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I didn't remember much from last night other than Alex and I agreed to start over. He went home last night. After I woke up I showered and got dressed. I did my makeup and ate breakfast. I talked my mom into letting laci stay with me until they got back. She was going to ride the bus home with me tonight and our grandparents were going to bring her stuff later tonight. I was eating breakfast when I decided to post on Instagram.


Whosleila I'll take a ticket back to the 90sLiked by cam

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Whosleila I'll take a ticket back to the 90s
Liked by cam.54 blesiv lol.laci and 589368 others

Lol.laci is this what you've been doing?
Blesiv ooo cutie😉
Hmuadri h.o.t. 🔥
Carlosmena I'll take a ticket too😂
Joeybirlem you were born in the wrong decade
Gio2saucy wow. You're pretty.
Leilasfan omg I wanna meet you so bad!
Logan.99 you should teach me how to edit like this😊

I put my plate in the sink and walked outside to catch the bus. I felt as if I had been standing outside for an hour before the bus actually came. When it finally stopped at my driveway I got on and sat next to Alex. He kissed my forehead and interlaced our fingers together. My phone started to vibrate, so I took it out of my pocket to see who was messaging me.

From Adriana
Are you going to Aiden's party tonight?

To Adriana
I didn't even know that he was having one.

From Adriana
Let go a little Leila. Come to the party.

A: if your going to that I'm going with you.
Leila: I wouldn't want it any other way.

To Adriana
I'll be there. When is it?

From Adriana
Tonight @ 8 @ Aiden's house

To Adriana
Alex and I are going to go together

From Adriana
You can't come without him?

To Adriana

From Adriana
You two are always together. I bet your sitting in his arms on the bus rn.

To Adriana
Ok. Fair point. Maybe you could get someone to go with you, then me and Alex could go with you and your date😉

From Adriana
Who would go with me?

To Adriana
I have a few ideas. I'll talk to you at school.

From Adriana

Leila: Do you trust me to go to that party alone?

A: of course I trust you. I don't trust other people. My instinct is to protect you Leila, I'm not going to let you go all alone and have something happen to you. I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to you.

Leila: yeah I get it.

When the bus pulled into the school Alex and I got out and walked into school. As soon as we stepped of the bus Alex took my bag.

A: who are you gonna get to go with Adriana to the party?

Leila: either Joey or Carlos

A: Carlos thinks Adriana is pretty cool. I'm sure you could talk him into going with her.

Leila: you really think so?

A: yeah.

I walked around the school looking for Carlos. Along the way, I spotted Adriana. She waved at me and I waved back. After I found Carlos I felt relieved.

C: hey Leila what's up?

Leila: are you going to Aiden's party tonight?

C: ehh maybe.

Leila: go with Adriana.

C: does she want me to?

Leila: ask her to go with you. I'm 99 percent sure that she would say yes.

C: ok I will. You're sure she wants me to ask her?

Leila: yes. Go ask her!

C: ok. Ok. I'm going calm down crazy.

Leila: I'm not crazy.

C: whatever floats your boat.

Carlos walked over to where Adriana was standing and I followed behind him the entire way. When Alex saw me standing with Adriana and Carlos we walked over and joined us.

C: hey Adriana can I ask you something?
Adri: yeah what's up?
C: do you want to go to Aiden's party with me tonight?
Adri: I'd love to!
C: ok, great!
Leila: we should ride together!
Adri: omg Yes!

The bell rung to go to first period. Alex, Adriana, Carlos, and I all walked upstairs together. I got to my locker and found a note wedged in the door.

Leila you would be happier with me. Break up with Alex. Let me know when you do.

I held the note in my hand and furiously walked to Alex's locker.

Leila: look at this

I shoved the note in Alex's face. He backed away a little, looking at me nervously.

A: what is it?

Leila: I don't know. It was wedged in my locker. I hate that this keeps happening.

A: who's "L?"

Leila: I have no clue. Alex I don't know what to do. People like this are going to ruin our relationship.

Alex tilted my chin up and looked me in my eyes.

A: don't ever say that again. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING will ruin our relationship, ok?

Leila: ok

Alex kissed my lips softly and took my hand.

A: come on we have to get to first period.

I followed Alex to geometry. We made it to class just before the bell rung. We had a substitute today.

When the last bell rung I rushed out to my locker to get my stuff. Adriana, Alex, Carlos, and I made plans for them to come to my house after school was over. Carlos is gonna drive us all to my house after school, then to the party tonight too. I talked to my grandparents and Laci is going to come home tomorrow night so I'm still able to go to the party tonight. I walked over to Alex's locker and he turned around to greet me  with a frown on his face.

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