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"Wake up, love." Draco said softly. I fluttered my eyes open and looked up giving him a tired smile. "Good morning, beautiful." He smiled. "Good morning to you too, handsome." I replied. "Get up were going to Hogsmeade today." "I can't go, my uncle didn't sign my paper." I said. "Not if I have something to say about it." Draco said.

I looked at him confused. "My father signed your paper." He smiled. I smiled brightly and pecked his lips. "Thank you." I said. "Now, go get ready and meet me in the common room." Draco said. I got up then went to my room and got ready.

I put on some black jeans, a green jumper, and my black combat boots. I grabbed my enchanted bag then went down to the common room with my friends and I caught Draco's eye. He smirked and came up to me then grabbed my hand. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded.

The students gathered at the front of the school and handed McGonagall our permission slips. She was talking to Harry for a moment then led the students to Hogsmeade. I looked at Harry. "I'm sorry you can't come, Harry." I said. "It's fine princess, go have fun." He said, I kissed his cheek.

"I'll get you something." I said and continued walking with Draco. Once we got to Hogsmeade we explored most of the village. We went everywhere from Honeydukes to the three broomsticks. "Come on, love. Let's go to the forest." Draco smirked taking my hand and leading the way.

"Why have you lead us here?" I asked, though I had a feeling on what his attentions were. "To be alone." He replied. "Why would you want to be alone?" I asked smirking. "Why do you think?" He smirked back. Draco grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged on his hair. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist then he pinned me against the tree. He licked my bottom lip begging for entrance which I gave. Draco started to kiss down my neck and found my sweet spot when I let out a small moan.

He smirked against my skin then started to abuse that spot before reattaching our lips together.


The students returned from Hogsmeade and Draco and I sat in the great hall with the trio. I was sitting next to Hermione and Draco had his arm around my waist. They were talking about everything they did and saw.

"But, I mean, after awhile, it got a bit boring. Don't you think, Ron?" Hermione said. I can tell she noticed Harry looked a bit down. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Dead depressing. Hang on. I almost forgot. I got you something wicked at Dervish and Banges. It's a Pocket Sneakoscope." Ron said.

He handed Harry a glass ball with a spinning top. "If there's someone untrustworthy around, it's meant to light up and spin. I thought, you know, it can't hurt, given that..." "Sirius Black's trying to kill me. I'm glad you had a good time. Really. And thanks for this. You're right. It can't hurt." Harry grinned.

"I got you something too." I said. I reached in my bag and pulled out a golden snitch bracelet.

 I reached in my bag and pulled out a golden snitch bracelet

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"It reminded me of you when I saw it." I smiled and put it on him. The snitch turned a bronze color. "It's a mood bracelet. Black means anger, white means fear, red mean love, pink means romance, yellow means nervous, bronze means normal, blue means sadness, purple means jealous, orange means confused, and gold means happiness." I explained.

Harry smiled. "Thanks, princess." He said and the snitch turned gold then I smiled back. "What did you do over there?" Harry questioned. "Draco and I just explored the village together, we went to the three broom sticks, then-" I stopped myself. "Then what?" "Then came back." I said.

"Well, Hermione and I saw two snakes in the forest attacking each other and the bigger snake had his mouth on the other snakes neck." Ron smirked, Hermione hit him. "What were you two doing in the forest?" Draco questioned trying to ignore the fact that he was blushing.

"Following the snakes." Hermione said. "Well maybe the snakes wanted some privacy." I said. "What are you guys talking about?" Harry questioned. "Snakes." We all said. Hermione looked at me and get eyes widened causing me to look at her confused.

"And one of the snakes had a mark on it's neck from the attack." She said. I still was confused and looked at Draco for an answer. His eyes widened too. "You have a hickey." Hermione whispered in my ear. Draco quickly his arm around me and covered it. "Well I'm sure that the other snake is proud of his work." Draco smirked.

I giggled a bit with Hermione and Ron. "I still don't get it." Harry said confused. "Don't worry about it, Harry." Draco said. Harry shook his head and grabbed a piece of candy Ron brought. "Oh, I wouldn't-" Ron started but it was to late Harry already was eating the candy.

His face turned red and steam came from his ears. "Woah." He said and we all laughed. We all went started to head back to our common rooms. Draco and I sat on the couch together talking to our friends when Severus came in.

"Your attention please!" He said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turn to him. "Sirius Black may be in the castle as we speak, so for the night everyone will be sleeping in the great hall." Severus announced. "Get ready for bed then head to the great hall." He finished then left.

Draco and I shared a worried look. He grabbed my hand. "It's okay. I won't let him get to you." He assured then kissed my forehead. I smiled then went with my friends to get ready. That night everyone was sleeping in sleeping bags.

Mine was between Draco's and Harry's. Draco moved his closer to mine then pulled me in his embrace. I snuggled up in his strong arms. Harry did the same, except he hocked his arm around my shoulder. "You're sort of third wheeling, Harry." Draco said. "I know." Harry replied.

"Leave him. I actually like this feeling." I said. "What feeling is that?" Draco asked. "Safe." I replied. They both moved closer to me and tightened their embrace. "Good night, princess." Harry said then kissed my head. "Good night, Harry." I said.

"Good night, my love." Draco said then kissed my cheek. "Good night, babe." I said the drifted off to sleep.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now