The Leaky Cauldron

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We were lead inside a room where the minister, Cornelius Fudge. He started talking. I wasn't paying attention that much, I was to busy trying to remember why Sirius Black looked so familiar. "So that's that, no harm done." He finished. "Minister... I don't understand. We broke the law."

"Underage witches and wizards aren't allowed to use magic at home." I finished Harry's statement. "The Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts! On the other hand... running away like that... given the state of things... very, very irresponsible." "'The state of things' sir?" I questioned. "We have a killer on the loose."

"Sirius Black, you mean. But...what's that got to do with us?" Harry questioned. "Hm? Oh, nothing. You two are safe, that's what matters. Tomorrow you'll be on your way to Hogwarts. These are your new schoolbooks. I took the liberty of having them brought to you."

Harry and I went out of the room with our stuff. We went to our room that we shared and went to bed. The next morning, we woke up and got dressed. I got my bag and we went down stairs. We heard three people bickering. Harry and I had a feeling who it was. We slowly went down the stairs.

"I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." Ron said. "He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature." Hermione snapped. "A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." "That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush."

"Will you two Gryffindorks just shut up." Draco snapped. "No one asked you, Malfoy." Hermione and Ron spat. "It's all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boys." Hermione cooed to her cat. "Well, good morning to you all." I said. "Harry, (Y/N)." They all beamed.

Draco rushed towards me then picked me up in and spun me around with joy. "I've missed you so much, babe." He said. "I've missed you too." After another moment he put me down. "You've changed so much." I said running my fingers through his hair. It wasn't slick back anymore. It was cut and he has gotten much taller. "You have too." He smirked and slithered his hands around my waist.

"Kiss me like you miss me." Draco smirked and I giggled then connected our lips together. "Ok guys, they're single people in the world too." Harry said. Draco and I pulled away and laughed. We sat down at the table. I was sitting between Draco and Hermione, I was holding Chrookshanks and petting him.

Draco had his arm around me. "Egypt! What's it like?" Harry questioned. "Brilliant. It's got loads of old stuff. Mummies. Death masks. Tombs." Ron beamed. "You know, the ancient Egyptians of the Nile River delta worshipped the cat goddess Bast." Hermione educated. "What were you doing here, love?" I questioned.

"I just wanted to get away from the manner for a day. I was doing fine until I heard these two bickering." Draco explained. "Have you been practicing your magic?". "Yes. So far, I can only heal and fire, trying to freeze things has been difficult." I said. "But the muggles have been treating us properly."

"That's good." Draco smiled. Chrookshanks jumped out of my arms and went on the table then he made himself comfortable on Draco. "Get off of me, you filthy hair ball!" He spat. I giggled at the sight. "He likes you, babe." I said.

"I don't like him. Get off of me!" He said. He tried to get the cat off. Chrookshanks got annoying and went back to me. "Finally." Draco huffed and I laughed. "You look cute with Chrookshanks on you." I said. "You should have told me that, then I wouldn't have made him leave." Draco smirked and I giggled. Then two hands went over my eyes, but each one was different.

"Guess who." They said. "Fred, George!" I beamed. They took their hands off of my eyes then I got up and gave them a hug. "Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?" George said. "I haven't shown anyone!" Ron defended. "No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid. The cook. The bloke that came to fix the toilet. That wizard from Belgium."

Mrs. Weasley came up to me and took my face in her hands then let out a sigh of relief. "Good to see you, (Y/N)." she smiled. "Good to see you too, Mrs. Weasley." I smiled back. "Harry, can I talk to you?" Mr. Weasley asked. "Of course, Mr. Weasley." Harry replied. He looked at me and gave me a look of reassurance.

Harry's pov:

I got up and went away from the others so that Mr. Weasley could talk to me. "Harry. There are some within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to tell you. But I think you need to know the facts. Because you and your sister are in danger. Grave danger." He said. I was worried about my sister, I need to protect.

It's my job as her brother and her best friend. "Why didn't you tell (Y/N) this too?" I questioned. "Because if Malfoy finds out he would go after-" he stopped himself. "Has this anything to do with him, sir?" "What do you know of Sirius Black, Harry?" "That he escaped from Azkaban. That he killed someone." I said.

"Harry, twelve years ago, when you stopped..." He was hesitant to say it. "Voldemort...?" I said. He nodded and continued. "Black lost everything. But he remains a loyal servant to this day. In his mind, only you and your sister stand in the way of..." "Voldemort...?" "Harry, I hate it when you say-"

"I know. Ron hates it too." I cut him off. "In Black's mind, only you and (Y/N) stand in the way of... You-Know-Who returning to power. That's why he's broken. That's why he's broken out of Azkaban. To find you two. And..."

"Kill us?" I questioned, he nodded. I turned to (Y/N), she was talking to Draco as he held her hand and he moved some hair out of her face causing her to smile at him. Then I turned back to Mr. Weasley. "Harry. I want you to swear that-whatever you might hear, you nor your sister won't go looking for Black." He said.

"Mr. Weasley, why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me and my sister?" I questioned. He nodded and patted me on the shoulder. "Just watch yourself and (Y/N), will you, Harry?" He questioned. I nodded and went back to the others.

"What did he want?" (Y/N) questioned. I was about to tell her then I remembered what Mr. Weasley said about Draco. "Just want to make sure I had a nice summer." I lied. "Fine, tell me later then." She said. "...okay."

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