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I was helping Mrs. Weasley with the food when I heard Harry in the other room. "Draco's plotting something, I know it, something to do with Voldemort. He's been given a task or a mission and Snape was offering to help." He said to Remus, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley. I leaned on the door way to listen in on their conversation.

"Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy
for a mission?" Remus questioned. "I know it sounds mad-" "Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so that he could find out what he's up to?" "He isn't up to anything!" I snapped.

They all looked at me. "Princess, you have to have noticed that Draco's up to something." Harry said. "Have you seen his arm at all?" "Yes, I have and he's not a deatheater." I lied. "Then what was he doing at Borgin and Burkes?" "He went with his mother to get a necklace back, he told me at school."

"That settles it. As for Snape, to make an unbreakable vow after all-" "It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. He trusts Snape. Therefore, I do." Remus said. "But Dumbledore can make mistakes. He's said it himself." Harry said. "I trust Severus, he's helped us through so much. We can trust him, mum did." I said.

"People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We can only put our trust in a handful of people." I said. "I still think Draco's up to something, he disappears on the map so often to who knows where." Harry said. "You're blinded by hatred!" Remus said. "I'm not!" "Yes you are, you have been since the beginning." I said.

"You two have been together for so long, how do I know you're not lying to protect him." Harry said. "Are you saying... that you don't trust me?" I said in disbelief. "I'm saying, that he's brain washed you, (Y/N). How do we now that necklace he got you isn't cursed?" Harry said motioning my locket.

"You don't know what you're say! Draco wouldn't do that!" I snapped. "He's making you think that he wouldn't, but really he's just playing you! How do you know that he's actually going to stay with you after all this!?" "Because this stone is still glowing!" "How do we know that isn't enchanted either!?" Harry said. "ENOUGH!" Remus snapped.

There was a moment of silence and the room filled with tension. "How could you say that?" I said softly getting choked up. "Draco isn't cruel nor evil to hurt anyone." Harry realized what he did and tried to grab my hand but I ran upstairs. Once I entered my room I shut the door and sank to the floor.

The floor started freezing as tears went down cheeks. I put my knees close to my chest and put my head down then started sobbing quietly. I felt a hand caress my head and I thought it was one of the twins. "Are you alright, love?" I heard Draco's voice. I looked up and jump. "Draco?" I questioned.

"What happened?" He asked. "I got in a fight with Harry." I replied. "What are you doing here?" "Came to warn you that people are coming." Draco said getting up and helping me up too. He wiped the tears off my face. "We need to leave, quickly." He urged. "Why?" "People are coming to attack." "I can't leave Harry and the Weasleys, Draco." I said.

"But you're in danger and I said I'd protect you and that's what I'm gonna do." Draco said. "I can handle myself, okay?" I said. He looked in my eyes and cupped my face with one hand. Then we heard an explosion up front. "Their here, you need to go." I commanded. "Wait-" I cut him off by kissing him passionately. "I love you." I said.

"Always." He replied. "Go." I said, he heisted. "Now." I urged then he apparated away. I rushed downstairs and went to the front just in time to see Harry go through the flames. I ran after him ignoring the others trying to stop me. Then I found out the reason Harry ran through my flames.

"I killed Sirius Black!" I heard Bellatrix call out. I started to run faster then ran into Harry. "(Y/N)." "Harry." We said then share a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He said. "It's okay." I assured. "I killed Sirius Black!" We heard again then ran after it. We stopped at a spot with puddles and mud then Ginny came.

Harry got her behind us then two deatheaters came. They both shot spells and I put up my shield quickly. They started casting spells but I kept my shield up. "Harry, (Y/N)!" We heard Tonks, Remus  and Mr. Weasley call. They found us then the deatheater apparated away. I put my shield down then saw the burrow catch fire.

"Molly." Mr. Weasley said and we ran to the burrow. The others made it out safely but the burrow was about to go down in flames. Then I got an idea. "Harry, say the forbidden words." I commanded. "What!? Why!?" He replied. "Just do it!" "Step aside, Blood traitor. Move out of my way, Mudblood." He said.

That stuff rang through my head and used those emotions to my advantage. The heat and cold inside me clashed together then a big storm cloud went over the burrow and the fire went out. That's one thing I did right.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now