First Task

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I was in the tent with the other champions, pacing back and forth. "Psst!" I heard from the outside of the tent. I went up to it and it opened slightly. "(Y/N)? Is that you, love?" Draco questioned. "Yeah." I replied. "How are you feeling? Okay? The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to..." "Battle a dragon." I said.

Draco rushed in the tent then kissed me passionately while holding me tightly. We then heard a picture be taken. We pulled away and saw Rita Skeeter. "Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page." She said. "You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." Krum said. She turned then left.

"Listen love, I'm don't want you to do this." Draco said. "I don't want to either, but it'll all work out in the end just like you said." I replied. "I promised I wouldn't let anything hurt you." I placed my hands on his chest where his scars were then placed my forehead on his. "The second I feel like you're in danger I'm doing something, even if it is considered cheating." Draco assured. Dumbledore entered the tent.

Draco place one more loving kiss on my lips then left. "Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only five of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore spoke. I stood between Harry and Cedric. "Barty. The bag." "Champions, circle around me. Miss Delacour, if you will."

Fleur got a Welsh green, Krum got a Chinese fireball, Cedric got a Swedish short-snout, and Harry got a Hungarian horntail. I reached in the bag. "A Norwegian Ridgeback. These represent very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple, collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?"

Nobody said anything. "Very well. Good luck champions. Mr Diggory the sound of the cannon-" The cannon blew and shook the tent. "Good luck, Diggory." I said. He looked at me then gave me a hug. I was stiff for a second then pushed his off as I heard a camera snap. "A love triangle." Rita Skeeter gasped.

"There is no love triangle." I said. "Now there is." She replied then left. I huffed then turned to Cedric. He was about to say something bit I turned and went to Harry. He frowned then went out to the stadium. I was waiting in the tent for my turn, I was the last one. When it was time I walked to through the tunnel to the stadium to battle the dragon.

I saw Harry do it and he almost got killed in the process. People cheered for me as I walked out. The dragon looked at me. It had a dark blue streak on it's back... Is it really? "Norbert?" I questioned. I slowly walked up to it. "Norbert, it's me." I said. It looked confused but it's expression softened. I reached my hand out to touch it but it backed away.

"Shh, Norbert. It's me, remember?" I said softly. He stepped forward a bit and let me touch him. The crowd was shocked. Once I touched him he recognize me right away. "Good to see you again, buddy." I smiled petting him. He missed my touch and he was happy to see me again. The crowd cheered for me seeing that I tamed the beast.

"Want to fly around Hogwarts?" I asked and he nodded. I cast a spell on the chain to set him free. He put his head down as if telling me to get on and I did without hesitation. He took off in the sky and I beamed brightly as everyone cheered. We flew around the entire Hogwarts grounds then around the stadium and landed back on the ground.

I got down and grabbed the egg and everyone cheered. I smiled brightly as I held up the egg in victory. I pet Norbert one last and placed my forehead on his. Can you hear me? I asked him. Yes, I can hear you. He said. I smiled then pet him again. I'll see you soon, buddy. I said. I hope we do. Norbert said then I smiled then left.

My friends wait for me then cheered as I walked out to meet them. Draco rushed towards me and lifted me up in a passionate kiss. "That was incredible, babe." He beamed then lifted me up on his shoulders. "I just rode a bloody dragon!" I beamed with excitement and the crowd cheered.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now