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Alex and I walked upstairs.

A: what are we going to do?
Leila: do you want to go out for dinner?
A: yeah, that sounds good.
Leila: ok.

I chose an outfit to change into. I walked into my bathroom and changed. I than did my hair. I walked back out into my bedroom.

Leila: ready?
A: yeah whenever you are.
Leila: ok

Alex and I left my house and we got dropped off at a restaurant. We walked in. After we were seated we started talking.

Leila: let's ride the bus tomorrow
A: awh... ok.
Leila: when you get on sit in our seat ok..?
A: ok
Leila: when I get on I'll sit by you.
A: seriously?
Leila: yeah. I've been thinking about not telling anyone... I'm happy we're together. Let people see that.
A: what changed..?
Leila: I just told you...
A: well something obviously changed your mind...
Leila: I don't know...
A: Leila...
Leila: fine... Gio changed my mind.
A: what do you mean..?
Leila: well, when he said that people were going to eventually start flirting with one of us if people thought we were single... well I just felt that. Plus what I said before. I'm happy we're together.
A: awh... Leila I'm happy we're together, but baby you don't t ever have to worry about anything like that.
Leila: I know... I shouldn't even be worried. It's ridiculous.
A: no it's not. Leils I worry about guys flirting with you all the time.
Leila: really..?
A: you have so many guy friends, it honestly worries me sometimes, but I'm not going to split you and your friends.
Leila: you don't have to worry about that. All of them flirt, but they don't get far. Alex, you're the one I love.
A: awh Leila... I love you too.

About 20 minuets after that our food came. We ate and paid. When we left we went back to my house. It was about 6 pm so we had to take laci to my grandparents soon. We were going to drop Alex off on the way.

Mom: *yelling* girls were leaving in 10

Alex and I walked downstairs to find laci with a big suitcase.

L: I do t know why I can't just stay with Leila.
Mom: because she needs her space sometimes.
L: no she is just going to have Alex over.
Mom: laci stop arguing with me. Your going to your grandparents. End of discussion.

We took laci to our grandparents and dropped Alex off at his house. When I got back to my house I showered and went to bed because I knew I would have a long day tomorrow.

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