Blanket Fort

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(Shout out to my new partner, by the way. They also read my story, well our story now, since the beginning. -Skippy)

I felt Draco kiss my shoulder which woke me up. My back was facing him and he had his arm around my bare waist. He kept kissing my shoulder up to my neck. I turned my body towards him and smiled. "Good morning, gorgeous." Draco smiled. "Good morning to you too, handsome." I replied.

I smiled remembering last night then rested my head on my shoulder and nuzzled in the crook of his neck. "Last night was perfect." I said. "Do you regret it?" Draco asked. "No, do you?" I replied. "Not in the slightest." He smiled then lift my chin up with his finger and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and smiled then rested my head on his chest.

"Where is everyone?" I asked noticing that my friends were gone. "Hogsmeade." He answered. "You didn't want to go?" I asked. "No, because I wanted to stay here with you. So, we have your room to ourselves." Draco said. "What do you want to do?" "Well, there is one thing I would like to do." I smirked and slithered my hand up Draco's bare chest.

I kissed his neck slowly and seductively. "But we can do that later." I said in his ear and he pouted. "You're such a tease." Draco said and I giggled. "What can we do today?" I asked. "I don't know. Whatever you want." Draco said. I thought for a moment then got an idea. "Get up and get dressed, I have an idea." I beamed. Draco smiled and got up.

I sat up and tried to get up but I stumbled back on the bed. "You okay?" Draco asked. "Yeah, but I think I'm gonna be walking funny today. I wonder who caused that." I said the last part sarcastically. Draco smirked then help me up. I threw on some clothes and made a list of things to get.

"Here, get this stuff and come back. Make sure you're wearing something comfortable." I instructed. "Why do I have to get this stuff?" Draco asked. "Because I'm walking funny and I'm going to be setting up here." I replied. "Where do I get the laptop and movies?" "Ask Chris. He owes me one since I help him with his potions final." I said.

Draco kissed my cheek and went do get the supplies. I gathered all the pillows and blankets in the room and started to go to work. Once I finish I changed into a set of comfortable clothes.

Right when I finish changing Draco came back with the things

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Right when I finish changing Draco came back with the things. Once he came in he saw the blanket fort I made, he was wearing green pajama pants and a white T-shirt. "Surprise." I beamed. "What is it?" He asked. "It's a blanket fort. Have you not seen one before?" "No I haven't." "Oh, well this is a muggle thing I guess. Harry and I would make them when we were little." I said.

"Did you wear that when you did?" Draco asked scanning my body as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "No, this is a special outfit just for you." I replied. He smirked then kissed my lips. "Did you get the supplies?" I asked. "Yes. A whole lot of treats, our favorite foods, and the laptop and movies." Draco listed.

"Good, let's go in." I said. Draco took off his shirt and went inside. I followed and sat closely beside him.

 I followed and sat closely beside him

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"This is nice. It's small and cozy." Draco smiled. "Thanks." I smiled back. We crawled in the blanket and I took out the laptop. "You choose the movie." I insisted. Draco went through the lot and picked one out. He smiled and put it in the laptop. "Which one did you pick?" I asked. "You'll see." Draco smirked.

I shrugged and wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his chest. I made myself comfortable on Draco and he wrapped his arms around me. The polar express was playing. "You remember." I smiled. "I always do." Draco smirked. We watched the movie, Draco was actually very interested in it.

"I don't get it. Why couldn't his parents hear the bell?" Draco questioned at the end of the movie. "Because they don't believe in Santa Claus." I explained. "I believe." Draco said and I stifled a laugh. "What's so funny?" "Nothing, it's just you sounded really innocent when you said that." I giggled.

"I'm not innocent, love." Draco said slyly and slithered his hand down my curves. I connected our lips together as Draco got on top of me. "Is it later already?" He asked with a smirk. I slid my hands slowly down his toned body. Draco reconnect our lips and I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer.

I started grinding against him and he moaned. He spanked my ass causing me to moan. "You like that, baby?" Draco smirked into the kiss. "Yes." I replied as he started kissing my neck. Draco slowly moved his hand in my shorts. We heard the door open then Draco quickly took his hand back and got off of me with a disappointed sigh.

"What's this?" I heard Rudy questioned then came in the fort with Micaela, Celeste and Chris. "What are you guys doing?" Micaela asked. "Nothing anymore." Draco said. "Food!" Celeste beamed then grabbed some candy and sat down as the others followed.

"So this is what you wanted my movies and laptop for." Chris said. "Put on a movie, Chris." Ruby said. Draco and I looked at each other then I shrugged and he smiled. Draco put his arms around me while I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his chest getting comfortable on him.

Chris put a movie in and the title 'Insidious' appeared. "I wanted to watch this one." Micaela said. "Is it scary?" Celeste asked. "A little, to me." Chris replied then played the movie. Right when it did a scream boomed and I jumped into Draco's arms. I was curled up in his chest from fright, holding him close and tightly.

"Oops, I didn't rewind it." Chris said then rewind the movie. "I like how your instinct when something scary happens is to go to Draco." Celeste grinned. "Shut it." I said blushing. Draco smiled then kissed my head. The entire movie Ruby, Micaela and Chris watched and commented on how stupid the people were.

Celeste defended the people while getting frightened when a jump-scare happened. Draco seemed to enjoy every time I got scared because I would jump in his arms every time. He assured me that it was just a movie then held me closer and kissed my head every time.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now