Eight Potters

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Harry and I looked out our window to see the Dursleys packed and ready to leave. "Time for a teary farewell." Harry said. We went down stairs and saw Aunt Petunia standing on the middle of the living room. Harry and I shared a look then walked up to her. "I've lived in this house twenty
years. And now, in a single night, I'm expected to leave." She said.

"They'll torture you." "If they think you know where we're going," "they'll stop at nothing." Harry and I said. "You think I don't know what they're capable of?" Aunt Petunia questioned then looked at us. There was something in her eyes something I've never seen before. It was sadness.

"You didn't just lose a mother that night in Godric's Hollow, you know. I lost a sister." She said then started to walk away. "If she came back," I said getting her attention. "Would you want to make amends?" I asked. She looked at me sadly. "You have your mother's eyes." She said then left.

Harry and I shared a look then walked out. "This isn't goodbye, is it? This is farewell." Uncle Vernon said. "Yup." We said. "I don't understand, aren't they coming with us?" Dudley questioned. "Absolutely not." "Why?" "Well, because they don't want to, do you?"

"Absolutely not. Besides, we're just a waste of space. Isn't that right, Vernon?" Harry and I said simultaneously. He didn't say anything then turned to Dudley. "Come on, Dudley, we're leaving." He said. Dudley didn't listen, he closed the car door then walked up to Harry and I.

He stopped then stuck out his hand. Harry hesitantly took it. "I don't think you two are a waste of space." He said shaking Harry's hand. "Thanks." We said. "I was always scared of you, (Y/N)." He admitted and I laughed lightly. "Figured." I said. He went back to the car then they all left.

Harry and I went back inside the house then sat on the floor of the empty living room watching our owls play. I looked at my locket and opened it staring at the picture. "You miss him, don't you?" Harry asked and I nodded. "I'm gonna find him. He's at the manner. I don't know when, but I'll find him."

Then we heard a strange sound outside of the house. We shared a look then Harry drew his wand while I caught my fist on fire. We opened the door then Hagrid and smiled. "Hello Harry, (Y/N)." Hagrid smiled. Ron and Hermione came in and hugged us. "Yeh two are looking fit." Hagrid said.

"Yeah, they're ruddy gorgeous. What say we get undercover before someone murders them." Mad-eye said coming inside. Mr. Weasley came inside followed by Kingsley. "I thought you were looking after the Prime Minister, Kingsley." Harry and I said. "You're more important." He replied. "Hello, Harry and (Y/N). Bill Weasley." A man with ginger hair and three big scars on his face introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you." Harry and I said simultaneously. "Fleur." I beamed and she beamed back then we shared a hug. "Wasn't always this handsome." "Dead ugly." Fred and George said. "Fred, George!" I beamed and gave them both a hug. "True enough. Owe it all to a werewolf by name of Greyback. Hope to repay the favor one day." Bill said. "You are still beautiful to me, William." Fleur said and kissed his cheek.

Remus and Tonks had walked in at that moment. "Uncle Remus!" I beamed and gave him and Tonks a hug. "Just remember, Fleur, once you're married, Bill takes his steaks on the raw side now." Remus joked. "My husband, the joker. By the way, wait until you hear the news! Remus and I are-" "All right, all right! You'll all have time for a cozy catch-up later! We've got to get the hell out of here and soon!" Moody said.

He placed a bag down then spoke, "Potters, you're underage, which means you've still got the Trace on you." "The trace?" Harry and I questioned. "You sneeze and the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. Point is, we have to use those means of transport the Trace can't detect: brooms, thestrals and the like. We'll go in pairs. That way if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be, they won't know which Harry and (Y/N) Potter is the real one."

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