I'm Here

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"Lily, I need you to take the twins and get out of here. I could hold him off, but not for long." Dad says. "What about you, James?" Mum asked. "I'll be fine." Dad assured. He went to Harry and I then kissed our foreheads. "I love you both." Dad says softly to us. He went to mum and kissed her forehead as well. "I love you, Lily." "I love you too, James." Mum said then Dad left.

"I won't let you pass!" dad yells. "Step aside blood traitor, Avada Kedavra!" says the dark lord killing dad. "Be safe, children. Harry protect your sister. Stay strong. I love you both." Mum says in her soft voice. Voldemort comes in the room where mum, Harry, and I were. "Move out of my way, Mud blood." he said. "No! If you want the twins you have to get through me!" Mum shouted. He tries to shot a curse at Harry and I, but mum steps in front of us. She screams and falls to the floor...dead.

Then I wake up.

I wake up in shock and tears on my face. I got up and went to the common room. I was just sitting on the floor with my knees against my chest, replying the memory in my head, silently cry. Then I heard someone coming, but I didn't bother to see who it was.

"(Y/N)?" I finally turned to see that it was Draco. I quickly wiped the tears from my face. "Oh, h-hey Draco, I was just, um...c-couldn't sleep." I said. He came closer then sat down next to me and looked at me. "(Y/N), you've been crying. What happen?" He questioned.

I looked back to the fire remembering the dream again and started crying. Draco pulled me into his chest and held me. "I saw them..." I choked out. "Saw who?" Draco asked. "My parents...I saw him...k-kill them." I said barring your face in his chest sobbing. He let me cry for a another moment or two and then spoke.

"It's okay. He can't hurt you, I won't let him, I promise. I'm here...Shh...I'm here." I stopped cry a moment after he said that. I pulled away a little to face him. He wiped the tears off my face. I told him every detail of the dream.

He listened to me holding me in his arms the entire time. It made me feel a lot better. "Thank you, Draco." I sniffed. "Anytime, love." He responded. "Can you stay here with me, please?" I asked not wanting him to leave. "Of course." he smiled sympathetically.

I got up and got on the couch and motioned him to come join me and he did. We both laid down on the couch. I put my head on his chest and put my arms around his waist holding him close, still a little scared from the dream. He put his arms around me and ran his fingers through my hair.

Draco's pov:

I ran my fingers through (Y/N)'s beautiful hair to help her sleep. "Good night, Draco." she said. "Good night, love." I replied and kissed her head. "Sweet dreams." "...I'll try." and with that she feel asleep and so did I.


Your pov:

The next morning I woke up to Draco playing with my hair. He stopped once he saw I was awake. "Good morning (N/N)." he said. "Good morning, Drac." I said rubbing my tired eyes. "Don't we need to get ready for class?" I questioned. "Oh, Yeah." he said with a bit of disappointment in his voice. We both got up and I leap forward to hug him.

He hugged back. "Thank you again, for last night. Sorry if I was a pain-" "You're not a pain, you'll never be a pain to me. I wanted to help you, and I wanted to stay last night." Draco said. I pulled away and smiled which he returned. "I'll see you in class." I said and kissed his cheek and quickly went to my room to get ready.

Little did (Y/N) know that when she did so Draco had the biggest smile on his red face.

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