Floo Powder

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"Um Mrs. Weasley, where do I get dressed?" I asked politely. "Oh the restroom is upstairs, second door on the right." She informed. She looked down at my shoes and furrowed her eyebrows. "Um, are those the shoes you'll be wearing?" She asked.

I looked down at my old shoes. They were ripped up, worn down, and they are too small. "Yeah, they're the only pare I have." I said. "Here, my dear, take these they'll fit you better and they're in better condition." Mrs. Weasley said handing me some combat boots.

"And here's an old outfit that I found, it suites your Slytherin side." She said handing me an outfit. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." I smiled. "Anytime ,dear, now go get ready." She smiled and I nodded. I went to the restroom and got my outfit on along with the Slytherin pin Draco gave me before we left last year.

 I went to the restroom and got my outfit on along with the Slytherin pin Draco gave me before we left last year

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I finished tying my boots and tucked in my long sleeve black shirt. I put on my cloak then got out of the restroom, Harry and Ron had just gotten out of his room. "Bloody hell." Ron gaped. "Easy there, mate."  Harry warned.

"Where did you get that outfit?" He asked. "Mrs. Weasley gave it to me. She said it suites my Slytherin side and I completely agree. It feels nice to dress like a girl." I smiled. I grabbed some money out of my suitcase and Harry did the same.

We went to meet the Weasleys, they were all gathered by a large fire place. "Now Harry, you first." Mrs. Weasley said. "But mom, Harry and (Y/N) never traveled by floo powder before." Ron said. "Floo powder?" Harry and I questioned. "Then Percy, you go first." Percy got some green powder from a flower pot.

I looked curious at the sight. He went in the fire place and spoke, "Diagon Alley." He said. He threw the powder on the floor then green flames flared around him and he disappeared. "Harry, now it's your turn." Mrs. Weasley said.

Harry went into the fire place. "Now take your flue powder." Mrs. Weasley instructed. Harry did as she told. "Now remember to speak very, very clearly." "Be careful, Harry." I said a bit worried. "D-Dia-gon Alley!" Harry said and vanished. "What did he say?" Mrs. Weasley questioned. "D-Dia-gon Alley!" Mr. Weasley said.

"I'll go next." I said and got in the fire place. I got some floo powder and took a deep breath. "Diagon Alley!" I said and threw the powder. I transported to Flourish and Blott. A moment later Ron came to join me. "Come on lets go find Harry. He couldn't have gone far." I said. Ron nodded and we went down stairs.

The store was packed with people. "What's all the fuss about?" Ron questioned. I shrugged and looked around to try and find Harry. I found him, he had just entered with Hermione. "There! Come on." I said taking Ron's hand and leading him to Harry.

"Harry!" I called. "(Y/N)!" He beamed and went to me. I let go of Ron's hand and gave Harry a tight hug. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine, princess." "Good." I turned to Hermione. "Mione!" I beamed and gave her a hug which she returned. "Hey (N/N), why haven't you responded to any of my letters?" She questioned. "A house elf been hiding them from us, no lie." I said, she giggled and nodded.

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