Dumbledore's Army

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The trio and I were in the the Gryffindor common room. They allowed me to come in to talk about what to do with Umbridge. "She's taking over the entire school." Hermione complained. She stopped then walked to the window. "He really is out there isn't he? Then we have to learn to defend ourselves."

"How?" I questioned. "If Umbridge refuses to teach us how we need people who will." Hermione said then turned to Harry and I. "We need teachers." She said. Harry and I looked at each other than nodded.


The trio, Draco, and I were walking in hogsmeade to find the place the meetings was being held. "This is mad." Harry said. "Who wants to be taught by us." I said. "We're nutters, remember?" "Don't bring yourself down, love. Remember first year when you taught me a Scourging charm." Draco said.

"You remember that?" "Of course I do." Draco smiled and grabbed my hand. "Who's suppose to be meeting us then?" Harry asked. "Just a couple of people." Hermione answered. We entered and old pub. "Lovely spot." Ron said. We went into the room and sat down in front.

The room was filled with different students of all ages. The only Slytherins, other than Draco and I, were Ruby, Micaela, and Chris. Hermione spoke, "Um, hi. So, you all know why we're here. We need teachers, proper teachers. Ones' who got real experiences with defending themselves against the dark arts."

"Why?" Someone questioned. "Why? Because you-know-who's back, you tosh pot." Draco spat. "So they says." "So Dumbledore says." Hermione defended. "So Dumbledore says because they says. The point is where's the proof." Harry and I looked at each other.

"Potter could tell use more about how Diggory got killed." Another person said. Harry glanced at Cho. "We're not gonna talk about Cedric." Harry said getting up. "So, if that's why your here might as well clear out now." I said doing the same.

"Come on, Draco, let's go they're just here cause they think we're some sort of freak." I said to him and tried to leave but he stopped me. "Hey, wait." He said grabbing my hand. "Is it true you two can produce the Patronus charm?" Luna questioned.

"Yes." Draco answered for me. "I've seen it." "Blimey, I didn't know you two can do that." Dean said. "Harry killed a baslisk, with a sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville said. "That's true." Ginny said. "Harry and (Y/N) fought off about a hundred Dementors at once." Ron said.

"(Y/N) tamed and rode a dragon. She's also learning how to control her special powers." Draco mentioned. "And last year they really did fight you-know-who in the flesh." Hermione said. "Wait, look it all sounds great went you say it like that," "but the truth is most of that's just luck." Harry and I said.

"We didn't know what we were doing half the time," "and we nearly always had help." We said. "They're just being modest-" "No, Hermione, we're not." Harry and I said simultaneously. "Facing this stuff in real life is not like school." I said. "In school you can make a mistake and just try again tomorrow, but out there." Harry said.

"When you're a second away from being murdered or watching your best friend or family be killed right before your eyes after saying that they love you one last time. You don't know what that's like." I spoke. I got a bit choked up while speaking then Harry grabbed my hand and sat back down. "You're right guys, we don't." Hermione said.

"That's why we need your help, love." Draco said sitting next to me and cupping my face with one hand. "Because if we have any chance of beating... Voldemort." "Is he really back?" A little boy said. I looked at him and nodded slowly. A little Hufflepuff girl slowly walked up to me.

"Is it true that you have flashbacks of your parents?" She asked shyly and I nodded. She took out a heart necklace that said 'my little girl' on it. "My father was killed by a deatheater when I was four. This is all I have left of him." She said sadly. "I remember him sometimes too."

She put her hand on my shoulder. "That's evermore reason to train, isn't it? So we can prevent mums, dads, sisters, and brothers from meeting the same end." She finished. She hugged me then I returned it. "If this little girl can do it, why not us?" Neville said. It took a moment then everyone agreed.

Harry and I smiled then Hermione got out a piece of parchment and a pencil and we wrote our names down then let everyone else sign it. Once everyone did we walked out and went back to the castle. "First we need a the perfect place to practice so Umbridge won't find out." Harry said.

"The Sheiking Shack." Ginny suggested. "That's to small." I said. "The forbidden forest." Hermione suggested. "Well bloody no." Ron said. "What happens if Umbridge does find out?" Ginny questioned. "Who cares, I mean, it's sort of exciting isn't it. Breaking the rules." Hermione said.

"Who are you and what have you done to Hermione Granger?" I joked. "Anyway at least we know one positive thing that came from today." Hermione smirked. "What is that?" Harry questioned. "Cho couldn't keep her eyes off of you, prongs." I smirked.

He smirked back and we kept walking. "Right, over the next few days we'll each come up with a couple of possibilities on places we can practice. We got to make sure that where ever it is Umbridge won't be able to find it." I instructed.


The next day Neville came to use talking to use about a secret room in the castle. We followed him there. "You've done it Neville, you found the room of requirements." Hermione beamed. "The what?" He questioned. "It's also know as the come and go room. The room only appears when a person has real need of it and is always equipped for the seekers needs." Hermione explained.

"So, say you really needed to toilet?" Ron questioned. "Charming, Ronald." I said sarcastically. "Yes, that is the general idea." Hermione said. "Brilliant, it's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back." Harry said. We informed everyone and met in the room of requirements. Everyone was in two lines and Harry and I were on each side of one and instructed Neville.

There was a wooden person with a fake wand to act like a target. "Expelliarmus." Neville said and disarmed himself. "I'm hopeless." He said. "You're just flourishing your wand too much." I said. Harry spoke up, "Try it like this. Expelliarmus." Harry disarmed the target with ease.

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