Chapter 40

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When the last bell of the day rang I went to Alex's locker. He packed up his books and grabbed my hand. I said goodbye to Adriana and we walked out the doors and onto the bus. I've been waiting for this all day. The part where I can hold Alex's and be in his arms. The part where i can smile at him and he will smile back like a dork. This makes me happy. Being with him makes me happy. I lay my head on his shoulder.

A: what's wrong baby
L: nothing I'm just thinking about how great it is being here with you right now
A: were literally on a filthy school bus
L: yeah but I wouldn't rather be here with anyone else
A: me neither

We stoped at my house. Laci wasn't riding the bus because she is a cheerleader and there is a football game tonight. Alex and I plan on going for a little bit. When I opened the door Alex bursts inside, grabbing my arm, throwing us both on the couch. He kissed me. Passionately.

A: this has been the best month of my life
Leila: I love you so much Alex
A: I love you more
Leila: that's impossible
A: well I do.
Leila: do not
A: I do too
Leila: fine
A: so do you wanna go to the football game tonight? I know you mentioned it, but do you still want to go? It's all up to you.
Leila: yeah lets go. What bad could happen?
A: ok let's go

I hopped up and alex followed behind me. We walk downstairs to my mom. She was planning on taking us to the game do she could watch laci cheer. Some of my friends play football so I am going so I can watch them. Alex and I sat in the back seat of the car with Luna's car seat. My mom was making me babysit luna during the whole game so she could watch laci.

When we arrived at the field I pulled Luna out of her car seat. Alex got out of the car and came around to where I was standing. We started to walk over to the ticket booth. We both paid to get in and we went up to sit in the stands. My phone kept vibrating and I never checked it.

After a while Luna started to get fussy so I stood up and walked her around. We walked to the park and back. On our way there I ran into Joey.

J: oh hey Leila
Laila: hey joey
J: where's Alex isn't today your anniversary
Leila: yeah he's still in the stands
J: oh why didn't he come with you
Leila: I told him he didn't have to

Luna finally stopped crying and lied her head on my shoulder. She was super calm after she fell asleep. I walked back to the bleachers where Alex was and I sat down. I gave Luna to my mom who was sitting behind. Alex and I got up and walked over to our group of friends.

Carlos: Alex what's up man
A: what's up dude

I fell like that useless conversation of what ups went on for an hour straight.

C: Leila how are you
Leila: I'm good Carlos how are you
C: great

When Alex and I got to my house he kissed me roughly, kicking the door shut. Laci and my mom we're both at the game still. Alex and I just left early. We make our way I've to the couch. Finally I broke the kiss. I went upstairs to change. When I walked back downstairs Alex was sitting on my couch watching a movie.

Alex moaned my name a little while while he was on the couch. I walked over to him and I was engulfed in a huge hug. He pulled me on to the couch next to him. He snakes his arm around my waist and I laid my head on his shoulder. I never want this to end.

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