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The next morning when I woke up I felt barely rested. I did everything I needed to, so I could go to school and look like I slept. The huge bags under my eyes were gone because of concealer. After I was finished with my makeup I threw on a simple outfit and walked downstairs. When I got downstairs laci was already eating.

Leila: laci I'm not riding the bus this morning.
L: why not?
Leila: I'm riding with Gio.
L: why with him?
Leila: because he is taking me...
L: does Alex know? He would be pretty upset if he knew that you were going with Gio.
Leila: Alex is riding with us. That is the only reason I'm going with Gio. Plus it was Alex's idea anyways.
L: oh

I grabbed something to eat. After a bit, Alex texted me.

From Alex
We're here

Leila: I'm leaving laci
L: ok bye

I grabbed my bag and walked outside. Alex was waiting at the car door. When I got to the car Alex kissed my forehead and opened my door. I got in Gio's car.

G: hey Leila
Leila: hi Gio

For most of the ride we were silent. Nobody talked except for a few things here and there. I laid my head on Alex's shoulder and he grabbed my hand.

A: are you tired?
Leila: yeah, very.
A: didn't you sleep well?
Leila: no.
A: awh I'm sorry babygirl

As soon as Alex called me babygirl I flashed back to when I was in the hospital with

G: I'm right here babygirl *takes Leila's hand* I'm not leaving. I promise you.

Alex has called me babygirl plenty of times before, but it must have been the fact that I was in the car with Gio. I hadn't ever thought about that until now. Finally after a lot of thinking, we arrived at school. Gio opened my door and we walked into school. Alex was behind us the whole time. When we got in the building I walked over to Adriana.

Adri: hey
Leila: hey
Adri: you look really pretty today
Leila: thanks... I really like your hair.
Adri: thanks.

The bell rung and we walked upstairs to our lockers. I got all of my stuff from my locker that I needed for geometry.

After the last bell rang, I picked up all of my stuff and walked out of the school. Gio was taking Alex and I home. When I finally found them, I hopped in his car. Alex sat on the other side of me.

Leila: Gio play some music or something. Its boring riding home with you.

Gio plugged his phone into the cord and started playing music.

G: is that better?
Leila: yeah a lot better.

Gio dropped Alex and I off at my house. We walked in the front door and found my mom on the couch with laci beside her.

M: where were you Leila?
Leila: Gio dropped us off.
M: tell me next time if someone is bringing you home, ok?
Leila: ok mom...

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