chapter two

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Alex, one of my very best friends just took the girl of my dreams from me. He's known I've had a crush on Leila for the longest time. I was really upset. I couldn't even think straight. I should have asked her out. Maybe Than she wouldn't be with Alex. She deserves better then me though.

When Alex arrived at my house that night we had so much fun. We talked for hours, watched a movie, and even ordered food. He ended up spending the night because it was so late when we were done with everything. When I woke up the next morning I hopped in the shower and got ready to go to school. I went downstairs and woke Alex up.

Leila: Alex get up, we got to get to school soon.
A: what time is it?
Leila: it's 7:00. You can go use my bathroom to do whatever you need. When you come down I'll have breakfast ready.

When Alex walks back down the stairs there's a plate of pancakes on the island. While Alex eats I do my makeup and put my hair in braids. Alex turns me towards him and tells me that we need to talk.

A: Leila I like you... a lot.
*he takes my hand*
A: it's probably pretty obvious. You make my head spin in circles. I'm crazy about you.
Leila: wh Alex... I like you to.
*they hug and Alex kisses Your forehead*

We walk down the driveway to catch the bus. When we get on the bus I go straight to Instagram.


Liked by blesiv zoexlaverne itscarlosmena joeybirlem and 2345 othersWhosleila your new couple goals  @blesiv  Blesiv ily princess💞Zoexlaverne wow

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Liked by blesiv zoexlaverne itscarlosmena joeybirlem and 2345 others
Whosleila your new couple goals @blesiv
Blesiv ily princess💞
Zoexlaverne wow. Already.🤭
itscarlosmena get some Alex💞😉
joeybirlem you'll be cute🤷🏼‍♀️

Alex slides his hand in mine and intertwines our fingers. When we got to school Alex walked me to my locker and tells me he will see me in geometry. When first period rolls around Hali'a didn't show up. I just shook it off thinking that she was sick or already using her sick days as skip days.

Leila:Alex do you want to come over again tonight?
A: *a grin spreads across his face* I would love to!
MR: quiet class.

We spent what felt like eternity in geometry. When the bell rang, Alex grabbed my hand and we walk together. We stop at my locker and he grabs my books for second period. We stop at his locker and pick up his books, then we walk upstairs together.

* last bell of the day rings *

Alex and I take the bus to his house and he grabs a couple of things. We walk to my house since it's only about a block away. When we get to my house I try calling Hali'a but nobody answers. We go up to my room and I flip in my bed. It's my favorite way to relieve stress.

A: what's wrong?
Leila: Hali'a wasn't at school today and she won't answer her phone.

Alex pulls y/n to his chest and hugs her.

A: I'm sure she's fine.
Leila: yeah I probably just being paranoid anyway

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