The Vision

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We were all taking our owls in class. Umbridge was in front smiling smugly at the sight then a loud bang was heard outside the door. At first everyone ignored it but got suspicious when another loud bang was heard. Umbridge walked towards the door.

"Babe." Draco whispered. I turned to him and he motioned towards the door. I looked at it and as Umbridge opened it a firework flew in and went off. "Those sneaky little weasels." I said to myself smiling. Then two red heads flew in on brooms setting off even more fireworks.

"Fred, George!" I beamed and they flew by and high five me on each hand. Papers were thrown in the air and fireworks went off everywhere. "Light this up, sis!" Fred and George said. I smirked then made my fist catch fire and threw it in the air lighting the firework.

They threw it, a firework dragon came from it the chased Umbridge out of the class and destroying every one of those rule cases. Everyone cheered then Draco grabbed my hand and we ran out with the class. Everyone watched the show then a bring 'W' branded the sky.

I started to feel weird and I saw Harry acting the same. We both feel to the floor and Draco kneeled down next to me concerned.

"You'll have to kill me first." Sirius said. "Have it your way, Crucio." The dark lord said. Sirius screams in pain.

Harry and I looked at each other in shock. "Sirius." We said and quickly ran inside. We went up the stairs followed by Hermione, Ron, and Draco. "Harry (Y/N), are you sure?" Hermione questioned. "We saw it." I said. "It's just like with Mr. Weasley." Harry said.

"It's the same door we've been dreaming about for months." "I couldn't remember where we've seen it before." We said. "Sirius said Voldemort was after something, something he didn't have last time." "And it's in the department of mysteries." We finished.

"Guys please just listen, what if Voldemort meant for you two to see it? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying get to you two?" Hermione said. "So what if he is?" I said. "We're suppose to just let him die?" Harry said.

"Hermione, he's the only family we've got left." I said. They all exchanged looks. "What do we do?" Draco asked. We continued walking up the stairs. "We'll have to use the floo network." Harry declared. "But Umbridge has the chimneys blocked." Hermione said.

"Not all of them." Draco and I said. We went to Umbridge's office and went to the fire place. "We'll have to go alone." I said. "Babe, when will it get through your brilliant mind that we're in this together." Draco said. "That. You. Are." We heard. Damn it.

The others were being held by the inquisitorial squad while Harry and I were tied up in chairs in front of her. "You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" Umbridge said. "No." Harry said and she slapped him. "Hey!" I shouted then my fist caught fire.

"I know just how to stop that." She said. She grabbed a leather cuff from her desk then put it on me. I felt my powers being drained from me and started to grow weak. "With that the wearer can't use hand magic nor can they take it off themselves." She said.

"You called for me, headmistress." Severus said. "Snape yes, the time has come for answers whether they want to give them to me or not. Have you brought the serum?" "I'm afraid you used the last of it one Ms. Chang." Severus said.

He went to leave but then I spoke, "He's got Padfoot. He's got Padfoot in the place where it's hidden, Severus." "Padfoot? What does Padfoot mean?" Umbridge questioned. "I have no idea." Severus said and left. "Very well, you give me no choice, Potter. The cruciatus curse will loosen your tongues."

"But that's illegal." Draco said getting worried. "What the minister doesn't know won't hurt him." She said. She pointed her wand at me. "Cru-" "Tell her, (Y/N)!" Draco exclaimed. "Tell me what?" Umbridge asked. "Well if you won't tell her where it is... I will." "Where what is?" "Dumbledore's secret weapon." Draco said.

"Lead me to it then." She said and untied me. She kept her wand pointed to me motioning me to follow. I tried to get up but my legs were weak. I almost fell forward but Draco caught me. "The cuff drained me, I'm weak right now." I said. "You're keeping that cuff on, Potter." She said.

"She can barely stand. If you want me to show you where this weapon is she needs that cuff off." Draco said. Umbridge huffed then took it off me. I felt my powers come back and stood up. "Don't try anything." Umbridge said. We all went into the forest as Draco lead the way.

"How much further?" Umbridge asked. "Not far." Draco replied. "It had to be somewhere so that students wouldn't find in accidentally." "What are you doing?" I whispered. "Improvising." Draco responded and grabbed my hand.

We went to where Grawp was and stopped when we saw the broken rope. "Well, where is this weapon?" Umbridge asked. Draco and I shared worried looks then tightened the grip on eachother's hand. "There isn't one, is there? You were trying to trick me." Umbridge said.

Draco pulled me close to him. "You know, I actually thought that you two were loyal to me. That you two would help me when really, you were just trying to get away with that little army of yours." "We would never be on your side." I spat. "You know, I really hate children." Umbridge said.

We heard someone and turned to it. Umbridge went behind us when she saw the group of centaurs. "You have no business here, centaur, this is a ministry matter." Umbridge said. They raised their bows to us and Draco pulled me behind him a little. "Lower your weapons." Umbridge said.

They tried to shot but I put my shield up. "How dare you, you filthy half-breed!" She snapped. She shot a spell at one of them and a rope wrapped around his neck. He dropped to the ground gasping for air and I rushed to his side, trying to get the rope off. "Stop it! You're hurting him, STOP IT!" I yelled.

"Enough! I will have order!" Umbridge snapped. "You're insane!" Draco yelled. I flipped open my knife and tried to cut the centaur free. Then Grawp came and picked Umbridge up. The centaurs charged while then other broke free from the ropes. They started shooting arrows at Grawp. "Leave him alone! It's not his fault!" I shouted.

Grawp dropped Umbridge and the centaurs surrounded her. "Potter, do something! Tell them I mean no harm!" Umbridge said. "I'm sorry, professor, but I must not tell lies." I said then they carried her away. "Let's go." Draco said then we ran back to the castle.

As we ran through the bridge we met up with the others. "How'd you all get away?" I asked. "Professor Snape came back and ordered the others to set us free." Harry replied handing us our wands. "That's what being his favorite does." Draco said.

"We're coming with you guys, you need us." Neville said. "We do." Harry and I said. "I'm coming too." Draco said. "No, you stay here. If Voldemort's there and he sees you he will kill you and your father. Stay here and make sure Umbridge doesn't come back." I said.

Draco kissed me passionately for a long second. "I love you." He said. "Always." I replied. "And I wear the ring to prove it." He gave me one last tight hug before running back to the castle. "How do get to the ministry." Ron asked. Luna spoke, "We fly, of course."

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