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I was sitting in the common room with Draco and our friends. Draco was laying down on the couch with his head on my lap. I was running my fingers through his hair and he smirked up at me. Then we heard a loud bang on the door. Ruby went to go get it.

Hermione came bursting through the door. "(Y/N)! Ron, he's been poisoned. Harry saved him but he's still unconscious." She cried. She grabbed my arm and rushed me towards the hospital wing. Draco didn't follow, he was acting suspicious today. We entered the hospital wing and saw Ginny, Dumbledore, Slughorn, Severus and Harry.

"Did you use bezoar?" I asked Harry. "Yeah, just like you taught me." He said. "You must be very proud of your students, eh, Horace?" Dumbledore said. "Yes, very proud." He replied. "I think we all agree that Mr. Potter's actions were heroic. The question is: Why were they necessary." McGonagall said.

"Why indeed." Dumbledore spoke. He had a half empty bottle that Draco had earlier. "This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't by chance remember who gave you this bottle, do you, which by the way possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry when not polluted with poison." "Actually I intended to give it as a gift myself." Slughorn said.

"To whom might I ask?" "You, headmaster." I refuse to believe it. Draco wouldn't do that. "Where is he? Where's my Won-Won! Has he been asking for me?" Lavender asked worried as she approached Ron's bed. She stopped and glared daggers at Hermione. "What's she doing her?"

"I might ask you the same." Hermione shot back. "I happen to be his girlfriend." "I happen to be his... friend." Hermione said. She told me she liked Ron third year. "Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting." Lavender said.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And for the record, I've always found him interesting." Hermione snapped. "Where were you, Brown, our last five years of school?" I mentioned. Ron started stirring in his sleep. "See, he senses my presence. Don't worry, Won-Won, I'm here." Lavender cooed.

"Her...mio...ne..." Ron mumbled. "Her... mione..." Lavender ran out in tears. "Ah, to be young and feel love's keen sting. Come, everyone, I think Mr. Weasley is well tended." Dumbledore said. I went back to the common room, Draco wasn't there. I went to his room and slowly walked in. He was alone sitting on his bed with his back was facing the door.

"How's Ron?" Draco asked. "Just fine. He said Hermione's name in his sleep." I said. "About time." He replied. I walked up to him slowly. He was looking at the dark mark on his arm blankly. I sat on his lap and grabbed his arm then kissed the mark softly. I rolled his sleeve down and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked, he didn't answer. "You've been strong, Draco." I said softly running my fingers through his hair. "But even the strongest people have their weak moments." That's all he needed, Draco barred his face in my shoulder and started sobbing. He was holding me tightly as if he needed it to breath.

I caressed his head softly holding him close. "I'm a monster!" He sobbed into my shoulder. "You're not a monster, Draco, not even close." I said softly. "You deserve someone better than me! Someone who isn't a monster! Someone who's not a coward!" Draco sobbed again.

"No one can be better than you, Draco, you're my one and only. You're not a coward, you proved that every time you go on one of our crazy adventures every year. You're definitely not a monster, you proved that every day by being my being my hero." I said. Draco lifted his head up to look at me still with the same grip on me.

"I-I'm scared t-that I won't b-be able to p-protect y-you t-through all t-this b-because I'm n-not strong e-enough." Draco said still cry. "Draco, you're more than strong enough to do anything. You've protected me through so much already." I said moving his bangs out of his face. "You've been so strong, Draco. Whatever this task is I'm right here by your side through it and I'm not leaving, wouldn't think it."

I wiped the tears off Draco's face and kissed him softly. "You're my always." I said resting my forehead on his. "You're my always too." Draco sniffed softly. "I love you." "I love you too." I returned. He rested his head on my shoulder again still holding me with the same grip. I kissed his forehead softly then wrapped my arms around him, holding him close.

I knew that's all Draco needed. He needed me to hold him, tell him he doesn't need to be evil, and love him forever. And that's what I've been doing since the day that I met him.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now