Back to Hogwarts

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Harry was at his hearing while I stayed at headquarters. I was in the common room looking at my music box. I tapped it with my wand then set it down and let it play. "May I have your arm?" Draco smirked offering his hand. "You may." I replied smiling and taking it. I got up and put his hand on my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder.

We locked our free hands and started dancing. "Are you ready to go back?" Draco questioned. "I don't know." I said. "Why is that?" "People are gonna say I'm lying." "Those people are mental. All that matters is that the people you love believe you." Draco said then spun me around.

"Just know that I'm here." Draco assured. I smiled then rested my head on his shoulder and he pulled me closer to him. He glanced at my hand in his and I pulled it away then hid it between us. "What is it?" He questioned. I hid it more then he took it. He saw the scar that was on my hand from the night Voldemort returned.

I pulled it back again. "Do you not like it?" Draco asked. "It's ugly." I said. "Don't say that. There's not a single thing about you that's ugly." Draco said. "This scar shows how amazing and strong you are, just like the one on your neck does." I smiled then he kissed my cheek. "I love you." He said softly in my ear. "I love you too." I said back.

"Always?" "Always." I said and kissed his neck. "Hello." We heard and turned our head to it. It was Sirius. "Sirius, what is it?" I questioned. "Nothing, just walking by then something caught my eye." He smirked. Draco and I looked at each other and blushed. We let go of each other and Draco held my hand. "Is Harry back yet?" I questioned.

"No, but he will soon, so go and pack." He said. "Got it." I said and went to my room to pack.

Draco's pov:

I watched my love leave the room. I noticed her music box was still playing so I took out my wand and turned it off. "Where'd she get that?" Sirius asked. "I gave it to her our first Christmas together." I replied. "Did she get you in return?" He asked. I felt the heat rise to my face when he asked.

"We-Well the day be-before we sort of kis-kissed." I stammered scratching the back of my neck nervously. "So you got her presents so she would to kiss you again?" Sirius asked. "Well not just that, I wanted to see her happy. Seeing her smile is a gift to me." I replied.

He smiled then it dropped some. "What is it?" I asked. "That's what James said to Lily the first time he made her smile." He responded. "What are you two talking about?" (Y/N) asked as she entered the room. "Nothing." Sirius answered.

"You done packing?" He asked. "Not yet, just came to get something." She said then went and grabbed her music box. "Got it." She smiled then kissed my cheek before leaving the room. I smiled as she walked out, she being mine is the greatest gift of all.


Your pov:

We were on the train to Hogwarts. Harry was telling us about his hearing. "I don't get it, why did Dumbledore ignore you?" I questioned. "I don't know." Harry replied. "I saw your father, Malfoy." "I was dreading that. Did he say anything to you?" Draco asked. "No he didn't." Harry replied.

The whistle blew and we all got off of the train. "Surprised the ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter." We heard and of course it came from Parkinson. "Better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." She spat. Harry tried to attack her but I stopped him.

"Stay away from me and my sister, Parkinson!" Harry snapped. She stormed away with her friends as I tried to calm Harry down. "Don't listen to her, Harry. Calm down." I said and he calmed down. We got to the carriages and saw this skeleton looking horse. "What is it?" Harry questioned.

"There's nothing there, Harry." Hermione said. "Yes there is, I see it to. Thestrals. They can only be seen by people who witness death." I explained. "I see them too." Said a girl with blonde hair who was reading a magazine upside down. We all went on the carriage with her. I sat between Draco and Harry.

"Who are you?" I questioned. "Luna. Luna Lovegood." She said. "That's a nice necklace." I said. She was wearing a butter beer cork necklace. "It's a charm actually. Keeps away the nargles." She said. "Nargles?" I questioned. "Their magical creatures that live in mistletoe and steals peoples' things." Luna replied.

I raised an eyebrow then looked at Draco and he shrugged. "Oh and congratulations, (Y/N)." I looked at her confused. "For what?" I questioned. "For becoming the new Slytherin team captain. Now that Flint is gone the team made you the captain." Luna replied.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, Lovegood." Draco said. "So it's true! Oh my Merlin!" I beamed. They all giggled and congratulated me. Once we got in the great hall Draco and I sat at the Slytherin table. We caught up with a few of our friends and Dumbledore said a speech then a lady wearing all pink started talking.

"That's the woman Harry said was at his hearing. She works for Fudge." I whispered to Draco. "Do you think she was sent here to spy?" Draco questioned. "I don't know, but it's likely." After the feast we went up to my room, alone. "How was your summer?" I asked sitting on my bed. "Average." Draco replied.

He sat down next to me then wrapped his arms around my waist. "It was quite boring at headquarters without you." Draco said. "I'm boring to be around though." I replied. "No you're not, I'm never bored around you." Draco said. I smiled and he connected our lips together then I started straddling him.

"I can see your happy." I smirked seeing his pants tent. "I happy to be back at Hogwarts with you." Draco said then connected our lips together again then pried open my mouth to explore it with his tongue. It was definitely good to be back at Hogwarts again and let's just say I got some magic tonight. (😏😉)

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