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A: so Cameron sparked the interest in drinking?

Leila: yep and I probably wouldn't have stopped if Brandon wouldn't have been there to pull me out of the crowd.

A: who the hell is brandon?

Leila: one of the frat boys


Leila: yes calm down. It was fun.

A: when was this?

Leila: like a week after I met him.

A: Leila...

Leila: yeah I know I'm a horrible person and a bad girlfriend and and bad with alcohol.

A: no, no hey your not. You're an amazing girlfriend, the best person I've ever met, and you just have to work on that alcohol thing you have going on.

Leila: I'm still a bad girlfriend.

A: Leila stop saying that. You're not.

Leila: a good girlfriend wouldn't make out with someone else.

A: is this about Gio? I really don't want to talk about him Leila.

Leila: I still can't believe I did that.

A: yeah but we talked it over. We are going to just start talking about our feelings.

Leila: yeah... some dumb shit along those lines.

A: I think that you need to shower and get to bed.

Leila: I'll only shower if you come with me.

A: why should I? You're wasted.

Leila: so I don't get hurt or anything. 

I walked upstairs and got in the shower. Alex was in the bathroom the whole time.

Leila: you should join me.

A: uhh I don't think so.

Leila: fine, be that way.

I washed my hair and body then I got out. Alex handed me my towel and I dried off. I stepped out of the shower and walked into my room.  Alex had laid out an outfit on my bed. I grabbed it off my bed and went back into the bathroom. I put the outfit on and walked back into my room. Alex was sitting on my bed waiting for me.

Leila: why are you looking at me like that?

A: like what?

Leila: like you got heart eyes

A: because I got heart eyes for you.

Leila: awh. You know I love you right?

A: yes, of course I do.

Leila: do you love me?

A: yes I love you so much it's crazy.

Leila: you're the only person that makes me even close to happy.

A: awh. You're the only person that makes me happy.

Leila: don't get too sappy.

Alex laughed and pushed me into my bed.

A: you need to sleep. We have school tomorrow.

Leila: will you stay with me?

A: we already arranged for you to stay with me babygirl.

Alex walked over to my bed with me. I laid down and he laid next to me. We laid there for a while and it was kind of awkward.

Leila: wanna watch a movie or tv or

A: yeah.

I turned on my tv and we watched the first thing that came on until it was over. Alex took the remote out of my hand and turned the tv off.

A: it's really late. We need to sleep.

Leila: why was it so awkward earlier?

A: what do you mean?

Leila: before I turned on the tv.

A: it was nothing. Don't worry about it baby, just get some sleep.

Alex kissed my forehead and smiled.

A: Goodnight

Sorry this was so bad. It was kind of forced. I'm v tired bc I only got 45 minutes of sleep last night, so that's why this sucks😉😂

Anyways thanks for reading

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