading the daily prophet. "Harry Potter, who's Harry Potter?" The waitress asked. "Oh. Um. No one." Harry replied. "Bit of a tosser really." I added. He sent me a look and I smirked.

She was starting to walk away when Harry spoke, "Hey. I was wondering-" "Eleven. That's when I get off. You can tell me all about this tosser Harry Potter." She said and left. He smiled then turned to me. "Do you want a mint?" I questioned sarcastically.

He shook his head then looked out the window. I turned and saw Dumbledore looking at a perfume billboard. We walked out and went to him. "You've been reckless this summer Harry, (Y/N)." He said. "We like riding round on the trains." Harry said. "It takes my mind off... things." I said.

"Take my arm." Dumbledore said. I did as he told without question. Harry looked back at the café. "Harry, do as I say." Harry sighed then grabbed his arm and we apparated to a village. "We just apparated, didn't we?" Harry questioned holding his stomach.

"Indeed. And quite successfully I might add." Dumbledore said. "Most people vomit their first time." I said. "Can't imagine why." Harry said and I giggled. "Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton, Harry. I assume right about now you're wondering why I'we brought you here, am I right?" Dumbledore said.

"After all these years, we've just sort of roll with it, sir." Harry and I said simultaneously. We approached a dark house and Dumbledore's face darkened. "Wands out, children." Dumbledore instructed. I didn't take my wand out. I made my fist catch fire.

We walk through the house. Harry and I said a clip from the daily prophet on the floor. He picked it up and it said, 'Harry and (Y/N) Potter, the choosen ones?' Then a drop of blood fell on Harry's forehead. He tried to touch it but Dumbledore stopped him. He put his finger on it then licked it. Harry and I shared a disgusted look as he approached an arm chair.

He poked it with his wand the it transformed back into a man. "Merlin's beard! There's no need to disfigure me, Albus." He said. "I must say, you make a very convincing armchair, Horace." Dumbledore said. "It's all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away?"

"Dragon's blood." He responded. He just noticed Harry and I. I put out the fire in my hands. "Ah yes. Introductions. Harry (Y/N), this is an old friend and colleague of mine, Horace Slughorn. Horace, they are, well, you know who they are. Apparently there's some thought they may be the Chosen Ones." Dumbledore said whispering the last part.

They talked for a moment then Dumbledore spoke, "Well, I think it should be put back in order for them, don't you?" He swished his wand then everything started to repair itself. There was a weird noise. I looked down and saw that Harry was stepping on a piece of the chandelier. He lifted his foot then it out itself back in place.

"That was fun. Mind if I use the loo?" Dumbledore questioned. "Not at all." Slughorn said then Dumbledore left. "You have unqie powers, (Y/N)." He said. "Thank you, sir." I said. "You look like your father, Harry, and you look like your mother, (Y/N). Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright, your mother. Even more impressive when one considers she was Muggle-born."

"One of our best friends is Muggle-born. She's the best in our year." Harry said. "Oh, but you mustn't think I'm prejudiced! No, no, no! Your mother was one of my absolute favorites! Look, there she is. Right up front." He motioned us to a dresser filled with pictures.

"All mine, each and every one. Ex-students, I mean. You recognize Barnubas Cuffe, of course, editor of the Daily Prophet. Always takes my owl should I want to register my opinion on the news of the day. And there's Ambrosius Flume of Honeydukes. Sends a hamper of chocolate to the house each birthday. That is, when I had a house. And Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies -- free tickets whenever I want them. Of course, I haven't been to a match in some time." Slughorn said.

Harry and I looked at a picture that looked like Sirius. "Ah yes. Regulus Black. You no doubt know of his older brother Sirius. Died a few weeks ago. I taught the whole Black family except Sirius. Shame. Talented boy. I got Regulus when he came along, of course, but I'd have liked the set." Him talking about Sirius made me sad.

I felt cold then the floor around me started to freeze. "I'm sorry." I said then the frost went away. "Mind if I take this? I do love knitting patterns." Dumbledore said holding up a magazine. Harry and I walked to him. "Of course. But you're not leaving?"

"I think I know a lost cause when I see one. Regrettable. I would have considered it a personal triumph had you consented to return to Hogwarts, Horace. You are, like my friends Ms. and Mr. Potter- one of a kind." Dumbledore said.

We left and as we were about to leave the the gate Slughorn came out. "All right! I'll do it. But I'lol be wanting Professor Merrythought's old office, not that water closet I had formerly. And I expect a raise! These are mad times we live in! Mad!" He said and went back inside. "Indeed they are." Dumbledore said.

We continued walking back to the main village. "Sir, exactly what was that all?" I asked. "You two are talented, famous and powerful-everything Horace values. Professor Slughorn is going to try to collect you two, (Y/N) Harry. You would be his crowning jewels. That is why he is returning to Hogwarts. And it is crucial he return." Dumbledore explained.

"I fear I may have stolen a wondrous night from you, Harry. She was, truthfully, very pretty. The girl." Dumbledore added. "It's alright, sir. You saved me from being a third wheel." I joked and Harry laughed lightly. "It's alright, sir. I'll go back tomorrow, make some excuse." Harry said.

"You'll not be going back to Little Whinging tonight, children." "But, sir. What about our owls? And there's our trunks?" I questioned. "Both waiting for you." Dumbledore said holding our his arm. We took it then we apparated to the burrow.

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