Godric's Hollow

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In the morning Hermione tied a scarf around a tree for Ron to find if he came back or something. We all locked hands and apparated to a cliff side place. I set the enchantment while Harry set up the tent. I started to feel a bit queasy. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I gagged.

Hermione quickly summoned a bucket and I threw up in it. "That's like the tenth time already." She said. "Are you feeling feverish?" "No, I don't know what's wrong with me, Hermione. Every morning I wake up and I feel sick to my stomach." I explained. Hermione looked at me curiously.

"Has your stomach been feeling odd?" She asked. "A little." I answered. "Maybe you're-" "Hermione, (Y/N)!" Harry called. We looked at him, he had the snitch in his hand. "You were right, Hermione. It's like you said. Snitches have flesh memories. But I didn't catch my first Snitch with my hand. I almost swallowed it." Harry said handing me the snitch.

"I open at the close." I read off it. "What do you two reckon it means?" Harry asked and we both shrugged. "I thought it was a picture of an eye, but now I don't think it is. It isn't a rune and it's not in Spellman's Syllabary either. And it's been inked in, somebody drew it, it isn't part of the book." Hermione said showing us a drawing in her book.

"I've seen that before, I can't remember where." I said trying to remember. "Luna's dad was wearing that at Bill and Fleur's wedding." Harry said. "No, I've seen it somewhere else." I said. "What do you mean wearing it?" Hermione asked.

"Around his neck. Like an amulet. I didn't think much of it at the time. You know Luna, she's always got some mad thing or the other she's carrying around. I just figured it ran in the family." Harry replied. "Why would some one draw it in a children's book?" Hermione questioned.

Harry and I exchanged looks then spoke, "Hermione, we've been thinking." "We want to go to Godric's Hollow." "It's where we were born, it's where our parents died-" "And it's exactly where You-Know-Who will expect you two to go. Because it means something to you guys." Hermione replied.

"But it means something to him too, Hermione." "You-Know-Who nearly died there." "Wouldn't that be just the kind of place he'd hide a Horcrux?" We responded. "It's dangerous, guys. But I have to admit, recently even I've been thinking we might have to go. I think it's possible something else is hidden there." Hermione spoke.

"The sword. If Dumbledore didn't want it falling into the Ministry's hands, but wanted you to find it, what better place to hide it than the birthplace of the founder of Gryffindor himself?" "So?" We asked. "We leave at night." She said walking back to the tent. Harry and I smiled at each other then locked arms and followed her.

Later that night we packed everything then apparated to Godric's Hollow. Harry and I looked at each other and locked hands. "I still think we should've used Polyjuice Potion." Hermione said. "No. This is where we were born." "We're not returning as someone else." Harry and I said.

We began walking then walked past a graveyard. "Do you think they'd be in there, Harry? Mum and dad?" I asked. "Yes." He said. We walked in, Hermione was looking around while Harry and I search for our parents. "Harry..." I said then walked up to a tombstone. Our parents names were on it.

Harry came up to me and grabbed my hand. Hermione made a flower reef for them. "Thanks." We said. "They would be provided of both of you." Hermione said. "We know." "They can see us right now." We said. Two small balls of blue light came from my free hand. We all looked at it curiously as it sunk into our parents grave.

"What was that?" Harry asked. "I don't know." I said. He pulled me closer then I rested my head on his shoulder. "Happy Christmas Harry, (Y/N)." Hermione said. "Happy Christmas, Hermione." We returned. We took a moment just looking at their grave then Hermione spoke, "Harry, (Y/N)... Someone's watching us. By the gate."

We both nodded before glancing up to see an old woman before she walked away. "C'mon." We said then slowly followed her. As we did I saw a small house with it's roof nearly gone. I stopped and looked at it. It was our house, when our family was still... Alive. "(Y/N)..." Harry said as I slowly began to walk towards it.

So many memories went through my head. "This is it." I said. "Every night I lie in bed," I sang softly. "The brightest colors fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake." Then Harry and I started to sing together. "I think of what the world could be a vision of the one I see a million dreams is all it's gonna take."

Harry smiled sadly at me the grabbed my hand. "A million dreams..." He sang softly. "For the world we're gonna make." I finished. "Harry, (Y/N)." Hermione whispered to us. We turned to her then she nodded towards the same old woman we saw earlier. We shared a look then approached her.

"You're Bathilda, aren't you?" Harry asked. She didn't say anything, she just motioned us to follow her. She lead us to her house and we walked inside. When she left the room Hermione spoke, "Guys, I'm not sure about this." "Hermione, she knew Dumbledore. She might have the sword." Harry said.

"Besides, she's barely knee-high to a house-elf. I think we can overpower her if it turns ugly." I mentioned then Harry nodded in agreement. "There's something odd about her. And what's that smell?" Hermione questioned. "She's gaga, remember?" Harry replied. Bathilda came back in with a match box.

She was having trouble lighting the candle then Harry helped her. I was looking around then saw a picture of the boy in our vision. "Ms. Bagshot, who is this man?" I asked. She didn't answer, only motioned Harry and I to follow her. "She wants us to go with her alone." We said. "Why?" Hermione questioned.

"It's alright." "You stay here." We said then followed Miss Bagshot upstairs. I wrinkled my nose smelling something rank. "You're the Potters?" Bathilda asked. "Yes." Harry and I chorused. "I have something for you two." She said then walked away. Harry and I looked around the room for a bit, then something felt off.

We looked back at Bathilda and she began to wither away. Nagini appeared then went after me but Harry stepped in front of me. They crashed the wall down into another room. "Reducto!" I casted then blasted the snake back. She got up quickly then went after me and slammed me into the wall into the other room.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione exclaimed sending Nagini back. She grabbed Harry and I then apparated away.

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