Chapter 41

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All of a sudden I hear an alarm. I blink my eyes completely open and alex jumps awake too. I grab my phone and turn off the alarm.

Leila: calm down it's just my phone
A: why did you set an alarm baby
Leila: to wake us up
A: but I'm tired
Leila: but we have school
A: I don't want to go. I'm not going.

H wrapped his arms around my torso.
A: you're staying here too.

I fell back into the couch. I looked his dead in the eyes and grinned a little.

Leila: Alex we're going to school. Get up now.
A: babyyyyy
Laila: that's not going to work this time
A: I dont want to go. I want to spend the day with you.
Laila: alex, baby, it's Friday we can spend all weekend together.
A: promise
Leila: what else did you expected go be doing
A: I don't know.
Leila: *giggles*
A: for all I knew this weekend you could have Joey and Gio in your pants. I don't know what you do when I'm not around.
Leila: I would never do that to you
A: I hope you wouldn't

I finally got alex to give in and we got up. We walked to my bathroom and got ready I threw on a comfy outfit and he just threw on sweats. We walked downstairs and I made breakfast for us. We walked out the door and to the bus. Alex grabbed my hand and kissed my lips. Then he hugged me and hold me against him until the bus came. I was excited for tonight because Adriana and I are hanging out.

When we got to school I walked to my locker and saw Joey standing next to it.

Leila: hey you
J: hey Leila do you think you can help me with my homework tomorrow night. I don't understand what we're doing in geometry.
Leila: yeah of course I will

He walked away and I went to geometry. I was just ready for tonight.

*last bell of the day rings*

Adriana came to my locker and we walked to the bus together. We sat next to each other and alex day behind us. He kissed me when I was getting off.

Adri: you guys are so cute together
Leila: awhh thanks.
Adri: so what are we going to do?
Leila: I was thinking that we could go to the mall. We can try on homecoming dresses together.
Adri: oh my gosh that sounds so much fun.
Leila: are you going to ask anyone to homecoming?
Adri: I don't know. I think I'll probably just go alone.
Adri: are you going with Alex. He better have asked you.
Leila: yeah. He asked me a while ago.
Adri: good.
Leila: yeah I hope he has a good time. I think that He's only doing it for me.
Adri: he will trust me.

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