Third Task

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Skippy: Hey guys, It's Skippy.
Rose: And Rose. We wanted to say that we were not uploading just two chapters.
Skippy: But three becomes we want to start the fifth year Tomorrow.
Rose: That's right tomorrow because we are changing our uploading schedule to Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Skippy: Because so many people want us to upload more. So that's it,
Rose: And that's all.
Skippy&Rose: Bye, our lovies.

I was standing in front of the maze for the third task. People filled the stands with flags for the person they're cheering for. Music was playing, I walked out with Draco and Harry by my sides. We were allowed to have family or a friend with us. "You okay, princess?" Harry questioned. "Yeah." I replied. "Me too." Harry half-smiled and nudged me softly.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Draco said. I looked at him and cupped his face with one hand. "I do too, but it's like what you always say. 'It'll all work out in the end.'" I assured. "Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Miss Potter..." Dumbledore spoke.

Half of the crowd cheered. "and Mr Potter," the other half cheered. "Tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Diggory, Mr. Krum, and Ms. Delacur." People cheered for each person.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round."

We walked to Dumbledore. "In the maze you'll find not dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can, but be very weary you could just lose yourselves along the way."

Harry and I shared a look then I walked back to Draco. He grabbed both of my hand. "Champions prepare yourselves." Draco brought me into a tight hug. "Please be safe." He said in my ear. "Always." I said. He kissed me before going back to the stands.

"Princess, when you get in there do something for me to find you, then we'll win this thing together." Harry said. "Got it, prongs." I responded. "On the count of three... ONE..." The cannon went off. I took a deep breath then entered the maze. It closed behind me then I started making my way.

"We'll meet again, don't know where." I sang trying to find Harry. "Don't know when." I heard then ran to it. "But I know we'll meet again some sunny day." I sang. "Keep smiling through, Just like you always do." It was getting closer. "Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away." We sang together then finally found each other and shared a hug. "Let's go." Harry said and we locked hands and made our way.

We continued walking through the maze then it started closing in on us. "Run!" I bellowed then we sprinted through the maze. We saw Fleur being consumed by the maze. "Send sparks." I urged and Harry shot a spark in the air. The maze started to close in again and we ran for it. We saw a blue light and went to it then Krum tried to shot us with a spell.

"Get down!" Cedric said. Krum shot another spell but I blocked it. Cedric zapped Krum then went up to him and kicked his wand away. He pointed it at him as if he was going to finish him off. I run up and try to lower his wand. "No stop! He's bewitched, Cedric!" I said trying to force his hand to lower his wand and we struggled for a bit. "Get off me!" He snapped and pushed me to the ground.

"What's your problem!?" I snapped. His face softened then Harry came and helped me up. We all started running towards the cup then the maze got Cedric. "Harry, (Y/N)!" He called. We stopped and looked for a moment then I ran back to him. "Reducto." I said and the maze went back. I helped him up and dusted him off. "Thanks." He said. "Don't mention it." I said.

"Some game huh?" "Some game." "Come on let's go." Harry said and we ran to the cup. "Take it! You saved me take it!" Cedric insisted. "Together." I said. "One, two, three!" Harry said and we all touched the cup. We teleported to some sort of graveyard. "You ok?" I questioned Harry. "Yeah." He responded. "Here, let me help." Cedric said and helped me up.

"Thanks." I said. "Thanks by the way, for saving me. For a second there, I thought you were gonna leave." He said. "I almost did." "Where are we?" Cedric questioned. "I've been here before." Harry said. "I have too." I said. "It's a portkey. Harry, (Y/N) the cup is a portkey." Cedric said. "We've been here before in our dream." Harry said.

"Cedric, we have to get back to the cup! Now!" I said. "What are you talking about?" Cedric questioned. Harry and I felt a sharp pain in our scars. "What is it?" "Get back to the cup!" Harry and I shouted. Then Wormtail who was carrying a small man came out. "Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric questioned. "Kill the spare." Said the small man. He shot a spell at Cedric.

"No! Cedric!" Harry and I shouted. It was too late. He was dead. Harry grabbed my hand and had a death grip on it. Wormtail pointed his wand at us then trapped us in the statue. "Do it, now." He dropped the small man in the cauldron. "Bones of the father, unwillingly given. Flesh of the servent willingly sacrificed." He said and chopped his hand off.

Harry and I still holding hands. "Blood of the enemy forcibly taken." He cuts Harry's sleeve. "Stop!" I snapped. He then cut my hand. "No!" Harry yelled. He dropped some of our blood in the cauldron. "The dark lord, shall rise, again." He finished.

The cauldron burst into flames and a reformed Voldemort emerged.

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