The Escape

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I was crying, mum tried to calm me down. "She keeps crying. I've done everything." She said. "Perhaps she's sick?" Dad suggested. "I've checked that too." Harry had his arms outstretched making noises. I did the same towards him. Mum put me in the crib next to Harry, we hugged eachother, I stopped crying.

"Well would you look at that." Dad smiled. "Just wait til the day another boy comes in her life." Mum said. "Like a boyfriend?" Harry made an angry noise at the word, dad laughed. "That's not gonna happen for a long time. Harry, when the time comes try to accept them. If you don't, you will have to learn." "Yeah, she has feelings too. And princess, always see heart." Mum said.

Then I woke up

I woke up to a bright light in my face, but it wasn't the sun. "Princess." Harry whispered. "Harry, is it daytime?" I questioned. "No not yet." "Then what-" a car horn honked. Harry and I got up and looked out the window. It was a blue car, it was flying which can only mean one thing. "Hiya Harry, (Y/N)." Ron said.

"Ron!" We quietly beamed. Fred and George were in the front. Fred was driving. "Fred, George!" I beamed. "Hi (Y/N)." They smiled. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked. "Rescuing you two, of course." Ron replied. Harry and I shared a look and started packing.

Harry got dressed and I got clothes for me to change into. "Here." Harry said holding up a blanket to cover me. I 'bloomed' over the summer and needed more privacy. I got dressed and Harry moved the blanket out of the way then we finished packing.

"Now how are you going to get us out?" I questioned. "Stand back." Ron cautioned. Harry pulled me out of the way. They had a rope tied to the bars. Then Fred hit the acceleration and the bars are torn out of the wall with a loud noise.

Harry and I rushed to the window handing them our luggage and owls then I got in the car first because Harry insisted. Then I remembered something. "Harry, my music box." I said. He nodded and got it from the desk then uncle Vernon came in the room.

Harry quickly went for the window and got in the car. "No you don't!" Vernon yelled and grabbed Harry's leg. "Let go of him!" I bellowed holding onto Harry. "You two aren't going anywhere." "Get off!" Harry yelled. "Drive!" Ron commanded. Fred push the gas pedal and started driving off causing Vernon to fell out of the window.

I pulled Harry in the car and we looked back at the house and smiled that we finally escaped. The Weasleys gave eachother high fives. "Princess, here." Harry said handing me the music box. "Thanks Harry." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Why did you need Harry to go back for it." "You could have just left it." Fred and George said. "It brings back a happy memory." I said. It was true, every time I listen to it I remember dancing with Draco. "Oh, so it's not the fact that Malfoy gave it to you." Ron said jealously.

"No." I lied. "Still jealous brother," "you've been talking about her every time you get the chance." Fred and George said. "What?" I questioned. "Nothing, th-their talking loads of ru-rubbish." Ron stuttered. I looked at Harry who was smirking. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Soon, we arrived at their house. It had a few extra rooms added and looked like it was being held together by magic, it was tall. We all entered quietly in the house. The boys grabbed some bread except for Harry. The inside of the house was so amazing. The dishes were doing themselves and the same for knitting blankets. Harry and I were fascinated by all of it.

"It's not much, but it's home." Ron said. "I think it's brilliant." Harry and I said together. Then Mrs. Weasley came in the room angrily. "Where have you been!?" She snapped. "Harry, (Y/N). How wonderful it is to meet you two." She said politely and smiled.

She then looked back at her sons. "Beds empty! No note! You could've died! You could've been seen!" She looked back at Harry and I. "Of course I don't blame you, dears." "They were starving them mum, they put bars on their window." Ron explained.

Harry and I nodded. "Well you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." She finished. Ron eyes widened out of fear then her expression softened instantly. "Come on Harry, (Y/N), time for a spot of breakfast." She smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." Harry and I said.

We got into the kitchen and sat down while Mrs. Weasley served us. The I heard foot steps coming down stairs. It was Ginny. "Mommy, have you seen my jumper?" She asked. "Yes dear, it was on the cat." Mrs. Weasley answered. "Hi, Ginny." I smiled. She smiled at me and waved then she looked at Harry. Her eyes widened, her smile dropped and she froze.

"Hello." Harry smiled. Ginny slowly stepped back and scurried back upstairs. "What did I do?" Harry questioned looking confused. "Ginny. Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really." Ron said. I stifled a laugh. "Oi brother, I think you got an admirer." I smirked. "Morning Weasley!" Mr. Weasley beamed. "Morning dad." They all chanted.

He went inside the house. "What a night! Nine raids!" He said. "Raids?" Harry and I questioned. "Dad works at the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. Dad loves muggles, thinks their fascinating." Ron answered. Mr. Weasley sat down at the table. "And who are you two?" He questioned.

"Oh right. I'm Harry sir and," "(Y/N) Potter." I finished. "Good lord, are you really?" He said in awe. "Well, Ron told us all about you two. And might I add you are just as Ron described you, (Y/N)." Mr. Weasley said. I raised an eyebrow.

"How did he describe me?" I questioned, I have a feeling I know where this is going. "Let see, pretty (h/c) hair, sparkling (e/c) eyes, and beautiful features. We thought you were a veela by the way he talks about you." I looked at Ron, his face was a radiant red.

Harry stifled a laugh, "Looks like you have an admirer too, princess." I shook my head and went back to eating. "Anyway, when did they get here?" Mr. Weasley asked. Mrs. Weasley turned to him and spoke. "This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey house and back last night." "Did you really? How'd it go?" He questioned.

We all erupted into chatter but quickly stopped by Mrs. Weasley's glare. "I mean that was very wrong of you all." he said trying to be strict. Then an owl screech was heard. "That must be Errol with the post." Mrs. Weasley said. A dark colored owl came and slammed right into the window.

"Fetch it, will you Percy." Mrs. Weasley said. He did as she told and handed us our Hogwarts letter. I got out my knife and flipped it open to open my letter. "What is that?" Mr. Weasley questioned. "Oh, this is a muggle weapon I keep with me." I answered. "Fascinating, you are just as amazing as Ron says." He said. "Thank you Mr. Weasley."

I read my letter and found out the new books we needed. "The entire Gilderoy Lockhart series? I've already read all of them." I said. "Of course you have," "you and Hermione read half of the library together." Fred and George said. "His books seem like loads of rubbish." I spat. "Can we prank him next?" I whispered to them. "There's our little apprentice." They said together.

"Now all of you get ready and we'll all go to Diagon Alley for the school supplies." Mrs. Weasley said. I flipped my switch knife closed and put it in my pocket.

A/N: I'm sorry this is late, I got caught up with school. Anyways, it's year 2 already! Also, thank you all for two thousand reads! I'm was so happy when I saw it, I mentally squealed with joy! That's all for now. Bye bye.

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