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Draco, Ron, and I were in the library studying. My robe was around my chair so I only had my uniform on. I was on my second book already while Ron was at the middle of his first and Draco was at the end of his. Ron was sitting across from me while Draco was next to me. I had my head in my hand and a free hand. I was close to the end of my book when I felt something touch my hand.

Draco's pov:

I look up and saw Weasley trying to hold (Y/N)'s hand. Only I'm allowed to do that. Who does he think he is!? I'm pretty sure that she noticed too because when he touched her hand she pretend to yawn and moved her hand away from his. I smirked a bit at this, though I still couldn't help but be jealous. So, I move my chair closer to her then put my arm around her.

I could see her smile to herself a bit and I smirked. I looked up at Weasley who was glaring at me. I smirked at him then winked, and moved closer to (Y/N). "Can you help me with this, (Y/N)?" Ron asked her. She looked up from her book. "Alright. What is it?" She said politely. "Can you show me where you found the answers to the potion homework?" He asked.

"Yeah it's right..." She said flipping threw the pages in his book and stopped at the right one. "Here." She said pointing to the place on the page. "Thanks." He said placing his hand on hers. This made my stomach knot in anger. "Don't mention it." She said and took her hand back. I glared at him for what he did, I had to show him his place.

(Y/N) sat back in her chair then I move closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder. "What are you reading?" I asked. "A book on magical creatures." She said. "But we don't learn about these creatures yet." I said. "I know, but I love magical creatures so much. Especially the hippogriff, I want to ride one  someday. Won't that be neat? Flying around Hogwarts on one." She beamed.

It was adorable how much she liked magical creatures, one day I'll make her fantasy come true. "I love how passionate you are about this." I charmed. She looked at me and smiled. "I'm gonna go get another book." She said and got up.

I watched her as she walked off to the bookshelves. "What's your game here, Malfoy?" Weasley spat causing me to look at him."I told you that you didn't stand a chance, and I was right. I'm winning this game, Weaslebee." I spat back. "You wish." He snapped.

"I don't need to wish." I smirked. "I will be the only one able to smell her hair and make her blush at my complements towards her. I'm going to be the only one to be able to feel her soft lips on mine and I will be the only one to call her mine." I finished and glared at him. Then (Y/N) came back and we acted like nothing happened.

Your pov:

I came back and it seemed like nothing happened. I heard everything they said and honestly I get this feeling that I can't explain when I'm around Draco. I have never felt it towards anyone before, it's completely foreign to me. I think of Ron as a brother like Fred and George, I became close to them because I help them pull pranks on teachers.

I took my seat next to Draco. I moved closer to him and placed my head on his shoulder, I don't know why, it just felt right. I started to read my book and made myself comfortable on Draco. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

I found this book on flower language and started reading. While I was read-wait what!? This can't be! Can it!? I found out that when Professor Snape was asking Harry about the flowers it means 'I bitterly regret Lily's death', he was apologizing. Did he know my mum?

Draco's pov:

When (Y/N) laid her head on my shoulder I smiled to myself. I love it when she does this, she looks so adorable when she does. She looks adorable all the time. Whenever she's really enjoying a book, constraining on homework, or when she's sleeping next to me she's adorable. I can't wait till the day I can finally call her mine. Anyway, what was I doing again?

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