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I looked up at Alex and he smiled down at me.

A: Leila it's late. You should probably get some sleep.
Leila: yeah probably
A: one question though...
Leila: ask away
A: why did you spend the night with Joey tonight?
Leila: because he was there for me. Honestly Alex, if it weren't for him I wouldn't have talked to you.
A: seriously? He did that for us?
Leila: yeah surprisingly enough

Alex pulled out of the hug and walked back to his house. Once he left my driveway I went back up to my room. Joey was scrolling through pictures on what I presumed was Instagram. When he saw me enter the room he looked up at me with broken eyes.

Leila: what is it Joey?
J: Leila I made a huge mistake.
Leila: what did you do? Are you ok? What happened?
J: Leila I wanted to be a good person and make you talk to Alex, but I can't handle seeing you two together. Leila it tears me apart.
Leila: well you should have told me that 15 minutes ago.
J: I sorry I couldn't keep it in any longer.
Leila: Joey...
J: don't get back together with Alex, Leila, please.
Leila: Joey I already did.
J: oh.
Leila: are you ok?
J: I probably should get going.
Leila: Joey you don't have to leave.
J: no but I should.

On that note Joey left and I sat on my bad thinking. Everything from tonight seemed to be a blur. People, words, actions, I do t remember any of it. I finally decided to go to bed. I didn't sleep good at all that night. I was constantly thinking about what Joey had said.

Leila I wanted to be a good person and make you talk to Alex, but I can't handle seeing you two together. Leila it tears me apart.

Those words rung in my head. Every time I woke up, that's all I could think about.

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