Department of Mysteries

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We flew to the department of mysteries on threstrials. We walked down the isle to find. We found the isle. "97. He should be here." I said. "Harry, (Y/N) it's got your names on it." Neville said looking at a glass orb. Harry and I looked at it the Harry picked it up.

"The twins with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born when the seventh month dies... and the dark lord will mark them as his equal, but they will have the power the dark lord knows not... and either must die in the hand of the other for neither can live while two survive... the twins with the power to vanquish the dark lord will be born as the seventh month dies..." It said.

Then a deatheater approached use. "Where's Sirius?" Harry asked. "You should really know the difference between dreams and reality." He said and took off his mask. "Lucius." I said. "You saw only what the dark lord wanted you to see." He said.

"Now hand me the prophecy." He said. "You do any to us I'll break it." Harry said. "Good to see you again by the way, (Y/N). I was a bit shocked when Draco told me what happened. He was indeed very fond of you." Lucius said. "Was?" Harry questioned.

"Yes, was. I broke up with him when I found out what his father was." I lied. "Yes, he told me that you broke it off." He said. He saw the ring on my finger. "But of course, I didn't believe it." Lucius snapped.  "Ha ha. Little bitty Draco has fallen, for a Potter." Bellatrix Lestrange said.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville said. "Longbottom isn't it? How's mum and dad?" "Better now that their going to be avenged." Neville said raised his wand. "Everybody just calm down, shall we. Lower your wand and hand me that prophecy." Lucius said.

"Why did Voldemort need us to come and get this?" Harry and I said. "You dare you speak his name, you FILTHY HALF BLOODS!" Bellatrix shouted. "It's all right they're just curious lads, aren't you? Prophecies can only be received by whom they are made about." Lucius said.

We started to be surrounded by deatheater. "Which is lucky for you two really. Haven't you always wondered: what was the reason for the connection between you two and the dark lord. Why he was unable to kill you when he attacked infants. Don't you want to know the secrets behind your scars? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand."

I raised my wand. "All you have to do it give it to me. I could show you everything." Lucius finished. "We've waited fourteen years for this." Harry said. "Guess we have to wait a bit longer." I said. "Now." "Stupefy!" We all shouted and ran for it.

I got separated from the group. "Harry! Prongs!" I called out. Then Lucius appeared in front of me. "We both know that you're better than this, Lucius." I said. "I'm sorry, I truly am, but I have to do this to protect my family." He frowned. "If you really care about Draco, (Y/N), then you would let him go to keep him safe."

I thought about it for a moment. "Now I have to do this." He said and pointed his wand at me. He shot a spell but I quickly put my shield up. Then I blasted him back with fire. I ran and met up with the others. Ginny shot a deatheater then all the prophecies came crashing down.

"Run!" Harry commanded then we ran to the door. Once we all went threw it we all started free fall. "Aresto Momentum!" I said and we all stopped inches away from the ground then plopped down. I heard voice that was coming from the white vial in the room.

"Do you hear that?" Harry and I questioned. "The voices." "There are no voices guys." Hermione said. "I hear them too." Luna said. We all heard a swoosh. "Get behind us!" Harry and I said. Then dark smoke surrounded us messing with our vision.

Harry's pov:

When the smoke disappeared everyone was gone. I looked around and saw them each being held by deatheaters. I didn't see (Y/N) then I turned around and saw Lucius holding her by her hair. "Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that you stood a chance against us." He said.

I looked at my sister, she didn't look scared she kept a stone face. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy, or you will become an only child." Malfoy said. "Don't give it to him Harry." (Y/N) said. Lucius pointed his and at her head.

"Don't give it to him. We both know that this is the thing that the dark lord didn't have last time. I'll be okay, I promise." She said then Lucius tugged on her hair to shushed her. "He won't go through with it, I know it. Even if he is it's something I'm willing to sacrifice, for the greater good. Just don't give it to him. I'll be fine, I promise. If he does kill me... I love you."

"How sentimental. Now choose, Potter!" Lucius snapped. Mum told me to protect her, and that's what I have to do, no matter what. I gave him the prophecy then he threw my sister to me and I caught her, holding her tightly. "I'm sorry." I said softly. "I know." She responded. Then Sirius came from the vial.

Your pov:

"Get away from my godchildren." Sirius said then punched Lucius. The order came causing the deatheaters to release everyone. Sirius took Harry and I behind a rock as the battle started. "Listen to me, kids. Take the others and get out of here." Sirius instructed.

"What? No, we're staying with you, dad." I said. "You've done beautifully, now let me take it from here." Sirius said the started fighting Lucius. Another deatheater came to help him but I blocked his shot with my shield. Sirius, Harry and I started battling two other deatheaters.

I was fighting with both my wand and my hands. I quickly disarmed the deatheater and sent him flying back. "Great shot, Lily." Sirius cheered. Harry sent one deatheater flying back. "Good one, prongs." I beamed.

"Expelliarmus." Harry said disarming Lucius. "Nice one, James." Sirius cheered then continued fighting Lucius and sent him flying back. Then Sirius was hit by a green light shot by Bellatrix. No, this can't happen. He gave us one last sad smile before disappearing into the archway.

Lupin held Harry back while Tonks held me. Harry and I screamed, in that moment that's all we could do. We went after Bellatrix with rage filling our bodies. "I killed Sirius Black!" She chanted. I blasted her back with a fire.

Harry pointed his wand at her while I caught my fist on fire. You have to mean it children. She killed him. She deserves it. You know the spell. We heard. Harry turned to try and attack Voldemort but he disarmed him. Then I tried to shot fire but he blocked it. "So weak." He said.

The Dumbledore came from one of the fireplaces. "It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom." Dumbledore said. Harry grabbed my hand tightly not daring to let go. They talked for a moment then Tom tried to shot a spell and Dumbledore pushed us out of the way as Bellatrix escaped.

Harry held me in his arm shielding me from the chaos of the battle. I put my shield up when sparks were being shot at us. Harry and I got up when Dumbledore had Tom in a ball of water. When he got out he shot another spell but Dumbledore easily deflected it. Then Tom broke all the glass and shot it at us.

Dumbledore put up a shield making it turn to sand. We all shielded our eyes until it was over. Once it was Voldemort disappeared into the sand. Then Harry and I felt a growing pain and we fell to the ground. Our eyes turned snake like. "You've lost old man." We said simultaneously.

The pain grew more. "So much power this one has." I said in Voldemort's voice. I then my hands caught fire. I put them out trying to fight him off. So weak. "Harry (Y/N), it isn't how you are like it's, how you are not." Dumbledore said. Harry and I looked at each other then held hands.

"You're the weak one." We said in unison to Tom. "And you'll never know love or friendship. And we feel sorry for you." We finished then we jerked in pain one more time then he stopped. Harry and I sat up and held each other. "You're fools Harry and (Y/N) Potter. And you will lose everything." Voldemort said.

Then the ministry came and saw Voldemort before he left. "Are you okay, prongs." "I'm fine, princess." Harry and I shared and hug. Though the dark times have returned.

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