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I woke up and rubbed my tired eyes. "Have to meet up with Harry." I told myself. I got up and got dressed then I started heading to the Gryffindor house. I got to the common room and I saw Draco on the couch. "Hey." I said getting Draco's attention.

He turned to me. "Hi, are you going out?" He asked. "Yeah I have to see Harry." "Well, before you go I somethings for you. Presents." He said getting two things from under the tree. "You got me presents?" I questioned. "Well I thought what is the one thing (Y/N) Potter wants?" He said.

"I don't know, your guess is as good as mine." I joked and he lightly giggled. "To see her parents on Christmas." Draco answered himself handing me a gold gift bag. I looked at him confused but took it. I opened it and got out a picture frame. It was a photo of my parents, but it moved. They were dancing with each other smiling.

 They were dancing with each other smiling

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They look so happy

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They look so happy. They way they looked at each other says it all. "Where did you get this?" I asked still mesmerized by seeing my parents. "I asked a few teachers for help and they found this. I figured that if they can't be here, you should at least see them. Not like in those dreams you have." Draco said.

"It's an actual thing to cherish not just for you, but for your brother as well." I smiled at him. "Thank you so much." I started crying a bit but I quickly wiped the tears away. "I also got you this." Draco said handing me a wrapped present.  I opened it, it was a glass piano music box.

"It's enchanted so you don't need to wind it up

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"It's enchanted so you don't need to wind it up. All you have to is tap it with a wand and let the magic happen." He said. He took out his wand and tapped it then it started playing The Most Wonderful Time of the Year like a music box would then the keys on the piano started moving as if playing the song. With every key press a little blue lights came out from it and disappeared into the air. I smiled and walked up to face him.

"Thank you for all of this. What can I ever give you in return?" I asked. "Well..." Draco pointed up and we were under the mistletoe, once again. I giggled and he smirked. I put the gifts down and got close to Draco. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him. I pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine.

"And you said I had to wait till next Christmas." Draco smirked. "I had to repay you somehow." I giggled. I pulled away from his embrace and picked up the gifts and headed for the door. "Happy Christmas, Draco." I smiled. "Happy Christmas, love." He smiled back then I left.

I got the Gryffindor house and stopped at the painting. The fat lady looked at me "Password?" She asked. "Oh no...can't you just let me in. I'm here to see my brother for Christmas." I said. "Sorry dear, password." she said. I knocked on the door and a moment later it was opened by Ron. "Hey (Y/N), come in." he said.

I went inside. "Where's Harry?" I asked. "He's still asleep." "I'll go get him." I  insisted. I set my gifts down and made my way to his room. I got there and walked inside and saw Harry still sleeping. "Harry wake up, it's Christmas." I said softly shaking him awake. He woke up and smiled tiredly. "Come lets go." I said. He got out of bed and we went down stairs.

I saw Ron wearing a sweater with an R on it. "Happy Christmas guys." he said. "Happy Christmas, Ron." Harry and I said together. "What are you wearing?" We both questioned. "Oh, Mum made it for me. Looks like you two got one too!" Ron beamed. "I've got presents?" Harry beamed. "It's a new feeling you'll get use to." I giggled. We rushed down stairs.

"What's this?" Harry questioned picking up my music box. "It's an enchanted music box. I got it for Christmas." I smiled. "Who gave it to you?" "A friend..." "Well I know that but which friend." I looked at him and hesitated. "Draco." I finally said. "Malfoy!?" The boys said simultaneously. "Yeah, he did." I said

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but how do you know he's just playing you?" Ron said. I glared at him "Why would do you think he'll be doing that?" I spat more than questioned. "Because he's a Malfoy." "So?" I defended. "Why are you always like this whenever he does something nice for me?" I asked. Ron's face turned red. "B-Because..." He said. "Because what?" "Because he's just using his money to get to you." He spoke.

"Using his money?" I stated more than questioned. I picked up the picture of my parents and lifted it up to show them. "Someone who's just using his money wouldn't have got me this." I finished. "Is that...them?" Harry asked. I smiled at him and nodded.

I handed him the picture. "They look happy." I said. " look like mum, princess." Harry said smiling at them. I got teary eyed then looked at Ron. "Draco isn't using his money to get to me, it else he wouldn't have got me this." I said.

Harry walked up to me and place his head on my shoulder. We looked at the picture for a moment. "Where did Malfoy find this?" Harry asked. "He said that he asked a few teachers for help and he found this. He said that he wanted me to see our parents for Christmas." I told as Harry was still looking at the picture. "Lets get back to it then." I said.

After a while of gift opening we were all done. "Wait, there's one more two." Ron said handing us the present. Harry took it and got the card from it. He read it out loud "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you both. Use it well." Harry opened the present, it was a cloak. "What is it?" Ron questioned.

"Some kind of...cloak." I responded. Harry got the cloak and put it on. His body disappeared. "Whoa!" Ron and I beamed. Harry looked down and found out why we were amazed. "I know what that is! That's an invisibility cloak!" Ron said. "I'm invisible?" Harry questioned. "No the cloak took away your body." I said sarcastically. "They're really rare. I wonder who gave it to you." Ron continued.

"It just said to use it well." I answered. "Wait there's another one." Harry said and picked up a wrapped present. "It's for you, (Y/N)." He said and handed it to me. I opened it there was a flower crown with a wedding vial attached to it. I pick up the note that was in the box.

"This was your mother's. She wore it her wedding day wore it her wedding day, it felt right to pass it down to you. Hope you wear it your wedding day as well." I read. I picked my mother in it and smiled.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now