Chapter 48

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C: I assure you Leila that I would never do that to you. I swear on my life.
Leila: ok let's just get our work done
C: ok

He got all caught up with my help. When we were done with all of his work he packed up his stuff.

C: thanks for helping me Leila. I really appreciate it.
Leila: of course. How are you getting home?
C: my mom is going to get me after work.
Leila: ok sounds good. Are you hungry?
C: *licked his lips* yeah
Leila: wanna order something?
C: uhh yeah that sounds good. What about Chinese?
Leila: sounds great.

Our food finally got here and Carlos answered the door because I was was in the bathroom. When I came downstairs to pay I saw the delivery guy. It was no other than Cameron. He looked at me, than glanced at Carlos and I could feel him break. It really sucked. Especially because of the fact that Carlos isn't even my boyfriend.

Leila: Carlos I've got it from here, can you go grab my phone from my bedroom?

Carlos went upstairs and looked for my phone.

Cam: sooo you have a boyfriend?
Leila: he's not my boyfriend
Cam: good... why is he here then?
Leila: wow. Someone is Jealous.
Cam: are not
Leila: anyways I was helping him catch up on school work.
Cam: oh. Well here is your food.

I paid Cameron and he left. About 5 minuets later Carlos comes down with my phone.

C: you like put this in the most hidden spot you could find.
Leila: sorry. I'll make it up to you in food.
C: sounds good to me.

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